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Showing posts with label aggression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aggression. Show all posts

Dog Attacks on Guide Dogs: The Personal and Financial Cost

A new report finds there are 11 dog attacks on guide dogs every month in the UK, on average.

Severe consequences of dog attacks on guide dogs
The lifetime cost of a guide dog for the blind is approximately US$75,000

Guide dogs provide essential assistance to people who are blind or partially sighted. When other dogs attack guide dogs, the consequences can be severe. The charity Guide Dogs has been keeping records of these attacks, and a new paper by Rachel Moxon (of Guide Dogs) et al details the problems faced over a 56 month period from 2010 to 2015.

During this time, there were 629 attacks. 68% of the victims were qualified Guide Dogs (almost three-quarters of which were in harness at the time of the attack). 20% were dogs in puppy walk (aged up to 1.5 years), 8% were dogs in training, and the remainder were retired, breeding dogs, or buddy dogs.

“Within the current study, 20 dogs were withdrawn from the Guide Dogs programme as a direct result of a dog attack,” write the authors, “20% of qualified guide dogs required time off from working and 13 dogs were withdrawn from working as a guide. The implications for the guide dog owners of these dogs are likely to be long-term and complex affecting not only their mobility and physical health, but also their social and emotional well-being.”

Because 50 incidents had 2 or more attacking dogs, there were a total of 689 aggressing dogs responsible for these attacks. The person with the guide dog described the attack as being due to lack of control of the aggressing dog (29%), caused by the aggressing dog (22%) or unprovoked (19%). The attacking dogs were usually with their owner (46% off-leash and 31% on-leash), but in 22% of cases the dog was off-leash with no owner present.

97% of the attacks occurred in public areas, just over a quarter of them in places where you expect to see off-leash dogs. At the time of the attack, 56% of the victim dogs were in harness and working, 26% on leash and 18% were loose.

Most of the Guide Dogs are yellow or black. More dark-coloured dogs and fewer light-coloured dogs were attacked compared to the average numbers of those dogs, but it’s not known why.

43% of the dogs had injuries, and three quarters of these needed to see a vet; some dogs with no injuries also visited the vet to be checked over. Dogs were more likely to be injured if they were off-leash at the time of the attack, rather than in harness or on-leash. Only 6 owners of attacking dogs paid for vet bills. In 5 cases, vets kindly treated the dogs for free.

There was an impact on working ability for 42% of the dogs, with 22% having to take some time off work. 20 dogs had to be withdrawn from the Guide Dogs programme, which included 13 qualified dogs, 6 that were in training and 1 puppy. The authors say, “Dogs were withdrawn because the dog attack impacted their behaviour and their ability to safely guide a person that is blind or partially sighted.”

The charity estimates the cost of withdrawing these dogs to be over £600,000. It costs £39,700 to breed and train a guide dog and the charity typically spends a further £13,000 to support the ongoing relationship with the handler until the dog retires.

The attacks also had significant effects on the handlers. 59 handlers and 28 other people were injured in the attacks. In 71% of cases, the handler said it affected their emotional well-being; feelings of anxiety, being shaken and upset were the most common reactions.

"The guide dog harness is designed to be visible and should have been apparent to the owners of aggressors who were present in 76.8 per cent of  attacks," write Moxon et al. “It is feasible that a proportion of these attacks could have been avoided if the aggressor was put on a lead when the owner saw a guide dog in harness.”

You should never distract a guide dog in harness because they are working. Even if your dog is friendly, it would be helpful to put him or her on leash if you see a guide dog, so they can work without distractions. Or, as Julie Hecht puts it, “only you can prevent sniffing of guide dogs’ butts.”

Under UK law, the owner of a dog that attacks an assistance dog may receive a fine and/or up to three years in prison.

Moxon, R., Whiteside, H., & England, G. (2016). Incidence and impact of dog attacks on guide dogs in the UK: an update Veterinary Record, 178 (15), 367-367 DOI: 10.1136/vr.103433
Photos: Pornchai Chanachai (top); Jeroen van den Broek (both Shutterstock.com)

P.S. How we can improve working dog programs and differences between show and field Labrador Retrievers.

Companion Animal Psychology is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

Behaviour Problems in Puppies from Pet Stores

Dogs originally bought from pet stores are more likely to be aggressive to their owner compared to those from responsible breeders, even after owner-related factors are taken into account.

