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Showing posts with label DOG EVENTS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DOG EVENTS. Show all posts

Future Vet Kids Camp - January 2018

Want to help your animal loving child make the most out of the summer holidays? 

Future Vet Kids Camp is an exciting veterinary-inspired school holiday program that caters to kids aged 9 to 16 years. Each year, the camp offers new experiences that inspire kids to return multiple times, said veterinarian and camp director Dr Scott Bainbridge, who appears on Animal Planet’s TV show Animal House Call and loves to share his passion for ‘the greatest job in the world’. 

“Future Vet Kids Camp encourages responsible pet ownership, the profession of veterinary medicine and a love and appreciation of animals of all kinds and their habitats,” he said.
“We love to see the campers get excited about pursuing their dream to work with animals, and then go out with the knowledge and experiences they’ve gained at the camp and start making a difference for pets and people around the world!”

The January 2018 schedule is once again packed with fun and educational ‘animal adventures’, excursions and talks by veterinarians, behaviourists and experts from animal rescue, reptile, small animal, canine sports groups and more! 

Campers will learn about scent detection, breed identification and genetic diseases run by Dogs NSW, pet nutrition, stem cell therapy, how to draw blood and suture – and that’s just the beginning! They will get up close and personal with creepy crawlies, learn about wildlife conservation and animal rescue, and venture behind the scenes at vet hospitals! It’s like watching Bondi Vet - except you’re in it! 

Many participants end up coming back to Future Vet Kids Camp year after year! Tim Brandt, 14 – winner of the 2015 Future Vet Kids Camp Morning Tea with Bondi Vet stars’ competition - will attend camp again to learn more about veterinary science. He said “Becoming a veterinarian is something I aspire to. The camps have given me experiences I wouldn’t have been able to have and are uniquely aimed at people interested in working with animals.” 

Emily Pratten, 16, is returning for the third time because of “the friendships, great excursions to veterinary hospitals, interesting workshops and case studies, and hands-on activities like suturing, blood drawing and scrubbing up for surgery, and of course the animals!”

Alec Campbell, 14 – recipient of Future Vet Kids Camp’s 2016 PetSure Scholarship, is registered for the third time to gain more hands-on experience as he wants to be a vet someday. He feels “The Camp is very welcoming and I encourage more young people to attend and learn about how great animals are and how much fun they can have with them!” 

Applications are now open for the 2018 PetSure Scholarship for two deserving kids! The deadline is Nov 30“Some of Future Vet Kids Camp graduates have already embarked on their educational journey at veterinary school and we look forward to following their successes!” said Dr Bainbridge. 

The next Future Vet Kids Camp will run from Jan 8 - 12 and Jan 15 - 19, 2018. Daily hours: 9am – 3:30pm. 

Cost: $595. Early Bird discount rate ($535) is available until 1 October 2017.

To discover more, visit www.futurevetkidscamp.com 

About Future Vet Kids Camp 

Future Vet Kids Camp offers a safe, comfortable environment that explores and nurtures the human animal bond all under the supervision of highly qualified, enthusiastic instructors and specialised animal handlers. 

The goals are to promote responsible pet ownership, the profession of veterinary medicine and to encourage the children to love and appreciate animals of all kind. 

The camp has more than 20 partners that offer years of specialised animal experience and professionalism that contributes greatly to the programming. 

The Camp operates out of Waverley College in Sydney (NSW) and runs every January for two weeks during the school holidays. 

Programming is split into three separate age groups running simultaneously each week: Wombats (ages 9 - 11), Kookaburras (ages 12 - 14) and the Junior Vet program (ages 14 - 16). 

Dingo Sanctuary Open Days - July & August

Each week-end in July and August 2017, the Dingo Discovery Centre will hold their “Open Days” where you can not only learn about dingoes but also interact with some friendly adults and their pups and snap lots of pictures!

After our encounter with a beautiful white dingo at the Melbourne Dog Lovers Show this year, we spoke with Lyn Watson, owner of the Dingo Discovery and Research Centre. She shares with us her knowledge of dingoes, passion for their conservation whilst also dispelling some common myths.

Q1.  When did your passion for Dingoes start and what makes them so special?

Dingoes have always been a species I was drawn to. Even as a very young child, I had an empathy towards them” confides Mrs. Watson. In those days it was illegal to own a Dingo so I grew up with “surrogate dingoes”- dogs! 

