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Showing posts with label cat grooming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat grooming. Show all posts
How To Check And Clean Your Cat's Ears

How To Check And Clean Your Cat's Ears

An important part of keeping your cat healthly and happy is checking and cleaning their ears. Because the ears are one of the few parts that cats can not reach themselves they need a little help from a loving owner. Keeping your cats ears clean is extremely important because any unremoved dirt, debris, or wax can clog the ears and cause infections. Regular ear cleaning at home augment's your cats own natural grooming habits.

1. How to check the ears

During petting, casually check your cats ears for discharge, redness, unpleasant smell, swelling, and even lumps. Also observe your cat's behaviour, if he often scratches or paws at his ears (and sometimes even shakes his head often), then he might be feeling discomfort in the ear area.

If you notice that your cats ears are becoming painful or inflamed, visit a veterinarian as soon as possible. The veterinarian has the equipment to look deep into your cat's ear canal and give an accurate diagnosis. The veterinarian will determine if allergies, skin conditions, ear mites, bacteria, yeasts, and fungi are causing ear diseases. Seek early treatment, or your cat's ear condition may become too late to heal.

2. How to clean the ears

Ask your veterinarian for gentle ear cleaning solutions you can use to keep your cats ears clean. These special solutions are effective in removing excess wax, moisture, and debris from your cat's outer ear canal. Be sure to use only solutions that are specifically formulated for cats. Avoid medicated solutions, unless your veterinarian advises you to use it.

Different solutions are administered differently, but most of them require you to follow these steps.

* You typically only need a few drops of the ear solution. Squeeze the bottle and let a few drops fall on into your cat's ear canal.

* Start massaging the base of your cats ear gently. You should hear a 'squelch' while you do this. Repeat the same procedure with the other ear. After both ears have been cleaned, let your cat shake its head, this loosens the waxes.

NOTE: Stop massaging immediately if your cat feels pain, and then take your cat to the veterinarian if you haven't already done so.

* Wipe the solution by wrapping your forefinger with cotton wool, this should clean off wax and debris. Do this gently though and do not poke in too deep, or you might hurt your cats eardrum.

It is recommended not to use cotton buds, which can injure the ear canals' sensitive lining.
Proper Grooming Of Your Pet Dogs And Cats

Proper Grooming Of Your Pet Dogs And Cats

Do you have a pet dog or cat in your house?

We treat them as part of the household; we are obliged to give proper care and attention for them to make them look good and healthy, just like what we are doing to other family members.

There are different pet parlors where you can bring your pet dogs and cats to have them groomed properly. Pet parlor owners also give some basic home pet grooming tips and advices for pet owners to follow so that they can personally attend to their pets' grooming needs.

Have your Dog the Best Look

Pet dogs are one of the most adventurous pet animals. They tend to explore— different parts of the house, backyard, and even in the streets. Because of this, they acquire different smell (a stinky one, for instance), their furs are stained, and different parasites sticks to their body and make them itchy.

Proper hygiene practices that are similar to human beings are one of the basics in dog grooming. It is important that you give your dog the best bath. Below are the tips to help you bathe your dog successfully.

• Prepare the bathtub and the bath supplies that you will use in bathing your pet dog. Make the bathroom comfortably warm so that you can encourage your dog to have it bathe. Gather all the pet bath supplies such as dog shampoo, bucket, towel, and hair dryer that will be used before bringing them into the bathroom.

• After you have gathered these bath supplies, bring your dog to the bathroom. Pet them and make them comfortable while you are waiting for the water to reach a soothing temperature ideal for them.

• Bathe them in the tub by using a bucket to splash water on their body. You can also use a hose with a sprayer on the end.

• Use medicated dog shampoos against fleas and ticks. You can also have shampoos of sweet scent and good for your dog's sensitive skin.

• Just a reminder: Never use dish soaps or your own shampoo because it will plague your dog with painful skin irritations. If you are not sure of what dog shampoos and soaps are fit for them, consult your veterinarian first.

• Once you have splashed their body with water, apply now their shampoo. Be sure that you will not let the shampoo reach their eyes. Massage their body carefully. Rinse it with water once again.

• Dry them using a towel first. Wipe their paws gently. Give extra attention to their ears, for any moisture cam lead to wax and bacteria build up that can lead to ear infections.

• Then use a hair dryer. Set the dryer to its medium setting and place it at least six inches from your dog's fur so that it will not burn. Continue drying until their furs are dry, but not completely. Then brush through their hair as you dry it to give it style.

Hydrophobic Cat Grooming Tips

It is a well-known fact that cats are really afraid of water. It is a challenge for you to lure your pet cat to take a bathe. Here are some pointers that you can consider in bathing your pet:

• Make the water warm. Cats have high body temperature than ours, so it will make them comfortable if you will bathe them in warm water. Nevertheless, it must not be too hot for them.

• Have them bathe in a flat surface. You can also place it in a rubber mat so that they will not slip.

• Splash a little amount of water on their body. Use a hose with sprayer if necessary.

• Apply a little amount of cat shampoo in their furs. Be sure it will not get into their eyes or else it will irritate them. Use shampoos specifically intended for them.

• After rinsing, dry them by using a towel and then later on a hair dryer in medium setting. Be sure you will not dry their furs completely. Use a brush to style their furs.

So there you have the basic tips in grooming your pet dogs and cats. Make them the most-groomed pets you ever had.
Pet Grooming Essentials to Keep Your Pets Health at Best

Pet Grooming Essentials to Keep Your Pets Health at Best

Buying grooming products for your pet is not only for styling your pet but also they are extremely necessary to keep it in a healthy condition; you can shop for these products very easily on online pet stores.

Any dog or pet living in your house must seek a better treatment as it is counted as one of the members of your family. If a pet dog or cat not is not treated properly then they becomes uncomfortable and shabby and to stop them from being like that you must take good care of them by using tear stain removers and salmon oil for dogs so that you can keep their hair coat clean and healthy. These kinds of pet grooming products are very much needed for any pet so that they can be free of fleas, nits and lice. While you groom you dog you must have noticed that they often form knots on their hair coat which is formed through dirt and lack of combing of their hair that eventually come out as knots. But using the right grooming products such as shampoos and soaps are able to let your pet get free from these kinds of problems.

These products will not keep your pets hygienic but also leave them with great smelling all around which will also give a good feeling in the entire house.

Style and Health

Applying tear stain removers not only keep the eye area clean but also provide a less smelly feature to your pet. If you really want to see your pet dog in healthy condition then you have to make sure that you keep it clean in all the ways. Tight from cleaning the ears, teeth,hair coat, paws and claws and other parts of the body too. Also do not forget to clip its nails to as grown nails can hurt the do in any manner. With regular brushing the dog can easily get rid of the fleas and knots as well as the knots which can be a mess to your dog handling them. There are lots of dog parlors are present these days which also provide you all kinds of grooming services to your pet, but it is also true that these services are quite pricey and all of the dog owners cannot afford these services.

Cheap and Best Option

You can treat your dog with some of the best options like using the salmon oil for dogs which will keep your dog's hair coat healthy and shiny. You can buy some of the high quality products in a cheaper price from the online pet shops and get your pet treated in a very good way and under your care which is not only keep your pet healthier but also create a love bond between you and your pet.