Siberian Husky puppy - but puppies from pet stores are more likely to be aggressive to owners
Photo: Anucha Pongpatimeth (Shutterstock)

Research by Frank McMillan et al (2013) found that dogs obtained as puppies from pet stores are more likely to have a whole range of behaviour problems than those from responsible breeders, including 3x more likely to be aggressive towards their owner. Pet store puppies come from commercial breeding establishments, otherwise known as puppy mills, which are run for profit and not animal welfare.

Since well-informed people are less likely to go to pet stores, one potential confound is that the owners of pet store puppies may know less about how to raise a dog. A new study by Federica Pirrone et al (2016) takes owner factors into consideration too.

The results show 21% of the dogs that were obtained as puppies from pet stores were aggressive towards their owner compared to 10% of those obtained from breeders. Owner-related factors did not account for this.

Three other behaviour problems – house soiling, body licking, and separation-related distress – were also more common in dogs obtained from pet stores, but it turned out these were linked to owner-related factors. These included only taking the dog for short daily walks (20 minutes or less), not going to dog training classes, not having owned a dog before, not knowing about the existence of veterinary behaviourists, and punishing the dog when returning home.

Most puppies sold in pet stores in Italy, where the study took place, come from commercial breeding establishments (puppy mills) in Eastern Europe, where conditions can be extremely poor (“filthy conditions with little food or water” is how the Daily Mail described one Polish puppy farm).

The responsible breeders from whom puppies in the study were obtained are members of the Italian Kennel Club and follow a code of ethics that includes providing socialization opportunities that are essential for puppies.

The scientists suggest several possible reasons for increased aggression in dogs that originate in puppy mills: epigenetic factors due to the mother being stressed in pregnancy, lack of socialization, the stress of the early environment and its negative influence on learning ability, and a lack of information provided by pet stores to new owners.

Cute Yorkie puppy - but puppies from pet stores have more behaviour problems

The study included 349 dogs that were acquired from breeders as puppies and 173 dogs that were bought as puppies from pet stores. They were all over 1 year old at the time of the study. No effect of breed or breed group was found.

It’s worth noting the list of potential behaviour problems relied on owner report, and was not based on any official diagnoses. Owner-directed aggression did not include food guarding or toy guarding, which were separate questions and were not linked to origin of the puppy. Stranger aversion was also a separate question and not linked to origin either, which ties in with research by Casey et al (2014) that found aggression towards family members is typically not linked to aggression to strangers.

This study shows that puppies from puppy mills are more likely to be aggressive to their owner as adult dogs, regardless of various things the owner might or might not do. It also shows that a range of owner-related factors are linked to other behaviour problems. This is useful information for educational campaigns, which are important because there is a lot of erroneous information about dog training. Other research also suggests it is important to attend a good puppy class.

Good advice for people intending to get a dog is to make sure not to get a puppy from a pet store, sign up for good dog training classes, and make sure the dog gets enough walks as this is important for ongoing socialization as well as exercise. And, of course, learn as much as you can about how to take good care of and train your dog.

You might also be interested in this subsequent review of the literature that looks at the potential causes of behaviour problems in pet store puppies.

P.S. How to choose a puppy in 4 easy steps and why you need to socialize your puppy.

Casey, R., Loftus, B., Bolster, C., Richards, G., & Blackwell, E. (2014). Human directed aggression in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris): Occurrence in different contexts and risk factors Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 152, 52-63 DOI: 10.1016/j.applanim.2013.12.003
McMillan, F., Serpell, J., Duffy, D., Masaoud, E., & Dohoo, I. (2013). Differences in behavioral characteristics between dogs obtained as puppies from pet stores and those obtained from noncommercial breeders Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 242 (10), 1359-1363 DOI: 10.2460/javma.242.10.1359
Pirrone, F., Pierantoni, L., Pastorino, G., & Albertini, M. (2016). Owner-reported aggressive behavior towards familiar people may be a more prominent occurrence in pet shop-traded dogs Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 11, 13-17 DOI: 10.1016/j.jveb.2015.11.007

Companion Animal Psychology is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

Companion Animal Psychology is also a participant in the Etsy Affiliate Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Etsy.com.

Shelter Dogs Live Up To Expectations (Mostly)

Testing behaviour in the shelter is tricky, but most people who adopt a dog would do so again. 