Ever since moving out of home in 1959, I was mesmerised by the exotic Afghan Hound so I became one of Australia’s first breeders and regular exhibitors of these time-consuming canines. Looking back, I see them as “dingoes in drag” for they share so many characteristics with our native dog, disguised by a silken flowing robe and drop ears! They think the same, they behave similarly and underneath the coats are even built similarly. Their metabolism is certainly similar.

Over the next 20 years I was sufficiently curious and studious to qualify to judge all recognised pure breeds and do so regularly and internationally still. I bred over 150 champions across many breeds – Golden Retrievers, Italian Greyhounds, Greyhounds as well as my beloved Afghans. I also worked as a groomer and vet assistant, sucking in every opportunity to learn about the inside and outside of dogs!

Q2. How was the Dingo Sanctuary and Research Centre started?

When the day finally came that I could legally own a dingo, and a pair was gifted to me, I came to them with a broad knowledge and lots of experience to apply. 
Two eventually became eight and we decided that we needed to expand our horizons with a focus on protecting the species whilst educating the public whenever possible about dingo realities and facts.  
Pepper is a female "Alpine" ecotype Dingo
We decided to showcase the dingoes in the best possible light we could, whilst giving these animals the best possible life in captivity in a safe and beautiful environment where people could respect the dingo and want to learn more after their encounters here. Time for the world of pure bred dogs became less available and we eventually moved into almost full-time dingo caring and learning.

The Discovery Centre in Toolern Vale (nestled in the peaceful foothills of the Macedon ranges in Victoria) was opened in 1990 and represents our life work. The property was bequeathed to the Australian Dingo Foundation and is meant to be a haven for the original dingo gene pool for all time.

There are a couple of sister sanctuaries around Australia with whom we are on good terms and we exchange both information and blood lines. Bargo in NSW is one of those and there are a couple of small private reserves which we respect and help as we can. There needs to be many more in the future to be anywhere near secure for the preservation of our dingo.

Q3. How many resident dingoes live on the property?
Wandji the Dingo pup, aged 6 months

Currently we have forty dingoes aged from one year all the way up to twenty years of age. In addition, we now have our latest crop of cubs, all of whom are spoken for as they were ordered months before the season started back in March!

Whilst our colony consists of mostly "alpine" type, and the DNA of all dingoes is virtually identical, we do keep the different strains (Northern and Desert) separate in our breeding program.

The Sanctuary is proud to have provided the beautiful examples of Australian Dingo now being exhibited by major zoos and fauna parks worldwide.

Q4. How does the Dingo Discovery Centre operate day to day?

"The facility is fully operated and administered by volunteers: not one person gets paid from top to bottom! The only way this can happen is thanks to a simply smashing team" explains Ms. Watson. "We have people coming in as day to day carers, maintenance, gardeners or trainers or as fundraisers. Having said that, we could always use more help, especially in the fundraising department!"

Q5. Tell us more about the upcoming “Open Days”? When can people come and what are the rules?

The Sanctuary is situated only 35 minutes from the CBD to Melbourne’s North­east, in the Shire of Melton, abutting the Pyrete State Forest, only 30 minutes from Melbourne Airport.

Year round we are open to private tour bookings where encounters with friendly adult dingoes are offered.
This year, our Open Days at the Dingo Sanctuary will be held every Saturday and Sunday from July 8th till mid-August and sessions can be booked for either 11am or 2pm

You will be treated to a full visit where you can learn about the dingoes with the latest information available then you get to encounter and interact with friendly adult and their babies on their turf. Children must be over 7 years to participate in these encounters.

You can also take pictures, enjoy a snack or even purchase a souvenir from our shop. Places are limited so you will need to be quick to secure your preferred date/time by clicking here.

Q6. What else can people do to support the Dingo Sanctuary?

Teddy celebrates his 20th birthday in style!
Anyone can support us by running a fundraiser for us: you can sell chocolates, run a car boot sale, throw a sausage sizzle or simply stay in touch with us by following and sharing our Facebook page – Australian Dingo Foundation. It is based on education first and foremost and you will see all the news concerning the Sanctuary.

You could sponsor one of our resident sanctuary dingoes, at the cost of only three espressos per week. We are a registered charity so why not make a tax deductible donation before the end of this financial year?

