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Showing posts with label cat articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat articles. Show all posts
Crate-Training Your Cat

Crate-Training Your Cat

First of all, forget any of the cat products. If it makes any type of whirling noise or has anything to do with their toe nails - you might just be wasting your money. No cat is going to set still while you are messy with her toe nails with some whirling thing that makes even the tiniest bit of noise. Cats are just not built that way. As for the dog products this household has not tested any since there is no dog living here.

Along with all of these, Royal Canin offers specific diet created for cats of different breeds. These products take into consideration the individual needs of a particular cat breed and cater to them.

You might have said no thanks to some of these products since after adding shipping and delivery they seem less of a bargain and more of a hassle. Just recently, these products have begun being sold in different discount stores as well as at some drugstores and also on the internet. So no longer are these "buy me but I break immediately" products such a hassle to get - in fact some of them have turn rather mainstream. And (surprise, surprise) some of them are really decent products where you do get a ROI or return on your investment.

There are a couple things which a cat looks for in appealing furniture. Stability is a major factor. If a furnishing does not seem strong or sturdy enough to handle rough clawing it will be unappealing.

Also available is nutritious food for diabetic cats. Royal Canin Veterinary Diet for Diabetic cats regulates the glucose supply and provides proper nutrition for it.

If it is at all possible, you should start crate training you cat when he is still a kitten. If he learns early-on that the crate is not something to be hated or feared, trips to the vet will be that much easier in his later years. Older cats can still be trained with the following method, but will take more time and patience from the owner!

Cuts Through Plastic Packaging

The next step is to simply make the crate or cage as comfortable as possible for the cat and make it accessible at all times. You want to make the crate a "safe zone" for your cat. Keep it close to his litter box and food - you can even place either or both within the crate if there is room. Whenever you put him in the crate or see him in it, give him a treat. You can also place treats in the crate when it is unoccupied for your cat to find later - you want the cat to see the crate as a good place and associate it with good things.

It is certain that everyone at one time or another have been watching TV late at night and have seen those late night infomercials. Many of these products, you can just tell by looking that the first time you use them they are going to break. But after some research, some of these "as see on TV" products might be worth taking a second look at.

Bed: These are not vital as most cats and kittens are happy to sleep anywhere. If you do want a bed for your cat, there are many designs to choose from, but don't expect your cat to sleep in it all the time.

It will take time and patience (especially with older cats), but a crate can be made into a "safe haven" for the cat whenever he feels uncomfortable or threatened - or simply wants to be left alone. If your cat runs and hides when you have company over, you can make the crate into the place he goes willingly with just a little training.

When using commercial food whether wet or dry always use a quality brand, as a cheap cat food often contains too much cereal and not enough protein.
Treating Cats with Fur Balls

Treating Cats with Fur Balls

One of the wonderful things we all love about cats is their soft, delicate fur. When they ingest dead, loose hairs in the process of grooming, what usually happens is that they pass through the digestive system without any problems. However, if too much hair builds up in the stomach, it causes irritation of the stomach lining, and this when a furball will be produced.

Fur balls can be a recurrent problem for cats, particularly those from long-haired breeds. It is an unpleasant experience for cats, and symptoms generally include vomiting, unproductive retching, constipation and a loss of appetite. This article looks at how cats suffering from fur balls can be treated, and what can be done to prevent them becoming a problem.

Sometimes cats who suffer from furballs may eat grass and garden plants to try and medicate themselves. Grass causes them to vomit, which may also bring up the fur ball as well. Thus, if you see your cat eating grass, this may be an early indication that they are suffering from fur balls.

One thing owners can do to help prevent fur balls is regular combing of their cat's hair. This will get rid of much of the dead hair before it can be ingested. Fine-toothed combs are best for short haired cats, while wide-toothed combs tend to be more suitable for long haired cats. It's not advisable to use brushes, because they are much less effective at getting all the loose hair out.

One of the traditional remedies for furballs is petroleum jelly. A small amount is applied to a cat's paw, so the cat can lick it up. The molecules of petroleum jelly are too large to be absorbed, so they retain their form and act as a lubricant to help the ingested hair through the cat's digestive system and out in the normal way.

There are varieties of petroleum jelly in different flavours (such as tuna) which are designed especially for cats. These will make the jelly more palatable to cats, so are a good option if your cat shows reluctance towards this treatment.

Another common treatment for the condition is natural herb tablets. These tablets are a mixture of herbs including valerian root, dandelion root, and senna leaf, powdered and pressed into tablet form. It works as a gentle laxative, so it is generally given for the relief of constipation or to help treat cats suffering from furballing.

