everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label all natural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label all natural. Show all posts

Key to Happiness & Health is Good Sleep: Tips on Buying the Perfect Dog Bed

Are you having another one of those sleepless nights wedged in between the Abominable Snore-man & Little Miss Kicks Alot? Has your dog taken over the pillow, stolen the sheets and there's no room for your head? Perhaps, as the "Top Dog" you're left grasping for the edge of the bed, finding yourself demoted to the floor while your dog stretches out in luxury and your significant other has sweet dreams.

Truth be told those sad yet cute puppy eyes makes it hard to say no, but know one likes their tootsie hanging off the bed. But don't be sad, gone all the days of solely banishing your dog on the cold floor, now he can sleep in the lap of luxury on a bed of his own. A place to call his own & retreat for a much needed power nap after a day of chasing squirrels is every dogs dream. With his very own place to flop, you won't be able to blame your dog for making you wake up on the wrong side of bed or on the floor.

With a summer packed full of fun activities & things to do, sleep is very important if you are going to keep up. Grandparents visiting toddlers & grandchildren you can relate. Reward your pup with a comfy place to flop so you refuel with some Zzzz's. Just like you, the health and well-being of your dog is not only dependent on diet & exercise. But it also depends on how much comfortable sleep and rest he and you both get. Here are some tips on choosing the perfect dog bed for your furry companion.

1. One Size Does Not Fit All- Just like dogs, dog beds come in all shapes, colors & sizes. So it is important to be mindful of your dogs “paw-sonality & sleeping habits when finding the perfect bed, since comfort is key to a good nights sleep for you and Spot. You should know that there are dog beds that can accommodate a variety of your dog's special needs. Heated dog beds and orthopedic foam dog beds are available and are excellent choices for older and arthritic dogs.

What is your dog's sleep preference & personality?

Curlers (aka Fur ball) They like to be securely enclosed by their bed, a bumper or cuddler bed will do. Your dog would love a Donut dog bed. If hey had a choice they probably would enjoy spending a Friday night curled up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, Kleenex & a sappy movie (The Notebook).

Leaners – They prefer the support of a back bolster and a sense of security. Your dog would be a huge fan of bolster beds. If this dog was human he probably would start planning for retirement at age 10 and have quite a portfolio to match (low risk of course).

Sprawlers – They stretch out in all directions like their care free spirit and you can often find them belly up. If you share the bed at night with your dog and find your self on the floor with a bump on your head then you guessed it, your dog is a sprawler. The perfect fit would be dog pads & mats.

Burrowers (aka Cave dogs)

They like to dig and hide which is their very nature and what they were born to do. So they are not alien to burrowing under the sheets or hiding under a stack of dirty laundry. They are probably adventurous and have been known by the pack as Indiana Dog. Your dog would love Nesting beds.

3. Your Dog's Size- The size of your dog is an important consideration, but make sure the bed is nicely padded for comfort. Whatever size your dog is, pick a dog bed that is slightly larger than him or her. This is to allow room for growth, especially for puppies, and allow room for movement.

So how do you measure your dog for the perfect fit?

Now that you have figured out your dogs sleeping preference, it's time to measure him for that perfect pure-bed just for him. So get out your cloth ruler or for all you resourceful pups who don't have a ruler a piece of rope will do. While your dog is lying down, measure your dog's length from the tip of her nose to the tip of her tail. Add 10-12 inches to obtain the best length for the bed. Add an additional 2-4 inches if your dog likes to stretch out.

3. Easily Washable-Make sure the dog bed is machine washable. Some beds require you to take it a apart for a good cleaning so make sure it is made of removable and washable materials. It will definitely get dirty and smelly, so it is important that you can easily wash it anytime. Make sure too that the material is appropriate for the dog's fu. Look for machine washable bedding if at all possible. ***Note: Follow Washing Instructions Carefully***

4. Location, Location, Location- Where will you put your dog bed? This is also an important consideration when choosing a bed for your pet so you can pick the right material. Some dog beds are more suitable for an indoor location like in the bedroom or living room instead of outdoors, like in a porch for instance. Climate and local weather are important factors to consider as well. Choose a dog bed that will provide warmth for your dog in winter and air circulation during summer.