Q7. What are your thoughts on having a Dingo as a pet?

We do not recommend keeping dingoes as family pets and certainly never as beginners’ dogs. 
They are way too smart, independent, “cat-like” and too difficult to manage in a normal household. Whilst there are some rare jewels of owners out there, who have the space, the facilities and the demeanour to do justice to a companion dingo, this is a project that will go on for up to 20 years and for most people, that is altogether too confining.
Never will a dingo be happy to be shut off from the world around it or if you’re available only for short interactions. Their extreme intelligence needs constant stimulation, their physical attributes require free space to stretch out. People who can succeed with a dingo however will never be able to go back to a mundane domestic dog full-time, and be fulfilled.

The legal requirements vary in each State according to the varying power over legislation held by their Primary Industries politicians and departments. Permits can be obtained for dingo ownership in the NT and ACT. 

WA permits it under similar conditions to domestic dogs, whilst SA, QLD and Tasmania bar the ownership of dingoes altogether.
The total deregulation in most of NSW has led to the proliferation of unsuitable ownerships and an even high rate of attendant problems.

Dingoes generally make poor re-homing subjects as they form a lifetime bond with their owners and territory in the first sixteen weeks and after puberty it is rarely possible for them to form new bonds.

Our preference is for the Victorian system where a permit is necessary, requiring an escape proof, inspected enclosure as a basic requirement before you can keep a pure dingo.

Q8. How do you feel about the baiting program of wild dingoes with the “1080 poison”?

Baiting with 1080 poison is a despicable means of "control". It is comprehensively cruel and known to affect more target species than initially planned. Dingoes are way more useful when left unmolested in our bush domains. They definitely prefer rabbit, possum, feral cat, wallaby and small kangaroos, or wild pig and even grasshoppers to mutton or lamb, which they cannot metabolise due to the high fat content. Every dietary study since 1854 has shown that to be the case. 

Dingoes help control the feral cat population in Central Australia deserts - Photo: Steve Eldridge  from Desert Wildlife Services
Dingoes require only 400 - 500 grams of food per day, and as true apex predators, prefer it fresh. That is why it is false to say they are pack animals: they are more likely to be loners, or a couple, or at most a small family group.

We are appalled that ignorance about our native apex predator prevails and that lethal response to a mere sighting is the order of the day, when non lethal deterrents are cheaper, simpler, and more effective at maintaining healthy eco-systems for biodiversity. 1080 has the potential to become the only recourse when the day we kill the last dingo dawns. That will be the worst extinction of all. 

That Australians, whether graziers or not, should seem to be so set on achieving total extinction of our dingo should bring a chill to every animal lover's heart. The only way to conserve our native dingo is to let your local member know in no uncertain terms that you want him protected like every other native Australian animal.


1. The dingo arrived in Australia about 10,000 years ago from the Asian mainland.

2. The first European to sight a dingo was William Dampier, a Dutch explorer in the late 1600’s.

The DNA of all dingoes is virtually identical but you can differentiate 3 geographical types: Alpine, Desert and Northern.
Wild Tropical Dingo from the Kimberley region - Photo Credit: Kerrie Goodchild

4. There are three basic coat colours: ginger, black/tan, and white.

5. The average weight of a male dingo is 15kg.

The average litter size is 5 cubs.

7. A dingo must drink an average of 12% of their body weight in water per day in summer.

8. A dingo does not bark but rather howls melodically.

9. Dingoes are NEVER aggressive: they will always flee before confrontation however they will protect their partner or their young with courage.

10. In the wild, dingoes live somewhere between 5 to 10 years, but in captivity they can live upwards of 18 to 20 years.

To learn more, please visit www.dingofoundation.org.au

We would like to thank Mrs. Lyn Watson for her assistance in writing this article.

Melbourne Dog Lovers Show April 29 to May 1

The 4th annual Melbourne Dog Lovers Show will return to the Royal Exhibition Building in Carlton, from Friday 29 April to Sunday 1 May, 2016.

Around 30,000 dog lovers are expected to visit this year's event, which will be headlined for the first time by Dr Chris Brown, family favourite Dr. Harry Cooper and the popular Village Vets, Dr. Anthony Bennet and Dr. James Carroll.

