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Showing posts with label cat behavior. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat behavior. Show all posts
Crate-Training Your Cat

Crate-Training Your Cat

First of all, forget any of the cat products. If it makes any type of whirling noise or has anything to do with their toe nails - you might just be wasting your money. No cat is going to set still while you are messy with her toe nails with some whirling thing that makes even the tiniest bit of noise. Cats are just not built that way. As for the dog products this household has not tested any since there is no dog living here.

Along with all of these, Royal Canin offers specific diet created for cats of different breeds. These products take into consideration the individual needs of a particular cat breed and cater to them.

You might have said no thanks to some of these products since after adding shipping and delivery they seem less of a bargain and more of a hassle. Just recently, these products have begun being sold in different discount stores as well as at some drugstores and also on the internet. So no longer are these "buy me but I break immediately" products such a hassle to get - in fact some of them have turn rather mainstream. And (surprise, surprise) some of them are really decent products where you do get a ROI or return on your investment.

There are a couple things which a cat looks for in appealing furniture. Stability is a major factor. If a furnishing does not seem strong or sturdy enough to handle rough clawing it will be unappealing.

Also available is nutritious food for diabetic cats. Royal Canin Veterinary Diet for Diabetic cats regulates the glucose supply and provides proper nutrition for it.

If it is at all possible, you should start crate training you cat when he is still a kitten. If he learns early-on that the crate is not something to be hated or feared, trips to the vet will be that much easier in his later years. Older cats can still be trained with the following method, but will take more time and patience from the owner!

Cuts Through Plastic Packaging

The next step is to simply make the crate or cage as comfortable as possible for the cat and make it accessible at all times. You want to make the crate a "safe zone" for your cat. Keep it close to his litter box and food - you can even place either or both within the crate if there is room. Whenever you put him in the crate or see him in it, give him a treat. You can also place treats in the crate when it is unoccupied for your cat to find later - you want the cat to see the crate as a good place and associate it with good things.

It is certain that everyone at one time or another have been watching TV late at night and have seen those late night infomercials. Many of these products, you can just tell by looking that the first time you use them they are going to break. But after some research, some of these "as see on TV" products might be worth taking a second look at.

Bed: These are not vital as most cats and kittens are happy to sleep anywhere. If you do want a bed for your cat, there are many designs to choose from, but don't expect your cat to sleep in it all the time.

It will take time and patience (especially with older cats), but a crate can be made into a "safe haven" for the cat whenever he feels uncomfortable or threatened - or simply wants to be left alone. If your cat runs and hides when you have company over, you can make the crate into the place he goes willingly with just a little training.

When using commercial food whether wet or dry always use a quality brand, as a cheap cat food often contains too much cereal and not enough protein.
Feline Body Language - Identifying Your Cat's Behaviour

Feline Body Language - Identifying Your Cat's Behaviour

Have you ever pondered what your feline is stating? I'm certain most pet managers have every once in a while. When you figure out how to read non-verbal communication you can! Give careful consideration to what her tail, ears, and hide are doing and you can read their feelings.

Your felines' tail is the most vital part to watch to figure out your felines emotions. You can figure out whether your feline is cheerful or not by examining her tail.

Tail straight up: When your feline is strolling to you and her tail is straight up it is an indication of kind disposition, this is her method for welcome you in a well disposed way.

Tail straight up and shuddering: When your feline shows this she is exceptionally upbeat to see you, however in the event that your feline is a male be wary he may be getting primed to stamp his region when you get excessively close you may mourn it.

Tail straight up yet with a snare: This is normally seen when she is seeing a new individual or when approached by an alternate feline. When you see this she is readied to be agreeable yet readied to safeguard herself also.

Tail straight up and puffed: Look out on the grounds that your feline is pestered, furious, or startled. Better provide for some opportunity to cool off before approaching her.

Tail straight up and at a slight plot: She is unsure, readied to be agreeable additionally primed to flee or if important to battle.

Tail straight out and down: This feline is primed to battle, it could be she is prepared to play yet normally you can tell which one quite rapidly. So be extremely mindful when you see this conduct.

Tail goes up and afterward hangs down: Your feline is getting primed if important to shield herself.

Tail is tucked in: Your feline is frightened, assuming that she isn't cornered she will presumably fled, if cornered she will likely battle.

Tail whipping: Large abate swings typically mean she is energized however more diminutive swings and quickly moving shows outrage.

Your feline's ears are additionally a method for telling your feline's enthusiastic state. while not as evident as the tail when perusing both the tail and ears together you can show signs of improvement picture of how your feline feels.

