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Showing posts with label Canine Osteosarcoma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canine Osteosarcoma. Show all posts

New Dog Cancer Cure: Targeted Chemo Hylaplat Gets Results

Canine Cancer is prevalent in Golden Retrievers
Photo Credit By cogdogblog 

A New Therapy for Dogs With Metastic Cancers Is Now Available And Getting Good Results

A new drug, HylaPlat, has produced high cure rates for many different forms of Canine Cancer. By way of targeting the cancer, and directly injecting it with Hylaplat chemotherapy, results have been dramatically improved locally, as well as systemically. So far the drug has proven highly effective on a variety of metastic cancers.  Trials are ongoing through veterinary practices, and your vet’s practice and your dog may be able to participate for free. Contact Information for canine cancer trial participation is located at the bottom of the article.

What is Hylaplat, The Injectable Chemotherapy?

The team at HylaPharm (a 2011 startup affiliated with the University of Kansas) blended Hyaluronan and Cisplatin to create HylaPlat.  The brain child of pharmaceutical chemist Laird Forrest Ph.D. and Daniel Aires, M.D., Director of dermatology at KU, Hylaplat is showing promise with canine cancers, and they hope to see it in human clinical trials as well in the future.
Hyaluronan is a natural polymer found in the body throughout connective, epithelial and neural tissues. It contributes significantly to cell proliferation and migration, and may also be involved in the progression of some malignant tumors.

Discovered in 1845 and licensed for medical use in 1978, Cisplatin is a chemotherapy medication listed by the World Health Organization as one of the Essential Medications. Currently, it is used intravenously to treat a number of cancers, including testicular, breast, bladder, ovarian, cervical, lung, brain and esophageal cancers in humans. 

It works by binding to cancer cells and preventing DNA replication. However, it does have some serious side effects such as auditory, kidney and nerve damage as well as the nausea and vomiting often expected from chemotherapy treatments.
Utilizing a blend of Hyaluronan and Cisplatin, Hylaplat makes possible a non-destructive, local injection which “sticks” well to cancer cells, allowing for an efficient uptake of cisplatin into the tumor cells.

Localizing the treatment to the tumor site, allows for a lower, targeted dose to be administered, thereby minimizing some of the more threatening side effects to the kidneys, nerves and auditory organs.

Photo Credit Celsim Junior - Flickr

As explained by Dr. Ares, “Injecting it directly into the main cancer lesion results in a very high drug level compared to normal injections into the veins,” Aires said. “Furthermore, most cancer cells have a receptor on their surface that grabs onto hyaluronan. In general, more aggressive cancers and the hard-to-treat cancer stem cells have more of these receptors. This is another factor that can help target the drug to cancer cells.”

Additionally, with Hylaplat, the compound molecule itself is very small. Because the compound molecule of Hyaluronan and Cisplatin is only 20 nanometers in size, after doing its work in the tumor, HylaPlat drains easily into the lymph nodes, delivering a high dose of chemotherapy to any cancer cells that may be hiding there.

As a result, HylaPlat may have additional advantages for treating cancers that metastasize through the lymph nodes; a category that includes 85 percent of human cancers. Breast, ovarian, colon and lung cancer are included in this category of metastic cancers. Standard chemotherapy treatments, in use today, tend not to get into the lymph nodes at substantial therapeutic levels, resulting in a greater risk of relapse.

Use of Hylaplat to Treat Canine Cancer

Traditionally, researchers begin testing cancer treatment on laboratory animals by first inducing a laboratory derived cancer.  Unlike naturally occurring cancers, these tend to have homogenous cancer cells grown carefully under laboratory conditions.  They are not very hardy, unlike naturally occurring cancers, that tend to have diverse cells and are better at evading the body’s natural immune system. 

By using larger animals with systems more similar to that of the human anatomy, comparative oncology researchers can better understand how new drugs may affect human patients. Dogs with naturally occurring cancers are an ideal population for testing drugs on a diverse group of cancers. So far, HylaPlat has proven effective in animal models, and larger animal trials for submission to the Federal Drug Administration are currently under way.

Golden retriever receiving chemotherapy

The Initial Trial Results for Cancer in Large Breed Dogs

In the initial clinical trial, which started in 2012, seven large-breed dogs with small forms of oral cancer received a formulation of the Hylaplat chemotherapy. The dogs in this study were suffering with naturally occurring cancers.