Many other new faces will be joining the show line-up including renowned animal trainer, Peta Clarke (film dog training credits include Babe, Red Dog, Superman Returns and Wolverine), Australian Working Dog Rescue Int. (AWDRI) ambassador Erin Holland and one of Melbourne’s media favourites, 3AW’s Pat Panetta.

Continuing to support the show’s celebration of our best friends, Laura Vissaritis and Tony Knight will also return in 2016 to captivate, educate and inform visitors with their extensive knowledge and insights into dog training and behaviour with tips for a healthy, happy dog.

The KONG Celebrity Vet Stage

Playing host to an exciting line up of live demonstrations, educational talks and hands on advice from some of the biggest names in vet and pet care, including Dr Chris Brown, the KONG Celebrity Vet Stage will host daily presentations.

The Royal Canin Arena will showcase impressive displays of Agility,  Canine Frisbee and Flyball

CANIDAE Rescue Dog Zone

Since 2013, the Melbourne Dog Lovers Show has been responsible for pairing 2,000 dogs from Victorian shelters with canine adorers and relocating them to loving homes.

The Rescue Zone plays an integral role in helping visitors select the perfect pooch companion, including expert advice on what the adoption process entails. 

The Dog Lovers Show remains committed to raising awareness for dog rescue and increasing the number of rehomed dogs in 2016. 

Military Working Dogs Tribute 

Launched to commemorate the ANZAC centenary in 2015 and one of the ongoing show highlights, the Military Working Dogs (MWDs) tribute will be expanded at this year’s event. Moving presentations and personal stories from veterans and ADF personnel will accompany in-depth historical information on MWDs in war along with artefacts and heraldry.

OPTIMUM Breed Showcase

This ever popular Breed Showcase will host the largest number of DOGS Victoria breed clubs in one place in 2016. 
From cheeky Chihuahuas to boisterous Boxers, literally hundreds of dogs of all shapes and sizes will be on site, with dedicated experts to answer all your questions about each breed.

Pat-A-Pooch Zone

The new-look Pat-A-Pooch Zone is set to be an endorphin-releasing hub as visitors pat, cuddle and snuggle a plethora of pooches and puppies in a relaxed setting.

Attendees will also get the chance to build Australia’s most loved breeds block by block in LEGO® with experts on hand to provide guidance and ignite inspiration during the one-of-a-kind, hands on experience.

Guinness World Record Attempt

Some of Australia’s highest flying pooches will take a leap of faith in an attempt to break the canine high jump World Record.

Visitors will also be able to find out the latest to spoil their pooch, with fantastic new products and services being launched at the show and lots of free samples and giveaways.

As the ultimate event for dog lovers of all ages, the Melbourne Dog Lovers Show gives dog lovers an opportunity to celebrate the unconditional love and affection that our canine friends bring to our lives every day.

When: Friday 29 April - Sunday 1 May, from 9:30 to 5pm

Royal Exhibition Building, Carlton, Melbourne

Cost: $25 (Adult); $12 (Child); $17 (Pensioner) or $68 (Family Pass for 2 Adults + 2 Children). On-Sale Now, advance tickets are limited

For more information or tickets, please visit dogloversshow.com.au or Facebook

*Winner of the Best Australian Show and Best Consumer Show at the EEAA 2014 Awards for Excellence and Best Consumer Show in 2015 for the Sydney Dog Lovers Show

Bungarribee Woof-fest Dogs Day Out - April 3

Western Sydney Parklands Trust is hosting its 5th annual festival for dogs and their humans called Woof-fest on Sunday 3 April, 2016.

Western Sydney's premier "Dog Day Out West", Woof-fest is held at Bungarribee, Sydney's largest fenced leash-free dog area

There will be a whole kennel full of doggy activities and attractions, including:

  •  The Woof Factor dog talent competition, proudly sponsored by Petbarn with many gift vouchers to be won. To enter your doggie in this year's contest, you will need to complete the entry form before Monday 28 March 2016.
Woof-fest 2015 - Woof Factor Prize Winner

  • Siberian Express Dog Sled Pulling display 
  • Flyball demonstration from Sydney Psychos Flyball
  • the Village Vets (from the Lifestyle Channel) live on stage 
  • one-on-one dog training sessions with certified trainer Vicki Austin (registrations from 10am) 
  • Talk on Canine Health plus Q & A 
  • Over 40 stalls promoting rescue organisations and offering dog products and services 
  • Mobile dog wash/groomer 
  • Dog caricature artist

For non-performing pooches and their humans, there is entertainment for the kids as well with a huge doggy-shaped jumping castle, a roving balloon twister (shaping lots of cute canine characters), face painting for dogs and their humans, etc.
Plus sausage sizzles, food and ice cream vans, coffee and cake carts, and doggy giveaways!

