everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label Dogs on hot pavement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dogs on hot pavement. Show all posts


Whether you're in Florida as we are or elsewhere in this world, chances are the weather gets hot at some point during the year.
Here's you're homework assignment:  The next time you're out walking your dog, bend down and touch the ground you are both walking on.  Keep your hand there for a count of 30.
Whatever you felt in this experiment is what your dog feels on all four paws - for a count of... till we get home!

Grass? Not so bad!
Concrete? Probably hot!
Asphalt???  Are you freaking kidding me!?

Yet look around the average Petsmart parking lot and whatta ya see...?  
A LOT of stupid people! 
As a groomer, do you know that I've had to shave asphalt nuggets out of dogs paw pads??  Mmhmmm! Yep!

Ok, dogs feet are a bit tougher than our feet or hands, but that's only because they're on them constantly thru out their lives.  Many non-urbanized civilizations, (like in the rain forest or Afrika or some remote islands), have much tuffer feet as well for the same reason.  They never wear shoes.  But that doesn't mean their feet have no feeling.

As a matter of fact, as the point of contact with the earth (grounding), a dog's feet are one of the most physically sensitive parts of their body. This is also why most dogs are hypersensitive about nail trimming.  Those paws represent their means of freedom.  Threaten that, and dogs kinda freak out.  

So realize when you're out with your dog that her feet do not belong on burning hot asphalt for any longer than it takes to get from door to door.  A constant, steady walk is manageable, but don't be stupid - don't take your dog for granted just because he can't speak to you in plain english.  If your two year old child were barefoot on that same pavement, you'd soon know to pick them up because their feet were on fire!  What makes you think your dog is impervious to asphalt.......???