everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Finalist for Canada's Favourite Science Blog

Companion Animal Psychology is a finalist in the People’s Choice Award for Canada’s Favourite Science Blog.

Companion Animal Psychology is one of three finalists in the People’s Choice Award for Canada’s Favourite Science Blog.

It is a real honour and I am thrilled. Thank you very much for your support!

And thank you to Science Borealis and Science Writers and Communicators of Canada for organizing the competition.

The winner will be announced on Thursday November 2nd.

Check out the other two finalists, The Body of Evidence and Art the Science.  You can read about all the finalists in the Science Borealis announcement here, and you can also see the three science website finalists there.

And you follow on twitter with the hashtag #CdnSciFav.

Pet photos to thank you for supporting Companion Animal Psychology

Two New Posts: Dog Walking and Favourites

Two posts look at dog walking behaviour and my personal favourite blog posts.

One puppy whispers to another about two new blog posts

This week I have two new posts for you.

At my Psychology Today blog Fellow Creatures, I look at some new research on the links between dog ownership, dog walking, physical health, and the human-animal bond.

“What I was excited about were the associations we found between the strength of the bond with the dog and dog-walking behaviour,” said Dr. Jessica Bibbo, one of the authors of the study.

Read the full story here.

And in a guest post for Dr. Jo Righetti’s Pet Problems Solved, I share my five favourite Companion Animal Psychology articles. These are the posts I wish everyone would read about cats, dogs, and how best to care for them.

Find out which ones I chose here.

Photo: atiger/Shutterstock.

Resources at Companion Animal Psychology

From the people and blogs to follow to dog training research, there are lots of resources for dog and cat people here at Companion Animal Psychology.

Useful resources on dogs, cats & science illustrated by a cat poking its head out of a box
Cardboard boxes are a useful resource for cats; resources for cat and dog people in this post. Photo: isumi1 (Shutterstock)

In the five and a half years that I’ve been writing Companion Animal Psychology, I’ve built up a sizeable back catalogue of blog posts about science and our pets. I’ve also made a number of resources for readers who want to know more. Since there are many new readers lately, I thought I’d make a list so you can find everything.

Resources for dog and cat people at Companion Animal Psychology blog

Dog Training Research Resources

The science of dog training is a source of fascination for many dog trainers, and it makes an important contribution to animal welfare too. Research in this field looks at topics such as the methods ordinary people use to train their dogs (and how obedient they think their dog is as a result), the potential effects of different dog training methods on fear, anxiety, stress and aggression in dogs, as well as fascinating topics such as how dogs respond to praise, petting and food.

This page lists scientific studies on dog training along with links to the papers. And because many scientific articles are behind a paywall, I’ve also listed blogs where you can read about those articles – not just on this blog, but also posts by the likes of Dr. Patricia McConnell, Julie Hecht, Dr. Sophia Yin and Dr. Stanley Coren.

The list of dog training research resources is one of the most popular resources on this website and I update it regularly. Hopefully you will find it useful.

A Jack  Russell gets a treat - evidence-based dog training

A cat training research resources page is a new work in progress.

Less Stress at the Vet

I’ve published many blog posts about studies that show dogs and cats find vet visits very stressful. So I put together a list of useful resources to help cats and dogs have less stress at the vet.

From general advice on going to the vet, to training plans to help your dog or cat accept medication or restraint, you’ll find lots of useful links here to posts and videos by Dr. Andy Roark, Dr. Sarah Ellis, Laura Monaco Torelli, Chirag Patel, Pam Johnson-Bennett, Dr. Mikel Delgado, Dr. Jeannine Berger, International Cat Care, Kathy Sdao MA, the Muzzle Up! Project, Fear Free, and many more.

This is a post to bookmark and come back to, but remember it’s never too early to start training your pet to like trips to the vet.

A dog and cat at the vet - resources for less stressful vet visits
Photo: flywish (Shutterstock)

Animal Book Club

The Companion Animal Psychology Book Club is coming up to its first anniversary. The club reads one book a month (except for January and July, when we take a break). Although the Facebook group is full, anyone can read alongside us each month.