An Alaskan Malamute gives a kiss to her owner

Animal shelters often assess the behaviour of dogs before rehoming them, but because the tests are not always scientifically validated, Mornement et al (2014) developed the B.A.R.K. protocol. Results of the B.A.R.K. on 74 shelter dogs successfully predicted in-home ratings for fear and friendliness after the dogs had been adopted, but not anxiety, activity level or compliance. A follow-up paper by Kate Mornement (Monash University; Pets Behaving Badly) et al takes a closer look at how the shelter assessment compares to new owners’ ratings about four months after adoption.

First, the good news. All the new owners said their dog was part of the family, 96% said their new dog adapted to their home well or very well, and 71% said the dog met their expectations. Most dogs were friendly to visitors, and the most common occurrence of most behaviour problems was “never”, including fear of strangers, escaping, food guarding and resource guarding.

But the dogs weren’t perfect, because 72% of owners said there was a behaviour they would like to change – most commonly destructive behaviour, fear, barking too much and pulling on leash.

The B.A.R.K. was tested to see how well it matched up to behaviours in the home. The list of potential behaviour issues was grouped into three using a statistical technique called principal component analysis. The B.A.R.K. predicted results on one of these - fearful behaviour and inappropriate toileting – but it did not predict problem behaviour or aggression. 

In fact, 24% said their new dog had shown aggression, defined as growling, snapping or trying to bite a person (16% “rarely”, 7% “sometimes” and 1% “often”). This is surprising because none of the dogs had been aggressive at the shelter (if they had, they wouldn’t have been deemed adoptable). 

One possibility, say the scientists, is that aggression is not as fixed as other behavioural traits (e.g. fear) and is difficult to assess because it does not occur very often. Another possibility is that dogs suppress aggressive behaviours in the shelter because of the stressful environment.

But it’s also possible the general public is less aware of canine behaviour and body language, and so behaves differently than shelter staff and volunteers. 39% of the new owners had done no research on dog ownership/behaviour before getting the dog. The scientists suggest shelters engage in educational activities and post-adoption support, including a “shelter dog manual” for adopters.

Companionship was the main reason for adopting a dog, either as a companion for themselves (51%), for another dog (16%) or for a child (10%). The death of a previous dog (11%) or exercise (4%) were other reasons given. 

61% chose to adopt from a shelter “to rescue a dog/save a life” (61%); 15% wanted an adult dog and 11% don’t like pet shops. The factors that went into a decision included the dog needing a home (88%), the dog’s behaviour (88%), personality (88%) and size (82%). The type of coat and appearance were important for some people but not others.  

Most people said they would adopt from a shelter again (76%) and found the process positive (70%). 
“If people are considering adopting a dog they need to research the type of dog that would best fit their lifestyle,” says Dr. Mornement. “For example, a couch potato shouldn’t adopt a working breed because they’re unlikely to meet the dog’s needs for exercise and mental stimulation.

“Other things potential adopters should consider are how much time they have for their dog (to provide companionship, exercise and training), whether they’re prepared to groom their dog, will they take their dog to training or sport dog activities. 

“Shelters can help adopters to make the right choice when choosing their dog by making a good match between adopter and dog and ensuring adopter’s expectations are realistic. Providing post adoption obedience classes and/or phone support to overcome any issues can help support successful adoptions.”

The authors suggest further research to investigate if dogs that are fostered, rather than kept in kennels, have fewer behaviour problems in new homes, and if assessments work better in this setting. 

This important study highlights the issues of assessing dog behaviour, and the difficulties of conducting research in shelters where time and money are in short supply. Mornement et al conclude by saying, “A holistic approach including assessment of behaviour pre-shelter, in-shelter and post-shelter, together with stress-reducing enrichment and rehabilitation training may assist to provide a more complete picture of canine behaviour and adoptability.”

How does your dog compare to your initial expectations?

This article was nominated in the 2016 Dog Writer's Association of America Annual Writing Competition in the category Article or Blog - Rescue.

Mornement, K., Coleman, G., Toukhsati, S., & Bennett, P. (2015). Evaluation of the predictive validity of the Behavioural Assessment for Re-homing K9's (B.A.R.K.) protocol and owner satisfaction with adopted dogs Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 167, 35-42 DOI: 10.1016/j.applanim.2015.03.013
Mornement, K., Coleman, G., Toukhsati, S., & Bennett, P. (2014). Development of the behavioural assessment for re-homing K9's (B.A.R.K.) protocol Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 151, 75-83 DOI: 10.1016/j.applanim.2013.11.008
Photo: Julia Siomuha (Shutterstock.com)