The first 300 dogs through the gate will receive a free treat!

When: Sunday 3rd April, from 9am to 1pm

Where: Bungarribee Dog Park, Western Sydney Parklands. Entry is via the Doonside Rd and Holbeche Rd intersection (Doonside).

Cost: Entry is free. Free parking is available on the site.

** Note: For the safety of dogs and their humans on the day, pets must be kept ON LEASH for the duration of this event. **

For more information about Woof-fest, visit westernsydneyparklands.com.au

RSPCA Ruff Riders Bike Ride - March 12

Bike enthusiasts and social riders are invited to join RSPCA Qld on a 300 km motorbike ride through picturesque south-east Queensland, to help save animals lives.

2016 marks the 5th annual Ruff Riders charity bike ride, which will start from the RSPCA Animal Care Campus at Wacol (Brisbane), the biggest animal welfare facility in the southern hemisphere, before heading inland towards the D'Aguilar National Park. 

This ride will stop at the picturesque Somerset Dam to enjoy the serenity, before continuing onto Rick's Garage on the beautiful Sunshine Coast for a delicious lunch. Ruff Riders will make their way back towards Brisbane, with a stop in at the RSPCA Dakabin Animal Care Campus - where you'll get an insight into how shelters work and what all of your amazing fundraising is going towards. 

Photo: Jess Feakes with Tessa and Olive getting ready for the RSPCA's Ruff Riders

This fun-filled day will end back at the Brisbane Animal Care Campus being cheered in by their doggy cheer squad!


Motorsport legend and RSPCA Supporter, Craig Lowndes will once again be joining Ruff Riders 2016. Craig will be coming along at the start of the day for an exclusive Meet & Greet with riders at the Brisbane Animal Care Campus. 

This year, you can register to be part of Ruff Riders for the special price of $49

Your registration includes a complimentary Ruff Riders bandana and patch, as well as meals throughout the ride. 

to join the ride to save lives! 
Fundraising pages stay open after the event so it’s not too late to register and start fundraising.

Visit rspcaqld.org.au for more details or simply download the form 

Hunter Animal Rescue Pets Picnic - March 20

Promoting responsible pet ownership will be the focus of the 2016 Hunter Animal Rescue Pets Picnic Day, proudly supported by PetQuarters.

The 10th Annual Pets Picnic will be held on Sunday 20th March at Speers Point Park (near Newcastle).

With a quarter of a million healthy dogs and cats put down every year, the organisation will be educating dog and cat owners on how to look after their pets to ensure they don’t end up in the pound and put to sleep.

“A four-legged friend is a lifetime commitment that can bring you endless joy, and we urge the people of the Hunter to please save the life of one who's already at a pound by giving them a loving home,” said Hunter Animal Rescue President, Jaimie Abbott. Hundreds of pet owners and their pooches are expected to turn out for this free family event which will feature competitions including best dressed pet, best trick, fastest eating and the most unique pet. “

There will be a big line-up of entertainment and there will be something for everyone, including pet portraits, market stalls, a jumping castle and high tea for hounds,” said Ms. Abbott. 

Speers Point Park - Photo: Marina Neil

Hunter Animal Rescue is a not-for-profit organisation that saves the lives of hundreds of dogs and cats each year. Volunteers dedicate their time to finding new homes for abandoned pets facing euthanasia.
All animals are kept in foster care homes where they experience a good quality of life.

Since 2004, they have re-homed thousands of pets across the Hunter Region and beyond. The organisation works closely with Muswellbrook, Port Stephens, Wyong, Singleton, Gosford and Dungog Pounds as well as the RSPCA at Rutherford to reduce the number of animals put to sleep in these facilities

When: Sunday 20th March, from 10am to 4pm

Where: Speers Point Park (17km from Newcastle).

Cost: Free

For more details, visit hunteranimalrescue.com.au