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Showing posts with label RESCUE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RESCUE. Show all posts
Housing Crisis

Housing Crisis

The domestic animal "Rescue Movement" of this past decade is unprecedented!  It is the childhood dream of many, come true.  Never before have so many had such a common, powerful manifestation of compassion and action toward domestic animals.
There's almost no such thing as "buying" a pet these days.  They're either rescued or adopted.  There's such power in those terms.  They reflect the compassionate intentions of the heart as opposed to the selfish desire to possess things.
We are encouraged as a society to "adopt" rather than purchase from breeders, because there are so many "homeless", abandoned, throw-away pets that would otherwise be destroyed or become stray nuisances. 
The term "dog pound" is obsolete.  We now have "shelters".  More and more city and county shelters, formerly known as dog pounds, are committing to "no-kill" policies.  These shelters keep animals and care for them until a home is found for them rather than euthanizing them to decrease population, make space or cut expenses.  Many people in local communities now form "rescue groups" where they either house homeless animals themselves or sponsor them on a web site or at local adoption events to find homes for them.  If they don't have a facility to house multiple animals, volunteers "foster" care for them in their own homes until suitable permanent homes are found.  
In case you've not yet noticed, many have assigned human concepts to companion animals, equating their importance with ours.  
A childhood dream come true.........
But there are issues....
The one I'd like to call attention to in this article is that of the housing crisis within the pet parent community.  Along with the rescue movement, a couple of other phenomena have arisen - animal hoarding, and designer breeding.  Without exhausting detail about these phenomena, one problem they create is a horribly irresponsible reputation for domestic animals in general. This creates a housing crisis for pet parents.
Many, many rented and leased homes do not allow pets.  Why?  Because of the reputation pushed to the front of the headlines of the filth, abuse and general irresponsibility of many animal owners - the most visible of which are hoarders and breeders.  Now these are not the only offenders!  Many average "pet owners" just do not know how to take care of animals inside a house or an apartment.  Because there are no real legal requirements to pet ownership, there are no standards or guidelines, nor is there a stable, consistent education system for pet owners.
As a groomer I've seen some horrendous things!  I've wanted to report so many people to animal services! (And I have!)  But its not always that easy for animal services to take any action because technically... when the pet owner brings the animal in for grooming, they ARE being responsible at that moment, and so there's no offense occurring..... 
These are the people that make it almost impossible for good, educated, responsible people to have pets in their family.  
More and more apartment complexes are leasing to pet owners simply because they have to!  Everyone has a pet now!  But they limit the number of pets you can have, they limit the size of pet you can have - making it exceptionally difficult to place larger breeds into good homes, and now  they've incorporated (an amazingly standardized) "breed list" excluding certain breeds from complexes, homes or even entire communities.
Its amazing how something restricting can become so easily standardize yet no one can offer standardized basic pet parent responsibility education!
Here's the thing.... If society is going to continue to "push" for pet adoption, then adopters have to have a place to live too! We're never going to change every idiot or prevent them from being stupid OR irresponsible.  So why not just open up the lease, allow pets without so many restrictions, but require the pet parents to have successfully completed a class?  Add a page to the lease making the pet parent responsible for regular professional cleaning?  Require inspections every six months?  Incorporate pet deposits into monthly payments?  I mean, I get it!  Pets can destroy things!  Pets can smell really bad!  But what we're looking for here is responsibility, not perfection.  Yes!  My dog, in a moment of puppy-hood ignorance, ripped the carpet to shreds!  I'll pay for it! Yes! The kitten I found by the dumpster "sprayed" skunk-funk on the wall before I could get it spayed!  I'll pay for someone to come get rid of the odor!  Yes!  My dog is massively huge, but LOOK!  He has a "Good Citizenship Certificate" from a professional trainer!  
And why is there not "pet insurance"???!
There's insurance for everything else.  My complex requires me to have 'renters insurance'...  Why not generalized personal pet insurance that covers destruction, where ever you live?  The insurance companies could ensure that clients have had classes for the pet as well as the pet parent.  But if there should be an "oops" along the way, notta problem - insurance covers the repairs!
We've come so far, and done what was once considered impossible....  We can change this too!  
As non-homeowners we are a majority these days!  Where there is need, there are solutions.  When the system will not make room for responsible citizens, responsible citizens sneak........  just sayin.......
But there is a better way........  LET'S FIND IT.
Top Heavy Rescue Movement

