everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label Allergies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Allergies. Show all posts
Diet & Exercise 2.0

Diet & Exercise 2.0

To expound a bit deeper into an earlier blog, Diet & Exercise, I'd like to write a bit about food.
The FIRST STEP to good grooming is good food.  I'm not talking about tasty-good, I'm talking about nutritionally good.
The FIRST ISSUE I address with my clients who report any problem with their pets whatsoever is FOOD.

There are debates..... of course there are.
But there are also some basic truths that many today are completely oblivious to, because most of the only ones available to teach them, don't know the full story either.  This includes veterinarians.... yes!  Yes it does!  Ignorance proliferates like bunnies.  Not to worry, not to blame.  Let's learn.

The "packaged", "processed" dog or cat food I always recommend is Nature's Variety.  The reasons are 1) they are NOT a bandwagon company.  They're one of the first independent companies to do real nutrition for pets.  2) They have consistently produced a very high quality product, including thru the years of recalls because of bad meat.  They raise their own...!  3) And I hope this remains the case forever... At this writing, they are still independent!  Even Dick Van Patton's beloved Natural Balance was bought out by Del Monte - maker of more crap than a heard of buffalo! 4) Their recipe is raw, minimally processed.

My second choice is Halo Purely for Pets.  The reasons are basically the same.... 1) Not a bandwagon company. Another of the very first to do real, natural food for pets.  2) Consistent quality and no recalls.  3) Still independently owned!  A few years back Ellen DeGeneres bought into the company because she was so impressed with the results it produced for one of her pets.  Amen sister!  The stuff is good food!  4) Minimally processed. 5) Beautiful story of origin from a local Tampa area resident (Halo History)!!

And........... That's it.  Those are the only one's I really recommend anymore.
My family has used both on and off for over 10 years.

The only other option for feeding your pets is to make it yourself at home.  This is challenging.  So many different opinions on what you can and can't feed a dog or cat...!  All the things they say are dangerous and NEVER feed your dog.... Well they put the word out much too late!  Sorry but I already fed my dogs all that stuff....!  Oops!  And guess what...?  Didn't hurt them at all.  Not one bit.  Not one hair.  Not one ounce.  Not one iota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grapes, raisins, chocolate, avocado, onion......
But that does NOT mean that "dangerous" foods will not hurt your animals!  Everyone is different.  Everyone pet parent is responsible.  Do your own due diligence.  Do some research.  Hear all sides of the discussion.  Open your heart to the truth regardless of cost, recipes, ingredients..... just desire the truth and you'll find it!

I was a firm believer in the concept that dogs aren't meant to eat grains, they're made to eat meat!  Well of course this has gotten more confusing for me on a spiritual level over the past several years as I am a vegetarian.  Again.... I've done new research just this past week into vegetarian diets for dogs and cats!  It can be done!  And very, very successfully.  NO, you shouldn't go into it blindly and ignorantly.
For that matter, you may find it interesting to know that all vegetarians are not healthy!  Just because vegers don't eat meat doesn't mean they eat healthy.
The point is complete, healthy nutrition!
I was convinced that grains were the cause of much of the epidemic skin allergy problem that most dogs suffer with these days.  But grains are not the whole story.
Grains are good!  For all animals, humans included.  What's horrible is how most commercial food producers - animal and human - process the grains.  The process totally destroys anything that was ever nutritious about the grain.  Its processing that is the cause of allergies.  Whole natural foods such as grains are INSANE in their nutritional profiles.  The key is that they remain whole and complete.

Another issue, portion size.  Many believe that pets, in particular cats, should be allowed to free-feed.  This is not good.  As a reference, think of wild animals.... What do they do?  Of course they free-feed.... after they hunt the food down.  This is true of carnivores, herbivores and omnivores alike.  So they only eat what they work off.  Pets rarely work these days.  Its a shame but its the current reality.  So they don't need much to eat!  What they need is high quality.  The more active they are, the more fuel (food) they require.

Quality over quantity.
You save money in the long run because you just don't need the vet anymore!

Money and cost is the biggest deterrent  to eating healthy, again - for pets and humans.  But I'm here to tell you that it can be done!  Regardless of what anyone may have ever told you, your pets can eat what you eat IF you eat healthy.  No processed foods, frozen foods, canned foods...
Whole, natural, organic foods.... Foods from the Earth.  Foods that God made to be eaten.  Same for beverages.  Filtered water is a must.  Tap water is not good.  Teas are good for people and pets on occasion.  Herbs and spices... all very medicinal.  Again, you should not feed ignorantly.  Do some research. There are local farmers, co-ops, farmers markets popping up all over!!!  Use them!

Don't buy corporate.  Buy small local organic and get healthy along with your pets!