5. Quality & Durability -The dog bed must be able to withstand Fido's fascination with chewing and his sharp claws. We all know dogs can be a messy handful so chose a bed that can weather the storm of Hurricane Spot, withstand the wrath of the Un-Decorator, and do battle against the Chew-minator. Picking a dog bed cover or bed that is washable and made of durable fabric is key. Also, for those who like to color coordinate with their decor there are many beds to chose from that won't be an eye sore but will complement your home furnishing. Your dog will definitely appreciate his own bed, space and little slice of heaven.

So say good-bye to the edge of the bed and hello to the sleep fairy. As for your husbands snoring you may just have to invest in ear plugs!!


Shop www.pawlux.com for eco-friendly, all natural & organic dog beds made in the USA. Sorry, earplugs are not included ! :(

Squeaky Green: Green Pet Friendly House Cleaning Safety Tips

If you haven’t guessed it, spring-cleaning is here. Time to clean out the attic, throw a yard sale, dust the shelves and mop the floors. Its time to get down to business & use some elbow grease to scrub the counters, those hard to reach nooks & crannies and rid your home of dirt, grime and those sneezing dust mites. Yes, its true cleaning is a hard job but someone has to do!

But some traditional household cleaning products can leave your skin itchy, irritated and you smelling like you've emerged from a bleach bath. An overwhelming smell that leaves you cracking open your windows for some fresh air. Bleach, detergents, & disinfectant products although effective can be very harmful to humans and pets. Some of these cleaning products can be very corrosive to your dogs mouth and digestive tract if inhaled or ingested. According to the ASPCA, last year they received more than 3,200 calls related to household cleaners.

So are their any reliable house cleaners our there that you can safely drizzle down the drain, use around your kids and pets, and feel secure about having on your skin? Hmmm....Well, we are happy to say your prayers have been answered and with green on everyone's mind and shopping list these days there are a lot more healthier, safer, and economical cleaning alternatives for you to choose from. Many of these eco-friendly options can be found on store shelves and even in your kitchen pantries & cupboards.

The Truth About Cleaning Products

Many people using cleaning products in the home figure if it’s available on store shelves then it must be safe. Well, we want you to know that not all cleaning product are created equal and not all are safe for your family and the environment. So with that said it is important to read the labels, anything that says the words “Danger”, “Poison”, or “Warning” can’t very well be good for you. Just keep in mind that some traditional cleaning products like bleaches, disinfectants & detergents contain harmful toxins. Everyday, we come in contact with these toxins which can be found on the clothes we wear, the plate Fido licks off, and the carpet he lounges on with his favorite chew toy. Since dogs spend most of their days so close to the ground it important to keep them in mind when choosing house cleaning products. As dog guardians it is up to us make sure their environment are safe, because they are like our children. So detox your home the all natural & eco-friendly way!

Now a day lemons in the produce section are challenging Lysol in the cleaning section (aisle 9 to be exact) as people choose the natural route. Like the saying goes when you are given lemons you make lemonade or in our case a natural cleaner & polisher. Even your dog’s bed, your clothes, sheets, curtains, and towels can get the royal washing without the chemicals with soap nuts (a natural nut shell with soap properties grown in India).

Humans and dogs have a lot in common, we can both develop sensitivities to harsh cleaners resulting in itchy & irritated skin. The downside is that unlike humans, dogs lack opposable thumbs, which makes it nuisance to itch those hard to reach places. By retiring those commercial cleaning products and upgrading to down to earth products you can help save your dog the headache of trying to scratch those hard to reach places . Opt for a more healthier and natural way to rid dust mites with the help of natural products (aka green cleaning).