Of those first seven dogs, the cancer in three patients disappeared, and two other dogs showed signs of partial remission or slowing of the disease. These promising results gave rise to a feature story on a local television news network. Hylapharm was suddenly flooded with requests from pet owners with dogs suffering from all forms of cancer that wanted in on the trial.

Faced with this tremendous demand and the potential for experimenting with all sizes of dogs and various metastic cancers, researchers lifted the restrictions on the size of the dogs and types of cancers being tested. Additionally, local veterinarians were trained to use the treatment for cancers all over the bodies of dogs, including muscle and bone tumors, melanomas, sarcomas and lymphoma.

Injection of Hylaplat is performed by first sedating the dog, then injecting the chemotherapy directly into the tumor. The original treatment protocol called for four injections over a period of several weeks, however, some dogs have responded after just one injection. In general, the dogs show little to no side-effects to the treatment, with them adapting to their normal routines shortly after treatment.

Better yet, at this time, it is a very affordable course of treatment, while traditional chemotherapy has been cost prohibitive for many pet owners. Currently, the owner need only pay for the sedation and administration of Hylaplat. Traditional courses of chemo can run into the thousands of dollars with side-effects that often cause owners to regret their decision to pursue it.

Getting a canine version of HylaPlat to market, however, appears to be on the fast track, which should come as a delight to pet owners and the drug's creators.

The Canine Cancer trial is still accepting patients. If you think your dog could be a candidate, please call 913-588-3840 or email jadams4@kumc.edu.

All photos licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic

Breakthrough In Pain Treatment For Dogs With Osteosarcoma

Between 6000-8000 dogs in the United States receive treatment for Osteosarcoma each year.  Typically a disease of large breed dogs, Osteosarcoma can affect breeds of all sizes.  As the disease progresses, it reshapes normal healthy bone tissue and changes it to tumorous bone.  In dogs as in people, this remodeling process becomes increasingly more painful as the disease progresses, impacting activity levels and quality of life.
Dr. Vladimir Osipov Sarcomaimages.com

The Dorothy Cimino Brown, DVM and Kimberly Agnello DVM University of Pennsylvania Study

Seventy dogs suffering from Osteosarcoma participated in this study.  A variety of breeds were represented including Rottweilers, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrieves and various mixed breeds. The average size of the dogs in the study was 90 pounds, and the average age fell between 8 and 9 years.  The study was conducted by splitting the group in half and treating both groups with standard care, while the second group also received a single injection of a Neurotoxin, SP-sap (P-saporin), near the tumor site.

A similar neurotoxin many of us are familiar with is Botox, the anti-wrinkle injection. Botox acts to block signals from the nerves to the muscles, so that the muscles can no longer contract.  When specific muscles cannot contract, the wrinkle appears to soften.

Similarly, SP-sap works by attaching itself to the pain sensing nerves. Once attached, the sap portion kills off the nerve.  The theory is, no more pain sensing nerve then no more pain.

Study Results

Six weeks into the study, 74% of the dogs in the control group (those receiving only standard care) had significant increases in pain levels, and needed to be removed from the control group or "unblinded" in order to have their pain management adjusted.  

In contrast with the control group, only 24% of the dogs in the SP-sap group needed to be "unblinded" for adjustments to their pain management.

Additionally, the dogs in the control group, who were receiving only standard care, experienced a 6% increase in pain severity testing.  The dogs who received the single SP-sap injection experienced no increase in pain severity.

And more encouraging, the dogs in the control group experienced and 8% decreases in how pain interferes with their daily activities, while the SP-sap group had a 5% improvement in their daily activities.

The Implications

As Osteosarcoma afflicts both dogs and people in the same manner, this study is potentially good news for both humans and canines.  Relieving pain is critical to improving the patient's quality of life, response to treatment and the overall patient outcome.  The positive results from this study are likely to spark further investigation into SP-sap and other neurotoxins for pain management of Osteosarcoma as well as other diseases with chronic pain symptoms as well.

To learn more about this study visit: American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) (2013, October 23). Chronic pain in dogs with bone cancer relieved with new treatment.

Osteosarcoma in Dogs: Diagnosis, Treatment and Outcomes

Great Dane and Chihuahua Skeletons
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

While Osteosarcoma represents just 5% of all canine tumors, it is estimated that between 6000 and 8000 new cases will be diagnosed this year in the United States. As the most common type of bone cancer in dogs, Osteosarcoma accounts for approximately 85% of canine tumors that originate in the skeletal system. This is an aggressive cancer where malignant tumors develop deep within the bone; from there they destroy healthy bone and remodel it with tumorous bone from the inside out.  The tumerous bone becomes increasingly painful and is not as strong as healthy bone, potentially causing the bone to break easily with minor injury.