My own personal highlights from the books so far are The Trainable Cat by John Bradshaw and Sarah Ellis, Being a Dog by Alexandra Horowitz, and How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog) by Lee Dugatkin and Lyudmila Trut. But I’ve enjoyed every book we’ve read so far and each one brings something unique to our understanding of companion animals and our relationship with them.

The title of each month’s book is published in a blog post on the first Sunday of every month.

A puppy reads a book for the animal book club

Pet People to Follow

There are many brilliant scientists, bloggers, dog trainers, animal behaviourists, veterinarians, organizations and general pet people who not only produce great content themselves on their blogs but also share great content on their twitter and Facebook feeds.

So back in January I put together a list of the Pet People to Follow in 2017 complete with their social media handles. You will find lots of interesting new people to follow on this list – and please add your own suggestions in the comments on that post.

A beagle follows its nose, and these are the best pet people to follow for great info on dogs and cats

Pet Blogs to Follow

My pet blogs to follow list is dedicated specifically to bloggers who write thoughtful, scientific, modern posts on dogs, cats or the human-animal bond. It updates every time someone publishes a new post, so you will always find something new to read.

From time to time new blogs are added or a blog will fall off the list due to technical problems or not posting in a while.

The proviso is that it will only work on desktop (it does not work on mobile at this time).

A cat looking at a computer with a list of the best pet blogs to follow
Photo: Renata Apanaviciene (Shutterstock)

The Train for Rewards Blog Party

Many studies point to risks to animal welfare when people use aversives to train dogs (see a summary of a literature review or the dog training research resources page for more). So I started the Train for Rewards blog party in 2016 to celebrate what we can do with reward-based training and encourage more people to give it a try. I was delighted so many bloggers decided to join!

You can read the 2016 Train for Rewards posts here (along with a summary of the highlights).

The 2017 Train for Rewards blog posts are here (along with a summary).

The Train for Rewards blog party takes place on 16th June. If you are a blogger and would like to take part, look out for the invitation in late May.

Companion Animal Psychology News

I have started a monthly newsletter which keeps you posted on what is happening here at Companion Animal Psychology, along with links to some of my favourite blog posts, articles, podcasts and photos of the last month, and upcoming events that might be of interest to readers.

The newsletter is typically published on the third Sunday of every month. You can read the August newsletter here which includes a couple of photos of dog-friendly pub signs from my recent trip to England.

Beautiful white cat sleeps on a book - useful resources for cat and dog people
Photo: Africa  Studio (Shutterstock)

Research Resources for Animal Shelters and Rescues

Animal shelters and rescues face many challenges in trying to increase adoptions, provide good welfare for animals, and reduce surrenders and euthanasia rates. This page lists all the posts where I have written about studies that are directly pertinent to animal shelters.

A cat and dog asleep, dreaming of resources for dog and cat owners

All About Dogs and All About Cats

Here at Companion Animal Psychology, I write mostly about dogs and cats, but also from time to time about other animals such as rabbits or fish.

Now that there’s a lot of material, I made a couple of summary pages where you can find links to some of my most popular posts about dogs and cats. So you can make a cup of tea or coffee and sit down to read all about dogs or all about cats.

Essential guides for cat people and dog people are highlighted at the top of each page. This is where you will find links to articles on how to choose a dog trainer, my ultimate dog training tip, how to provide environmental enrichment for your cat, and the secrets of your cat's nose.

If you know a new dog or cat owner, they’ll find plenty of useful information there.

A happy dog rolls in the grass... Lots of resources to help you have a happy dog
Photo: Dora Zett (Shutterstock)

Guest Posts at Companion Animal Psychology

I only recently started to accept guest contributions, and I’ve been lucky to publish some cracking guest posts from Kristi Benson, Gina Bishopp, Jane Gething-Lewis, and James Oxley and Clare Ellis.

You can find links to all guest posts here.

If you’re thinking of submitting a guest post, please pay careful attention to these guidelines.

Interviews with Scientists and Authors

I’ve been very lucky to conduct some interviews with some amazing scientists and authors about their research or books. You can see a full list of interviews here. Again, you'll find plenty to enjoy.