It is recommended that cats who are experiencing noticeable discomfort because of furballs are given one of these tablets daily. In addition, it is also a good idea to give cats who are prone to fur balls one tablet a day during their moulting period. The one caveat to bear in mind when giving herbal treatments such as these is that they are not suitable for pregnant or lactating females.

Once cats get rid of their furballs, they normally recover quickly, and are soon back to normal. However, it is important to be aware that your cat may be suffering from dehydration because of the vomiting, and may need a special diet for a few days.

Feline Body Language - Identifying Your Cat's Behaviour

Feline Body Language - Identifying Your Cat's Behaviour

Have you ever pondered what your feline is stating? I'm certain most pet managers have every once in a while. When you figure out how to read non-verbal communication you can! Give careful consideration to what her tail, ears, and hide are doing and you can read their feelings.

Your felines' tail is the most vital part to watch to figure out your felines emotions. You can figure out whether your feline is cheerful or not by examining her tail.

Tail straight up: When your feline is strolling to you and her tail is straight up it is an indication of kind disposition, this is her method for welcome you in a well disposed way.

Tail straight up and shuddering: When your feline shows this she is exceptionally upbeat to see you, however in the event that your feline is a male be wary he may be getting primed to stamp his region when you get excessively close you may mourn it.

Tail straight up yet with a snare: This is normally seen when she is seeing a new individual or when approached by an alternate feline. When you see this she is readied to be agreeable yet readied to safeguard herself also.

Tail straight up and puffed: Look out on the grounds that your feline is pestered, furious, or startled. Better provide for some opportunity to cool off before approaching her.

Tail straight up and at a slight plot: She is unsure, readied to be agreeable additionally primed to flee or if important to battle.

Tail straight out and down: This feline is primed to battle, it could be she is prepared to play yet normally you can tell which one quite rapidly. So be extremely mindful when you see this conduct.

Tail goes up and afterward hangs down: Your feline is getting primed if important to shield herself.

Tail is tucked in: Your feline is frightened, assuming that she isn't cornered she will presumably fled, if cornered she will likely battle.

Tail whipping: Large abate swings typically mean she is energized however more diminutive swings and quickly moving shows outrage.

Your feline's ears are additionally a method for telling your feline's enthusiastic state. while not as evident as the tail when perusing both the tail and ears together you can show signs of improvement picture of how your feline feels.

Assuming that your feline's ears are back this typically implies animosity, assuming that they are both up and back this normally implies a test is constantly given.

The point when your feline's ears are out she is either apprehensive or exceptionally troubled, if the ears retreat significantly more she is undermined and may respond with animosity.

There are different signs your feline may provide for you, for example, murmuring, working, and rubbing with her head of face which we all know is an indication of warmth, however rubbing the head or face is likewise her method for fortifying her bond with you by exchanging some of her fragrance to you. Rubbing around your legs is likewise considered fondness which obviously it is however again she is holding with you by getting her aroma on you.
Pet Grooming Essentials to Keep Your Pets Health at Best

Pet Grooming Essentials to Keep Your Pets Health at Best

Buying grooming products for your pet is not only for styling your pet but also they are extremely necessary to keep it in a healthy condition; you can shop for these products very easily on online pet stores.

Any dog or pet living in your house must seek a better treatment as it is counted as one of the members of your family. If a pet dog or cat not is not treated properly then they becomes uncomfortable and shabby and to stop them from being like that you must take good care of them by using tear stain removers and salmon oil for dogs so that you can keep their hair coat clean and healthy. These kinds of pet grooming products are very much needed for any pet so that they can be free of fleas, nits and lice. While you groom you dog you must have noticed that they often form knots on their hair coat which is formed through dirt and lack of combing of their hair that eventually come out as knots. But using the right grooming products such as shampoos and soaps are able to let your pet get free from these kinds of problems.

These products will not keep your pets hygienic but also leave them with great smelling all around which will also give a good feeling in the entire house.

Style and Health

Applying tear stain removers not only keep the eye area clean but also provide a less smelly feature to your pet. If you really want to see your pet dog in healthy condition then you have to make sure that you keep it clean in all the ways. Tight from cleaning the ears, teeth,hair coat, paws and claws and other parts of the body too. Also do not forget to clip its nails to as grown nails can hurt the do in any manner. With regular brushing the dog can easily get rid of the fleas and knots as well as the knots which can be a mess to your dog handling them. There are lots of dog parlors are present these days which also provide you all kinds of grooming services to your pet, but it is also true that these services are quite pricey and all of the dog owners cannot afford these services.