What is green Cleaning?

Green cleaning is using products that don’t harm you, your children both two & four legged, or the earth. With so many green solutions you no longer need to rely solely on your dogs licking expertise to get the dishes & floors spic & span.

Many people think that going green means spending the green, but rests assure there are many economical & eco-cleaning solutions out there that are all natural, chlorine, bleach-free & contain no harsh chemicals. But most importantly they are effective, so fear not all you people against dirty. The best part is that they get your house clean minus the chemicals & harmful toxins . Not to mention green cleaning products don’t leave your house smelling of a strong odor or like a freshly sanitized hospital.

For all you Martha Stewart's out there, it’s time to get in the kitchen. In fact, some of these eco-solutions can be found in your pantry or cupboards, they are easy to pronounce & are edible. With just a few ingredients and a quick stir you can brand your very own cleaner that costs mere pennies. Magically, they can really stretch the budget by keeping the house clean and smelling fresh at the same time. Not to mention there many added great benefits:

Lemon - Dissolves soap scum and hard water deposits. It also cleans and shines brass and copper. If mixed with vinegar and baking soda it can be made into cleaning pastes. If mixed with vegetable oil it makes furniture polish. Hey, while you at it you can make a pitcher of lemonade.

Vinegar - Naturally cleans like an all-purpose cleaner. Add one part water to one part vinegar and you have a solution that can clean most areas of your home. Vinegar disinfects and deodorizes. The strong smell of vinegar goes away after it dries. Both vinegar and baking soda have the added bonus of being incredibly cheap. Perfect for heftier residue and can work as a drain de-clogger. With all those dog baths your dog is bound to clog a few drains along the way.

Baking soda - Use to scrub surfaces similar to commercial abrasive cleansers like Comet or Ajax. Baking soda is also a great deodorizer, just ask your fridge & freezer, those leftover Chinese takeout containers leave odor that lurks in the dark. This is great for bathtubs, drains, ovens, tile floors or countertops.

But for those of you who don’t have the time to make green cleaning products from scratch there are some wonderful alternatives. Many of these ready made eco-solutions currently on the market can be found on your local store shelves, online, or a health food store. With a little elbow grease your house will be clean as a whistle and Fido may be caught off guard by his handsome reflection on those shiny hardwood floors.

Many of these eco-solutions are backed by a Green Seal rating, which means they meet the cleaning product environmental standards. Some of these products include: Mrs. Meyer’s All Purpose Cleaner, Seventh Generation, Method, Ecover, EcoQuest, BioKleen and Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds. When purchasing green cleaning products pick multi –purpose; this creates fewer items in the home, less packaging, less waste, and less money spent. Also, look for biodegradable products and post consumer recycled packaging.

So now you are probably wondering how to break the news and get rid of your unwanted guests, no we are not referring to your in-laws, but those traditional cleaning products. When replacing your cleaning products, don’t just throw the old ones in the trash. If they’re too toxic for your home, they won’t be good for the drain or the landfill either. Many communities hold toxics & electronics recycling days and will take all of these off your hands. Throwing chemicals in the trash or down the drain means they might end up back in your water supply and come back to haunt you.

Its important to remember that although all of these green products are nontoxic and more earth-friendly than traditional cleansers. Like anything, the same care should be taken when using them around your dogs since dogs are curious & experiences the world with their mouths. Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it’s safe for your pet to ingest, so watch them carefully when you are cleaning away. After you have finished your spring cleaning store your cleaning products & laundry supplies out of reach in a childproof locked cabinet, locked closet or in a high shelf area out of paws reach.

If you have suspected your pet has ingested household cleaning products contact your vet immediately or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 1-888-426-4335.

So roll up your sleeves and welcome spring with a squeaky green & clean house!

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Shop www.pawlux.com for eco-friendly, all natural & organic dog products.