Risk Factors Associated With Development of Osteosarcoma In Dogs
Osteosarcoma is generally a disease of large breed dogs, and although any size dog may develop the disease, it is estimated that large breeds such as the Scottish Deerhound are 200 times more likely to develop the disease than are toy breeds. High risk breeds include Rottweilers, Deerhounds, Greyhounds, Great Pyrenees and Mastiffs as well as other large breed dogs.  Typical age of onset is 7-10 years of age, however large breeds may develop the disease earlier, in fact there have been large breed cases with diagnosis as early as under one year of age.

Factors that are suspected in increasing risk of developing the disease in addition to breed size include puppy diets that promote rapid puppy growth, spay and neuter, genetics and environmental factors:
  • As tumors are frequently found near growth plates, factors that affect the growth rate and promote rapid growth are suspected in increasing likelihood of developing this cancer. 
  • One long term historical study of Rottweilers showed that the earlier that a puppy was spayed or neutered the more likely it was to develop Osteosarcoma. Casterated males are 65% more likely to develop this cancer than intact males, and spayed females are 35% more likely to develop the disease than intact females.
  • As certain lines of dogs within breeds have an increased propensity for developing this cancer, a genetic component is suspected as well.
  • Fluoridation of drinking water has been linked to the development of Osteosarcoma in studies of both rats and young men in the North Eastern United States.

Diagnosis of Oesteosarcoma
Symptoms of Osteosarcoma will vary based on the location of the primary tumor. As the tumor grows, the affected area becomes increasingly painful. Swelling eventually develops around the tumor and the area is painful to the touch. 
  • Development of a tumor in a leg bone may cause sudden onset lameness or intermittent lameness over a period of several weeks.
  • Dog with tumors in their jaw bones may exhibit difficulty swallowing and/or excessive drooling. 
  • Dogs with cranial or spinal tumors may present with neurologic deficits. 
  • Dogs with pelvic tumors may exhibit difficulty defecating as their primary symptom.

It is important to see a veterinarian as soon as you suspect the disease, as it progresses very rapidly.  In most instances once a diagnosis of Osteosarcoma has been made, it has already micrometastasized to other areas of the body including the lungs and other bones.  Additionally, as the tumorous bone is weaker than normal bone, it can fracture easily.  Pathological fractures resulting from Osteosarcoma will not heal, so it is important to begin treatment as soon as possible.

Diagnosis is initially made by x-ray.  Once a bone tumor is suspected, the veterinarian should take x-rays of the lungs as well to see if the tumor has metastasized to that area.  Prognosis and treatment options will vary greatly if metastasis is evident in the lungs.  The tumor will also be aspirated with a small needle to obtain a sample of the tumor for further analysis and determination of the nature of the tumor.  This procedure does carry a small risk that the aspiration of the tumor could fracture the already weakened bone.

Additionally, the vet may aspirate the lymph nodes or any skin masses, do a full blood panel and perform an abdominal ultrasound in order to determine the spread of the cancer and overall health of the dog.  A bone scan may be performed in order to determine the spread of the disease to other bones and the extent of the tumor in the primary location.

Treatment For Osteosarcoma
The standard of care for the treatment of Osteosarcoma requires that the tumor be removed to prevent further spread of the disease.  In most instances, this means amputation of the affected limb.  Dogs typically respond well to this treatment, however overweight dogs, arthritic dogs or elderly dogs may not be good candidates for amputation. 

If the tumor has not progressed too far, a limb sparing procedure may be attempted.  The most successful procedures are performed where the tumor is on the bone just above the wrist of the dog and the tumor is still relatively small in size. Generally in these procedures, the removed bone must be replaced with bone from another site on the dog or from a bone bank.  Since there is a high complication rate with this procedure and a longer, more involved recovery than an amputation, amputation may eventually be necessary anyway.

In cases where neither amputation nor limb sparing procedures can be performed, the dog may be treated with palliative radiation therapy.  While radiation will not extend the life of the dog, it can be an effective pain management tool to improve the quality of the remaining life of the dog. This treatment provides relief to approximately 75% of the dogs that receive this therapy.  Radiation doses are given 1 to 4 times and are usually administered at one week intervals.