Companion Animal Psychology cat loves dog logo

And Finally, the T-shirt…

If you like what I do here at Companion Animal Psychology, maybe you would like to support my favourite shelter by buying the Companion Animal Psychology t-shirt? The gorgeous ‘cat loves dog’ design is by Lili Chin and features my dog and one of my cats greeting each other.

The design is available on t-shirts in various colours, a hoodie, sweatshirt, and pillow.

100% of the proceeds go to the BC SPCA Maple Ridge.

Follow and Subscribe to Companion Animal Psychology

As always, you can follow me on twitter, Facebook or pinterest, and you can subscribe to Companion Animal Psychology to make sure you never miss a post.

For the time being, there is a search box in the sidebar that you can use to find posts on particular topics. When Google brings in the next Chrome updates, I will have to remove the search box as it is not https. That was partly the impetus for making a post that lists where to find useful pet resources on this blog.

I’m always open to suggestions for blog posts, so if you have particular topics you’d like to see covered you can email me on companimalpsych at gmail dot com.

Make your dog happy: "I love to go for walks"

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Shortlisted for Canada's Favourite Science Blog

Companion  Animal Psychology is shortlisted for the People's Choice Award: Canada's Favourite Science Blog. Vote for your favourites!

Badge for the People's Choice 2017 Canada's Favourite Science Online contest

I am thrilled to have been short-listed for the People's Choice Award: Canada's Favourite Science Blog.

You can see the shortlist and vote here on the Science Borealis website. Voters can select their three favourite blogs and three favourite science websites (so you have six votes in total). It's a great way to show support for your favourite science sites and blogs and find new ones to follow too.

You can follow the contest on social media via the hashtag #CdnSciFav. Every day from now until the close of voting on 14th October, Science Borealis and SWCC will be promoting the short-listed blogs and websites on social media. The contest is part of Science Literacy Week (#scilit17) here in Canada which celebrates science with events across the country. 

Three finalists in each category will be announced during the week of October 23rd, and the winners will be announced at the Canadian Science Policy Conference (Nov 1-3) and on social media.

Companion Animal Psychology Turns Five

Celebrating five years of communicating science about dogs, cats, and the human-animal bond.

A happy Australian Shepherd puppy dog in a party hat

It’s hard to believe it is five years since I started Companion Animal Psychology blog, and yet somehow this is my 278th post.

The aims of the blog remain twofold: to bring up-to-date science about people’s relationships with their pets to a wider audience; and to share evidence-based information about how to care for our cats and dogs.

These aims are nicely illustrated by the two most popular posts of the last year: losing a pet can lead to different types of grief and dominance training deprives dogs of positive experiences. The top post on cats was about the best scratching posts.

In the past twelve months, I’ve been able to bring you some excellent guest posts as well as interviews with Dr. Sarah Ellis, Jean Donaldson, and Dr. Lee Dugatkin. And the photos of happy dogs (and more happy dogs) that people have shared with me have made me very happy too.

A happy mutt dog in a party hat celebrating dog science

I’ve published some useful guides, including how to choose a dog trainer and a user-friendly guide to using positive reinforcement in dog training, not to mention seven reasons to use reward-based dog training.

I hosted the Train for Rewards blog party because reward-based training is for all our pets (shall we do it again?).

I’ve published stories about lots of cool new scientific research (see e.g. here, here, and here). And I’ve maintained my list of dog training research resources for those who want to know what science tells us about dog training.

A kitten peeks out of a wooden box
A fifth anniversary is a "wood" anniversary

I started the Companion Animal Psychology Book Club in November 2016. Members choose the books and April's book is The Other End of the Leash by Patricia McConnell.

Even if I say it myself, I think all this means Companion Animal Psychology is a fabulous resource for people with pets.

So it’s nice to reach five years with good news. I now have a blog at Psychology Today called Fellow Creatures. My first post is about what pets mean to homeless people. And I’m delighted to say my book, Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy has been acquired by Greystone Books.

Thank you to everyone who has liked, shared and commented on my posts. One of the best things about Companion Animal Psychology is the community of people I have come to know through it.

A happy Golden Retriever sticks his head out of a car window

Special thanks to my dog training mentor, Jean Donaldson, and to my agent, Trena White of Transatlantic Agency.