Assuming that your feline's ears are back this typically implies animosity, assuming that they are both up and back this normally implies a test is constantly given.

The point when your feline's ears are out she is either apprehensive or exceptionally troubled, if the ears retreat significantly more she is undermined and may respond with animosity.

There are different signs your feline may provide for you, for example, murmuring, working, and rubbing with her head of face which we all know is an indication of warmth, however rubbing the head or face is likewise her method for fortifying her bond with you by exchanging some of her fragrance to you. Rubbing around your legs is likewise considered fondness which obviously it is however again she is holding with you by getting her aroma on you.
Stop Your Cat From Spraying

Stop Your Cat From Spraying

When you spot your cat stand by a door or any other object at home, lifts its tail then urinates then you know that it is spraying on the door or object. Perhaps if you are a neophyte in the cat world, you do not know what spraying means. When a cat is new to a place, it is bound to make that place its territory by spraying. It is not a cat's dilemma as not knowing its own litter box; rather, it sprays for marking a definite location. It is natural for them to spray and usually it is ordinarily done by cats outdoors. Yet, there are cat owners who complain about their cats spraying indoors. It could be troublesome for a home owner if a cat sprays inside the house. Do not worry too much as for every difficulty, there is a solution.

The reason why cats spray can either be one of the following: for marking a location, for calling a mate or for relieving stress.

A cat, just like other territorial type of animals, wants to mark its territory. In order to do this, it sprays a bit of urine on its territory. The smell of the cat's urine will alert other cats and animals to get off its property. It is natural for cats to spray on things, so extend a little understanding towards your cat.

Pheromones are a substance that animals utilize to communicate. This substance is released with the urine sprayed by cats in heat. This hormone is similar to fingerprints because animals use this to identify the kind of creature that sprayed in the location. Often, this hormone is released when cats are in heat. The pheromones tell the other cats that it is searching for a mate. Other cats in heat are attracted towards the scent of the urine due to of the pheromones. This serves as an open invitation to get engaged in procreation. Later, you will get kittens in the house.

Getting rid of stress is another reason why cats spray. It could be stressful for a cat to find another of its kind in its territory. When it catches a glimpse of another animal, it also sprays. The spraying of urine allows the cat to release some of the built-up stress generated by seeing another creature in its territory.

The scent of cat's urine can be odious. The problem is sometimes the cat sprays inside the house. The urine can stain furniture and leave foul odor. When your cat sprays, do something at once like shooing it away.

The most effective way to eradicate this spraying behavior is by neutering or spaying the cat. This applies to both male and female cats. The spraying activity will immediately stop after being neutered. Since a male cat will no longer mate after being neutered, it will get rid of its spraying. It is important to consider whether you do not want to breed your cat or otherwise because spaying or neutering is irreversible. Do not spay or neuter if you still wish to have kittens. Consider another option. It is best to ask for your vet's opinion regarding spraying if you do not want to sterilize your cat.
Cat Feeder and Your Cat

Cat Feeder and Your Cat

To have a cat is fun and a source of joy. However if you have a lazy cat, it is a real pain and if the cat happens to become fat or obese, you can imagine the trouble you are into. While for a Dog a walk in the morning could be a trip to heaven, for my cat Flossy, it is a real torture and she, makes no bones about it to make me understand. It required a superhuman effort on my part to make her stand from her seat of comfort. It requires a cup of milk and a lot of cajoling to make her take a short walk around the corner. If she is chased by a dog, I had to pick her up and she would stare at me with fiery eyes to get the message through "Why do you make me endure this unwanted torture. Cats are lazy creatures and often spend their time eating and sleeping. It creates a lot of problems, especially when they get older. Therefore to stop them from overeating, the best resort is to get a Cat feeder.

It is a device which is filled with food in the upper container and dispenses a measured amount of food in the lower bowl at certain intervals of time. There are different types of Cat feeder available in the market. While certain Cat feeder will require you to set the feeder, other is interactive and would require the cat to press certain lever so that the food is released.

It would be interesting to note that cat is carnivorous animals like their illustrious cousins Tigers, Lion and Panther. They have in their genes the hunting instincts and would like to stalk their prey, play with it and finally kill for their food. However we do not want our pets to run all over the house stalking a mice or lizards. By providing the cat with food in plenty effortlessly, we are actually making the cat lazy and different from its natural instincts. Therefore they become lethargic and fat.

It must be understood that carnivorous animals only hunt and eat when they are hungry. They are wee bit different than humans and do not have lunch, breakfast or dinner. Therefore do not over feed the cat. They just don't need it. The cat feeder is an excellent means to regulate the quantity of food which the cat is having. It will give only that much food which is essential for the cat's subsistence and you will have a fit and agile pet instead of a fat and obese cat which spends most of the time sleeping on the Sofa.