Cheap and Best Option

You can treat your dog with some of the best options like using the salmon oil for dogs which will keep your dog's hair coat healthy and shiny. You can buy some of the high quality products in a cheaper price from the online pet shops and get your pet treated in a very good way and under your care which is not only keep your pet healthier but also create a love bond between you and your pet.
Human Foods Could Pose Serious Health Risks to Your Cat

Human Foods Could Pose Serious Health Risks to Your Cat

Though cats may not be considered as man's best friend lots of people are actually huge fans of cats. As it turns out these purring animals do not only attract rich pet lovers but also those who are comfortable with the stray ones.

With this, the rise of cat food continuously grows as well. To date, there are more or less 111 companies in the US that manufactures cat food.

Obviously, not all can afford to feed their cats a healthy and balanced diet like so many articles suggest.

Most pet owners resolve to leftovers from their refrigerators and tables. However, did you know that no matter how harmless these human foods are, some are actually deadly for cats?

There are a number of food lists that are dangerous to cats.

Alcohol - A tablespoon of this liquid can put a cat in a coma and little over than this can make its heart stop.

Tuna - Some may think that since this is a fish it is safe for cats. According to studies, feeding this type of fish to cats every day is not healthy. The reasons behind this are: first, it does not contain all the nutrients and vitamins that a cat needs. Second, since Tuna has mercury, eating too much of this can eventually make them sick.

Chocolates, Coffee, Tea, and Energy drinks - These yummy treats are definitely not for cats. That's why there are so many cat treats on the market today. Having these in their digestive system will cause restlessness, rapid breathing, palpitations, heart arrhythmia, muscle tremors, and seizures. This is because these types of chow have caffeine and Theobromine.

Onions, Garlic and Chives - No matter how the condition of these condiments is (fresh, powder, stale), a little amount of these may bring harm to cats. If eaten, the cat's red blood cells may break and can eventually lead to Anemia.

Grapes and raisins - A high amount of these types of food may result in frequent vomiting and restlessness. Aside from this, it can also has the potential to affect a cats kidneys.

Xylitol - This type of sweetener is harmful to cats. Xylitol may be present in candies, gums and in other preserved desserts. When this enters their system a cat's insulin may increase and cause their blood sugar to crash. This sweetener may also lead to liver troubles.

Dairy products - Adult cats cannot tolerate milk in their system. They can easily develop lactose intolerance. If a cat eats food with milk this may cause them to have Diarrhea and an upset stomach.
Facts On Cat Health

Facts On Cat Health

Breed of cat, environment and genetics are the three most significant factors to influence the aging process and life expectancy of your beloved feline. While a cat's life expectancy will change depending upon the contribution made by each one of these variables, a well-cared for house cat ought to live to at least the age of fifteen. It's not unheard of, however, for a cat to live perhaps even longer and there are records of pet cats living to the distinguished, gray-haired age of thirty!

Just like humans, cats live the longest on a high-quality nutritious eating plan. As cats grow older, their nutritional needs change and it's really important to feed them an appropriately balanced diet. Regardless of the recent scare regarding contaminated cat food made with ingredients imported from China, nearly all domestic cat food brands are now considered safe. These are readily available in a variety of formulations corresponding to specific phases in a cat's life and are generally well liked by cats. If you're concerned about food safety, you can always make you own cat food at home. No matter if you pick a national brand or make your own food, it's important not to overfeed your pet so it can maintain a healthy and balanced body weight.

Human beings and cats have other things in common, as well. Physical exercise is part of a healthy life style for both cats and people. One way to keep your cat healthy and fit is to allow it some time outside each and every day. Indoors, give your cat a scratching post and a selection of playthings. Setting aside some time to have fun with your pet cat every day is an excellent way to improve your own quality of life and provide your cat the exercise it needs to stay healthy.

Another method to help a cat live longer originally came as a unexpected surprise to me. Just before signing off, Bob Barker, the ex - host of the Price is Right, the well known television game show, used to remind his viewers to spay or neuter their cats. Although Barker's motivation was most likely to help reduce the number of wayward cats and dogs wandering the streets of L.A., it turns out that spaying or neutering your cat may actually boost its life span. Although the data on this don't lie, it's not precisely obvious why the concept works. Some believe a fixed cat will remain much closer to home, minimizing its vulnerability to disease and other hazards.

Don't forget, a good relationship with a qualified veterinarian is a must should your cat ever is in need of the care of a veterinarian. Periodic trips to the veterinarian, even if there's no urgent reason, can extend the life of your cat by many happy years. As a result, make the effort to locate a veterinarian close to you. Friends or family members can sometimes make a suggestion, but if you've recently moved or don't know another cat owner you can turn to, check your on-line yellow pages for a directory of certified vets where you live.