Five years feels like quite a milestone. So it’s time to celebrate. Cheers!

P.S. Don't forget to subscribe to Companion Animal Psychology.

Invitation to the Train for Rewards Blog Party

Join the blog party to celebrate rewards-based training of our dogs and other companion animals. #Train4Rewards

Positive reinforcement training for dogs and cats
Planning for the Train for Rewards Blog Party

Are you a blogger? Do you support rewards-based training for dogs and other animals? Would you like to take part in the #Train4Rewards blog party?

You are invited to write a blog post about rewards-based training of dogs or other companion animals, post it on your own blog on the set date, then come and share a link to it here. Bloggers from anywhere in the world are invited to take part.

Read on to find out more.

On Wednesday, 15th June:

1. Publish a post on your blog in support of the #Train4Rewards blog party. It can be words, photos, video, a podcast, or a combination, and relate to any kind of companion animal.  I’ve put some suggestions below to get you started.

Double-check your post to make sure the tone is friendly and supportive to people who might not know anything about positive reinforcement training – we want to encourage them to get interested.

2. Include the #Train4Rewards button in your post, using the code displayed underneath it. (See below if you need more info on how to do this).

3. Add your blog to the list on companionanimalpsychology.com. The list will be open from 5am PST on 15th June until 8am PST on 16th June. Don’t miss the deadline!

On Thursday 16th June:

1. Check out the full list of participating blogs on companionanimalpsychology.com. Visit the other blogs, and leave comments to show support for your fellow bloggers.

2. Share your blog post on social media using the hashtag #Train4Rewards.

3. Share your favourite posts from other participating blogs on social media, also using the hashtag #Train4Rewards. You don’t have to share all the posts (unless you want to), so pick the ones you like best and share those. You can spread this out throughout the day.

4. Feel proud of your contribution to improving animal welfare. Reward yourself with a piece of cake, a bunch of flowers, a walk in the woods, or whatever makes you happy.

Ideas for posts

The benefits of positive reinforcement dog training
Blog posts can be about any aspect of rewards-based training, so feel free to use your imagination. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

What you enjoy about training using positive reinforcement

How to use positive reinforcement to teach a behaviour or solve a behaviour problem

How to train your cat to go into a carrier

A video of your dog, cat, rabbit, rat or ferret doing tricks

The key thing that made you become a crossover trainer

Photos of dogs (or other animals) enjoying a training session

The best treats to use as rewards

Recipes for training treats

An ode to your bait pouch, written by your dog

Why you love your dog trainer

What is allowed: blog posts that celebrate the rewards-based training of companion animals.
What is not allowed: training that uses pain, including but not limited to choke and prong collars, electronic shock collars, alpha rolls, or other aversive techniques; blog posts of a commercial nature.

I reserve the right to not include posts if they are not within the spirit of the blog party. Please keep posts family-friendly.

If you want, you can let me know that you are planning to take part. I look forward to reading your posts!

Technical Details

How to add the blog party button to your blog post: Copy the code that is displayed underneath the button. Put the code in the html part of your page.

In blogger, click the html button on the top left; in wordpress, the html button is on the top right. Position the code where you would like the button to appear e.g. if you want it at the bottom of the page, put it underneath all the other html code; if you want it at the top, put it at the top.

If you want to centre it, put <center> at the beginning of the code, and </center> after it.

When you go back to your compose field, you will see the button in your post.

In Squarespace, add a content block, scroll down to "More" and then click "Code".  Copy and paste the button code into the text editor that pops up.  The content block can then be moved around like any other content block.

If you choose to also include a text link to the blog party (this is not required), please make it a nofollow link.

How to add your blog post to the Train for Rewards list:
You need to use the specific permalink to your blog post, not the main url of your blog. If you have pictures in your post, you will have a choice of thumbnails. The linkup for the Train for Rewards Blog Party opens at 5am PST 15th June until 8am PST on 16th June 2016.

If you make a mistake or want to choose a different thumbnail, you can delete it and start again any time up to the deadline.

You will need to provide your email address in order to add your link, but this will only be used (if necessary) to communicate with you about this link-up. You will not be added to any email lists. If you would like to receive blog posts by email, you should subscribe to Companion Animal Psychology.