ForeverPetSupply (http://www.foreverpetsupply.com/) is online retailer of products for the lifetime needs of pets including Cat Feeder, dogs, cats, small animals and horses. We specialize in the following products for pets: Cat Scratcher, Cat Feeder, Cat litter box, Flea and Tick Shampoo, Flea Collar, Dog Feeder, Dog crates, Pet Meds, Equine Supplies, Bark collar.
Cats Vs Dogs: Which Make the Better Pets?

Cats Vs Dogs: Which Make the Better Pets?

The Cats Vs Dogs controversy has gone on for thousands of years, ever since they were domesticated. Which makes the best pet? The answer depends largely on the owner's personality and requirements for animal companionship. We have owned both and have made a few observations based on our experiences.

Dogs are intensely loyal to the people who feed them. They can be hostile to perceived "invaders," and a goodly number of them have shown a willingness to put their own lives on the line to protect their owners. The downside to this behavior is that they demand lots of attention. An owner can sit and scratch a dog's ears for hours and still receive a hurt look from the animal when it's time to do something else. Cats, although also attention seekers, seem much more aloof and independent. Just don't expect them to be there for you if a burglar breaks in. An intelligent, well trained dog makes a great hiking companion. Cats couldn't care less. This is why the owner's preferences are an important part of the Cats Vs Dogs debate.

Cats are complete carnivores, and can digest only meat. (You may have seen a cat eating green grass, but that was probably because its stomach was already upset by something else.) Dogs, like people, are omnivores able to metabolize a variety of foods. The difference is in the body chemistry of the two species. The bottom line when considering Cats Vs Dogs is this: although some dogs may develop a taste for some cat foods, the two types of food are not interchangeable.

The biggest factor in choosing between Cats Vs Dogs may be the environment of the prospective owner. Do not try to keep a large dog in a small apartment, even if the landlord allows it. You will all be miserable as a result. Cat urine smells worse than dog urine, is more likely to occur indoors and must be dealt with. Dogs are not adept at hunting mice, so rodent control is generally left up to cats, who will also catch lizards, birds and young rabbits. In a rural setting, however, be aware that cats are susceptible to being picked off by owls (yes, owls) and other predators.
Indoor vs. Outdoor Cats

Indoor vs. Outdoor Cats

There's another great debate about the feline as a pet besides the declawing issue covered in another article. This great debate concerns allowing the feline to roam outdoors vs. living indoors. As usual, there are two sides to this debate. Should you allow your cat to roam outdoors? Let's find out.

The Outdoor Feline

Cats are essentially wild creatures, and they have always loved the outdoors. What feline owner hasn't watched their cat loll in a patch of sunshine on a winter day, or roll contentedly in the dirt in their own backyard? Cats do love the sunshine, the outdoors, and the fresh air. However, outdoor cats are susceptible to more diseases, more injuries, and more health problems. Outdoor cats may tussle with other cats, catch parasites or other diseases, or be hit by a car or caught by other predators. They can also be poisoned by pesticides, or by sadistic neighbors. They can cause problems with neighbors by using their yards as a cat box. Outdoor cats simply aren't as safe as indoor cats, period.

Indoor Cats

Indoor cats live longer, healthier lives - period. Studies prove it and common sense dictates it. Indoor cats have many advantages outdoor cats can't hope to have. Outdoor cats live on an average of 3 to 5 years, while indoor cats live an average of 12 years or more. My last indoor cats lived to be 19 and nearly 21. Indoor cats enjoy in safety and comfort. They are safe from diseases that feral cats may carry and outdoor cats pick up. They are safe from cat fights, cars, and predators. And, indoor cats won't harm other wildlife, such as birds and small animals.


There are many alternatives to the outdoor lifestyle. When kittens first come home, they should be kept indoors. If your cats miss their outdoor excursions, you might try to train them to wear a harness and walk on a leash. They will still be able to enjoy the outdoors, but much more safely. Another alternative is to create a safe outdoor area or run where the cats can go outside but cannot escape the area. There are many outdoor runs available now that connect to a cat door and allow the cat access to a run on a patio or in a backyard. You can also allow the cat outdoors on a patio or deck when you are outdoors, and only for a short time. Or, you can use a carrier to take your kitty for walks in the sunshine.

Keeping kitty indoors will keep kitty healthy, happy, and free of infectious diseases she might catch outside. Each pet owner is responsible for their own pet's health and well being. Keeping kitty inside is the choice that makes sense.