everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label Shelters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shelters. Show all posts
#Pets and #Hurricanes - Be #Prepared !!! #2016

#Pets and #Hurricanes - Be #Prepared !!! #2016

This is an urge to become informed.
Yes it is officially Hurricane Season 2016 here along the Gulf Coast of Florida. 
And YES we already have a candidate coming up for an audition this coming week!

Now while the Tampa Bay area is - in my opinion - the safest place on the entire Gulf Coast, for various reasons, 
And usually these things pass us by and all we get is lots of rain....


Especially if you are not from the area and have never experienced a real hurricane! 
Do NOT panic.... But do not be stupid.

What I'm referring to is

From lizards to gold fish, birds, cows, chickens, and OF COURSE your cats and dogs.

Have a plan.
Have a plan.
Have a plan.

Do NOT assume!
Do not assume.
               Do not assume.........

Educate yourself. 
Learn about services available in your area.
Figure out what to do if you:  "have no money"  "have no car"  "have children"  "have an illness, condition, disability"  "have a pet with special needs"

Figure that shit out NOW!!!!!!!!
Do not wait!!!
Have a plan.
Write it down.
Be prepared. 

NO ONE is responsible for you and your pets BUT YOU!!!
All day, every day. YOU.
No excuses. No whining.
Do it.
Take responsibility. 
Make a plan.

Here's a "Get Started" List:

  • Pet Friendly Shelters (NOT ALL ARE!!!)
  • Organizations that offer Pet Assistance
  • Addresses and Directions
  • Phone Numbers (all of them!!! printed out or written down)
  • Phone Numbers (actual written/printed numbers - not contacts list, text, or speed dial)
  • Phone Numbers (family, friends, neighbors, businesses, shelters, organizations, doctors, banks..........)
  • Food
  • Bottled Water
  • Collar & Leash (REGARDLESS!!!! YOU NEED THESE!!!)
  • Medicines
  • Refrigeration Options
  • Crates
  • Wee Wee Pads
  • Bedding
  • Toys

  • Evacuation Routes (more than one)
  • Full Tank of Gas
  • Bug Out Bag for Pet Supplies
  • Batteries
  • Old Fashion Radio!!! Do not rely too heavily on your modern electronics! Have a backup.

  • Remember, in most cases you won't need to head for the hills.... But what if you do?? Just be prepared. Look at a map - You are in Florida. You are SURROUNDED by water with only one way out. And you are not alone!!! 
  • Remember, whether its a big one or a small one, we may lose power. Sometimes power can be out for days! That means no refrigeration, no cooking, no charging electronics, no air conditioning.
  • Remember, it is also possible to lose water and sewer!!! That's right! If lines get broken they shut the whole system down. No running water, no washing dishes or clothes, no bathing, and no flushing!
  • Remember, whether you have power or not - as in a generator or solar panel - the area may still lose cell phone service if towers go down. 


PFS means Pet Friendly Shelter

Don't Leave Pets Behind!!!

Don't Leave Pets Behind!!!

Ok, here we go.... Hurricanes are linin' up.
There's only ONE RULE for people with animals:
Be safe and never leave animals behind.
Yes, that is ONE RULE.
Prepare to stay.
Prepare to leave.
Whatever you do, do with your animals included.
Human children are a pain in the ass and you don't leave them behind sayin', "I'll be right back sweetie... soon as this weather passes..."
Be responsible.  They are yours.  They depend on you.
Not the sheriff, not the fire department, not the humane society, not the local high school shelter... YOU!
Don't whine, don't cry, don't blame anybody for not rolling out some magical red carpet for you!
They are your responsibility and if you can't take care of them.......
You know you live in Florida.
California has earthquakes.
The desert has scorpions.
New Orleans floods.
Minnesota has snow.
And Florida has gators, sharks and hurricanes....
If you're not prepared to live in the natural environment that surrounds you, then it may be wise to change environments.
I currently have a recovering large dog in my family.  Getting him around ain't easy!  But there is no option.  Where I go, he goes.  No matter what.  I know this ahead of time, and I will be prepared with whatever means I have. Period. The End.
Don't leave animals behind.
You have plenty of warning and plenty of time to find solutions that are good and right.

If you need assistance, here are some resources:

PFS means Pet Friendly Shelter

Be Safe and Never Leave Animals Behind!!!