Diet & Exercise

Diet & Exercise

Diet and Exercise affect blood sugar.
Blood sugar affects losing hair - in people and in animals.
High blood sugar = shedding hair.
Also associated with high blood sugar for both humans and animals is:
Anxiety / Worry
Graying Hair
Brittle Hair
Inability to Focus
Failing Eye Sight

What else affects blood sugar?
Green Beans + (positive)
Sweet Potatoes +
Vinegar (including but not limited to salad dressings) +
Exercise such as a steady walk +

Soda -
Corn (non-organic, GMO, in any form) -
Sweet Alcoholic Beverages (such as wine coolers and malts) -
Grocery-Store-Chocolate (what you buy in the gas station or check out line) -
Sedentarianism  -

Almost everyone reading this is or will soon be classified as "diabetic".  Animals too.  Look that word up on Wiki.  Figure it out.

Moving your body in a useful, energy-burning way is exercise.  Could be house cleaning, could be marathon running... but NOT marathon movie watching.
Your body needs to move.  
Your animals' bodies need to move.  When bodies don't move, a part of the psyche assumes its broken.  And so sickness sets in.
Sickness is Nature's way of saying "Something's Wrong!".
Sickness is NOT Nature's way of saying "Go to the doctor/vet!"
Losing too much hair is NOT normal.
Adjust your diet - the food you eat, including the beverages you drink.
Move your body, as if you were alive.
Use it or Lose it!

Bad skin is Nature saying "Toxic Waste Overload!".
Bad hair is Nature saying "Malnourished!"

Processed food for animals is TOXIC.  It is not natural to their systems therefore over time it builds up and presents as the most popular catch-all of our century - allergies.
It's build up, with no other way to escape the body than the skin....




allergy (āl'ər-jē) Pronunciation Key An abnormally high immunologic sensitivity to certain stimuli such as drugs, foods, environmental irritants, microorganisms, or physical conditions, such as temperature extremes. These stimuli act as antigens, provoking an immunological response involving the release of inflammatory substances, such as histamine, in the body. Allergies may be innate or acquired in genetically predisposed individuals. Common symptoms include sneezing, itching, and skin rashes, though in some individuals symptoms can be severe.allergy. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Science Dictionary. Retrieved September 19, 2011, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/allergy

So from now on..... When you say "allergies", you'll know what the hell you're talking about.  Right.........??  Right ? ? ? 

Everything is allergies these days.

Everyone has allergies these days.
Every Pet has allergies these days!
But do any of us really know what that means???  
Medical professionals presume upon the notion that the general population is too dumb to understand.  And they're right.  Dumb... as in, even if they did explain to you how allergies work - you wouldn't be able to comprehend because you are mentally inferior.  
So they just tell you you have allergies, write you a prescription and are done with you.  And you think this is magic.  You never question anything...  Validating the doctors' assumption that you're dumb....
So you never really understand what's going on - with the "allergy" or the prescription.  You don't know what's going on inside your body.  You don't know WHY you have allergies.  You assume you and your dog are supposed to have allergies.  


Yeah.... you do assume that.  
And you assume it, based on the herd mentality.  Everybody else in the herd has allergies so it must be normal.
But flip backward thru the pages of time.... and see if you can spot when this became "normal"...
Right about the time we introduced mass vaccinations into the population maybe......???????  Just a theory....  But you know I'm right.....

"An abnormally high immunologic sensitivity....."
Vaccines screw with the immune system.  Period.  Even in your pets. 
"A vaccination" once for a very good and present reason makes sense.  But then some fool figured out there was money to be made off of people's ignorance and fears....  So now we've just about vaccinated our immune systems out of existence.
Did you know that ONE rabies vaccination in a lifetime is all your pet ever really needs?  Did your vet tell you that one?
O N E !  And unless your pet is exposed to wild animals or lives in a very rural environment...... they probably don't even need that.  Whens the last time rabies was a problem in your suburb....?
"A case" of rabies being reported in the area you live in means you need to be cautious.  It does NOT mean YOU AND YOUR DOG WILL DIE OF RABIES WHEN THE SUN SETS!!!
"Allergies"..... is simply your body doing what its supposed to do to protect itself, stay balanced, & stay healthy.  But we're so intelligent we rush to the drug store and buy something to stop this natural process!  
Rather than caring, much less understanding, that if we would instead HELP our bodies do what they're doing, we in the long run would be much healthier.
Pets too.  Vets actually recommend Benadryl for them too now!
Allergies would no longer be a problem, nor would "colds" or flu if we truly understood just what we're doing.

#1) Build and protect your immune system!
#2) STOP actively destroying your immune system!
#3) Learn!
#4) Stop being afraid to be responsible for yourself and your pets!

These 4 simple steps are nearly impossible for the average person to do.
Because of fear and laziness.  
So health care has become, not a personal or even community concern, but An Industry!!!
Who's fault is that . . . . .  ?
See.... You really are dumb.