Follow-up to surgical removal of the tumor or limb includes chemotherapy.  In most instances the tumor has already micrometastisized at the time of diagnosis.  Chemotherapy, while not effective in treating tumors with visible signs of existence, is effective at destroying the microscopic disease.

Updated 11/5/13: Breakthrough in Pain Management for Dogs Suffering with Osteosarcoma

Prognosis After Treatment For Osteosarcoma
Following surgery, dogs that do not receive chemotherapy can expect an average life span of an additional 3 months post surgery.  Those treated with chemotherapy may enjoy a median lifespan of one year.  Approximately 50% treated with both surgery and chemotherapy will survive 1 year, less than 30% will survive two years and 10% will make it to 3 years.  While these statistics sound discouraging, it is important to keep in mind that in dog years, and especially in large breeds with shorter life expectancies, an additional year represents between 10-13% of a dog’s total expected life span.

Improving Your Dogs Odds In Preventing Development Of Osteosarcoma
If you have a large breed dog, or are aware that this issue has developed within your dog’s lines, there are some precautions you can take to improve his odds at heading-off or delaying the onset of the disease.
  • Feed your puppy an “all life stages” dog food, and not a specially formulated puppy food that will accelerate growth.
  • Wait until your dog is at least one year old before spaying or neutering him or her.  Leave males intact if you have a well fenced yard and no intact females in the home.
  • Provide spring water for drinking water for your dog; carbon based filters such as PUR and Brita do not remove fluoride.
  • Regularly examine your dog while petting for lumps and sensitive areas as he ages.

Canine Cancer Resources

A diagnosis of cancer in your pet is devastating. However, the earlier it is detected, the better the prognosis for your companion. Researchers are now testing methods to improve early detection of cancers such as hemagiosarcoma and osteosarcoma.  While a comprehensive cancer screening program is still  far off in the future, it makes sense to learn the early warning signs of cancer, especially if your dog's breed is predisposed to one of these deadly canine cancers.

Over the last three years, there has been an explosion of cancer treatment testing on dogs.  As dogs are larger than mice and closer to our body mass and their cancers are very similar to human's, canine cancer research on naturally occurring cancers benefits both species. Check out our listing of ongoing trials and their criteria below. Your pet may be eligible for one of the trials. 

New advances in early detection and Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment protocols are extending dogs' lives, while offering better quality of life during and after treatment. Often these treatment protocols are less expensive than traditional Western medicine approaches.

lethargy and depression are early warning signs of canine cancer

15 Early Warning Signs of Dog Cancer

Early detection is the key to a good prognosis in treatment of canine cancers. Learn the early warning signs here.

Medicines that can be purchased over the counter: Yunnan Baiyao to stop internal hemorrhaging, Turkey Tail Mushroom to halt tumor growth and a special Canine Cancer Diet.

canine cancer treatments for hemangiosarcoma

New Treatment Prolongs Lives for Dogs With Hemangiosarcoma

Studies show new, inexpensive treatment prolongs lives with no negative side effects. Learn how you can treat your own dog at home and potentially extend his life and improve its quality.

Hemangiosarcoma research studies

Hemangiosarcoma: Early Detection Methods and Treatments in 4 New Studies

Advances are making it possible to detect cancer early in breeds predisposed to hemangiosarcoma.

Shine the dog the cancer research project was named for

Learn How Your Dog Can Join the Shine-On Research Project 
(Experimental Medicine is included for Study Participants)

Early Detection Research Project to Target Hemangiosarcoma Cells in Dogs (Shine On) was conceived to reduce the mortality and the suffering caused by canine hemangiosarcoma. 

The goal of this project is to develop effective methods for early detection and for prevention of canine hemangiosarcoma. We will use a blood test to look for the cells responsible for establishing and maintaining the disease, and then use an experimental drug treatment that attacks those same cells in order to prevent development of the tumor.

New Canine Cancer Cure, Hylaplat

New Canine Cancer Chemotherapy Treatment Is Proving Effective on a Wide Variety of Metastic Dog Cancers. Find out if your dog is eligible to participate in the trial.

Osteosarcoma is a skeletal cancer beginning near growth plates.

Osteosarcoma in Dogs: Diagnosis, Treatment and Outcomes

As the most common type of bone cancer in dogs, osteosarcoma accounts for 85% of tumors that originate in the skeletal system.

correlation between early neutering and canine cancer

The Shocking Risks of Early Neutering 

Research sheds light on correlations between early neutering and certain forms of cancer in male dogs.