Top Heavy Rescue Movement

It is a beautiful thing to have a pet in your family.  For many, many reasons!  But as a natural born animal person and professional groomer I see much too often how people just do not realize the commitment it takes to have a pet in the family.  This is sad and tragic.  Most of these pets end up in a shelter, re-sheltered, or worse.
What's just as tragic is that there is NO ONE educating people!  We've achieved a major milestone in the "rescue" movement and "no-kill" shelter policies.  How compassionate of us.
But now, what do we do with all these animals?  We place them in families that have no idea what they've gotten themselves into.  They do not know the first thing about animals - their nature, their specific and individual needs, their peculiarities, the way they communicate, the costs involved.....  And worse again is that the people who work or volunteer at shelters and rescues have very inconsistent education and information about animals so they aren't prepared to equip new pet parents with all that they need.  
Love speaks volumes!!!  Love is the answer.  But real love sometimes needs to get down and dirty, get tough, get real.  "Animal rights" is great.  But what about animal education for HUMANS?  
We should start in school.  Kindergarten.  Animal awareness, animal behavior, animal nutrition, animal communication.... these things should be taught to children throughout their academic careers.  Then everyone would know at least some basics.  The lack of knowledge about how to care for pets is mind-boggling!  I see it everyday!   Most people with live pets really just need to get a stuffed animal at Toys R Us...  really.  We've come so far...!  But we're top-heavy!  We need to balance all the compassion and rescue efforts with some good wisdom and education!  
The only source of information most people think they have about animals is a veterinarian.  This too is sad.  There are some very good, gifted, compassionate and aware vets in the world today.  But they are very few and far between, and hard to find.  Vets are a dime a dozen....  They have a very expensive education.  They passed some very hard tests.  Yet most of them have no gift....  
Cesar Millan has a gift.  No one taught him to do what he can do with animals.  Temple Grandin has a gift.  No one taught her to understand animals the way that she does.  Gifted people like this have much to teach the world about our animal companions.  Even the late Steve Irwin had a gift, an intuition, about the animals he loved.  But there are many more gifted people in the world than these I've mentioned who have risen to fame.  These people need to speak, they need to come forth and give the wisdom and knowledge they have to the world.  An expensive education means nothing.  Results mean everything.  Scientific studies mean nothing when they're only designed to patent a new product for a corporation to make money.  
We believe every commercial on TV.  We believe every pamphlet we read at the vet.  Yet we have no actual knowledge of anything.  This shows the huge informational/educational gap in our society.  
You pay your $5000 dollar trainer who has a certificate and I'll keep watching the one-time illegal immigrant from Mexico....  You pay your $3000 vet bill and I'll read Animals in Translation written by the weird Autistic girl and see animals in a way NO collage educated doctor could even imagine, much less teach you about....
Wake up human beings.  You are conscious.  You are limitless.  Learn!!!  Teach!!!  Stop being afraid of offending people.  Stop being afraid that the puppies in your kennel won't get adopted if they get too old.  Stop putting the cart before the horse.  We've done great things because of love.  Let's not let stupidity unravel all we've prayed and worked so hard to accomplish.

I have worked professionally with animals for over 12 years.  I can help you with your pets....!  Make an appointment. 

Our New Blog Segment Helping Paws-Spotlight on a Charity Salutes Paws Atlanta

Here at Paw Luxury we are passionate about doing good by striving to give back to our community. One of our missions is to choose charitable organizations to support. From funding specific projects to donating products or our time to a cause that will benefit non-profits and animals. But we feel the most important thing anyone can do is bark the word & spread awareness about a bark worthy cause or charity.

We're strongly committed to to taking care of our environment, our communities and, most importantly, the future generation of dog lovers. We foster the belief that giving feeds the soul. So, that is why we have decided to start a new blog segment titled "Helping Paws: Spotlight on a Charity". Every #woofwednesday on Twitter we will be spotlighting a pet charity, our unsung heroes who are dedicated to enriching & saving the lives of our deserving four legged friends. Our hope is that this segment will encourage you to give your time & voice in support of these wonderful charities. Together we can all make a difference!!

Todays "Helping Paws" Spotlight on a Charity is PAWS Atlanta. PAWS Atlanta is a humane society located in Decatur, Georgia, just 10 minutes east of Atlanta.

What they do?

As a no kill shelter the cats and dogs in PAWS Atlanta's care stay there until they get adopted. Every pet adopted from PAWS Atlanta is spayed or neutered, current on vaccinations, de wormed and microchipped.

The cats at PAWS Atlanta live in a cage free environment.

The dogs at PAWS Atlanta have inside and outside dog runs and a one acre wooded dog trail an off leash area.

In our 43rd year of operation PAWS Atlanta started operations as The Dekalb Humane Society. The name was changed in 2006 because of the incorrect perception that Dekalb County funded the organization.

In fact PAWS Atlanta has always operated on donations from the public, grants and fundraisers.

Most of the animals at PAWS Atlanta are picked up from local animal control offices. Unfortunately the supply is always greater than the demand and our cage space is rarely empty. Having said that PAWS Atlanta does adopt more than 1,000 animals a year. The sad fact of pet overpopulation dictates that regardless of how effective we are at finding them homes, there will always be more.

PAWS Atlanta does offer a vaccination clinic at least twice a month that is open to the public. This allows folks to get their pets vaccinated for $45 or to get a heartworm test or a la carte shots.

How Can You Help?

PAWS Atlanta can use help in a number of different ways:

1. Bark or Meow the Word. Pass the word about one of our great cats or dogs to your circles of influence. Hey, you can use your tweets & blogging talents for good. Follow us on Twitter & tell your friends to the same and blog about our charity:)

2. Attend one of our fundraisers. The next one is October 10, The Posh PAWty for PAWS Atlanta, hosted by Victoria Stilwell from the hit show "Its Me or The Dog".

You can purchase tickets to The Posh PAWty here.

3. Volunteer. We need folks to get walk dogs, socialize dogs, clean cat litter trays, tape animals (then upload them to YouTube) and more. How do you become a volunteer?

4. Adopt. Adopting a pet is the ultimate form of recycling. Get a shelter dog or cat, that's an easy way to help... Besides the joy of being a parent is priceless!

Regardless of how you can help, or what you can do-THANKS!

Learn more about this barkworthy charity here:

Our blog can be seen at: http://pawsatlanta.blogspot.com
The main site is: http://pawsatlanta.org
Our Facebook page:
Twitter: @pawsatlanta


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