everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label dog behavior. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog behavior. Show all posts

Attention Hog.

Is your dog an attention hog ... ok, an attention-seeker? Barks demandingly? Paws at you demandingly? Whines?  If so, you're not alone.  Even better news: It's totally fixable, curable actually (which means you can make it go away for good!)

Here is the first thing you should know about attention-seeking behaviors: they are learned behaviors. This means somewhere along the way someone has reinforced them and therefore they continue because they work for the dog.

So, this means the dog's behaviors can be fixed if you change your response to the behaviors.

Let's discuss defining what attention-seeking behaviors are and are not.  If a dog has a need that should be met -- needs to potty, hungry, etc. -- then the need should be addressed.  However, if the dog is just demanding one of those things but it's not a need at that moment then they are in fact using at attention-seeking behaviors to gain something they desire at that exact moment.

Puppies will be an exception in many of these situations.  Young puppies, under 5 months, are especially going to be more difficult to determine if they need to go potty or if they are just wanting attention, etc.  So you'll have to really get to know your puppy to know how to differentiate between needs that should be met or if the puppy is actually being demanding. When puppies are young I often give in to the behavior, whether it's a need or attention-seeking and address it later if it does become more of an attention-seeking behavior rather than a need. (More on this below)

As far as hunger goes, we have complete control of our dogs' meals and food (or we should, read: no free feeding!).  Therefore no dog should be demanding food, ever.  If they are it's an attention-seeking behavior not an actual need. (Note: If your dog does in fact act as if they are always hungry please have a vet check, including a full blood panel just to be safe.)

This also applies to puppies. All puppies should be fed on a schedule and when younger than 5 months should be fed 3-4 times a day.  This would definitely ensure that they aren't hungry throughout the day and shouldn't have a reason to demand food.  So, if your dog is medically sound there is no reason they should be demanding food; if they are then this is an attention-seeking behavior.

Needing to go potty is going to be the most common reason for a dog barking, whining, pawing or other behaviors that would be legitimate/may not fall into the attention-seeking category as easily.  Dogs will all use different behaviors to show they need to go potty.  The problem with this is the fine line between do they really need to potty or are they just demanding to go out or get your attention?

This is where it's important for you to know your dog and take several factors into account.  Did your dog potty 10 minutes prior? Did your dog drink water recently? Did your dog eat within an hour or so? Did your dog see a squirrel outside? Does your dog have a bit of diarrhea?  Does your dog know the neighbor's dog is out and want to go bark at him?

So, if you are certain your dog does not actually need to go out to relieve herself then she is likely just offering attention-seeking behaviors in the hopes that you'll let her out.

A little side effect, if you will, of dogs that get attention when they want is dogs that cannot learn to do nothing.  This really is an indirect form of attention-seeking: dogs that cannot do nothing.  When we have dogs we feel must always be engaged with us or doing something -- Oh he needs to be walked! Oh she needs to be jogged! Oh he needs to play! Oh she needs to be trained! -- then we create a dog that actually does need attention all the time or he'll drive you coo-coo-bananas. While those are all very important things to all dogs it becomes a problem when the dog is used to getting it all the time.  It can fall into the attention-seeking behavior category because they cannot just lie down and do nothing. They need attention in some form all the time.  Sadly, we create this. Giving into attention-seeking behaviors often snowballs into other things -- a dog that cannot just be ok with doing nothing and allowing you to watch TV or talk on the phone or read this blog! So, there are side effects to these types of behaviors as well.

I recommend all dogs like this should be taught how to relax on a mat. This is different than "go to your bed" or being told to go do something on cue.  This is actually teaching a dog to chill out, no their own. Nan Arthur, author of "Chill Out Fido" has a neat-o handout on this, click here.

Ok.  So now you're pretty sure you know how to define if your dog actually needs something or is demanding it (using an attention-seeking behavior to get what he wants).  The big question now is -- So how do I get my dog to stop being annoying?!

Quick answer:  Do nothing.
Explained: Do not look at your dog, do not talk to your dog, do not pet your dog, do not touch your dog, do not tell your dog to "go away", do not tell your dog to "go lay down", do not tell your dog to "sit" . . . you get the idea. Don't do anything, literally, do nothing. You might gently put your dog in his crate.  Not as a punishment but a way to get her away from you and to leave you alone, especially if you cannot ignore the dog. (No, this won't cause problems with associations with the crate.) In that moment your dog does not exist. You must ignore him completely.  While this is a very simple answer it's not an easy one.

It's not easy because ignoring a demanding dog is very difficult.  Most people have a very hard time doing this.  The dog is being annoying. Not, only this, if you do in fact start to ignore the dog the behavior will increase before it ceases completely.  These are the laws of psychology.  There is something called an extinction burst.  An extinction burst is a predictable and common blast of defiance from the recesses of a brain denied familiar rewards.  The brain makes a last ditch effort to return to it's old ways.  

So you're drudging along, ignoring like a champ, the dog finally stops quicker than normal and you feel like you're making great headway ... then suddenly the dog starts barking and scratching you.  Possibly even one of those behaviors isn't one that he did before.  You think -- forget this, it's not working! Look! Now he's scratching at me, he never did this before!  But alas, this actually is great news. This means your dog is trying hard to make that last attempt to break you.  A last attempt to get what he wants -- he's going through an extinction burst.  This means your efforts are working! Do not give up! Keep up the good work!

Here is a handy little chart you can use for a what to do and what not to do.
puts paw at/on you, our nudges you to elicit attention
if sitting, stand up, walk out of the room;
if standing turn & walk away
look at, pet, talk to or push the dog
whines or barks for attention/because he wants something or attention
if sitting, stand up, walk out of the room;
if standing turn & walk away
tell the dog to be quite, look at, pet or acknowledge the dog in any way
drops a toy at your feet or in your lap to elicit play or games
if sitting, stand up, walk out of the room;
if standing turn & walk away
look at, pet, talk to or push the dog
nips, mouths or grabs your hand/foot/clothing/shoes
put dog in crate, quietly & calmly  OR quickly get up & walk to the nearest room, close the door behind you, leave dog on other side of the door for 30 sec—1 min
pull away, push the dog away, yell, scream, look at, pet or acknowledge the dog in any way

  • What happens when you do the above and the behavior is still strong or your dog starts a new annoying behavior in its place?
    • As stated above this often happens when things are in fact working and an extinction burst occurs. This indicates that your efforts are working and your dog is trying a last attempt to get what he wants.  You must remain strong, keep doing what you're doing, which should be a Professional Ignorer. 
  • What happens when I just cannot ignore the barking? It's incessant!!
    • I totally empathize with this. It's super hard to ignore a barking dog. It bothers me to no end, so I get it.  However if you cannot ignore the behavior then you'll have to face the reality that it will continue, plain and simple. 
  • I live in an apartment, so ignoring my dog that is barking is going to be hard.  Any creative ideas?
    • This does present a problem as neighbors may not be too keen to suffer through your new training regime.  
    • If your dog does barking only for attention but not if you leave then I'd use the front door as my escape.  Dog barks for attention -- walk out of the door.  If your dog is crate trained and is quiet in the crate then gently put dog in crate as soon as she starts barking.  Cover crate if you have to, with a sheet or blanket.
If none of the above seems to work for you, it's going to be hugely beneficial that you find a trainer near you to come in and help you.  Usually attention-seeking behaviors come with a few other things that could be tweaked to benefit the dog long term.  

Happy training from your favorite red-headed dog trainer in Texas. 

Stacy Greer
Sunshine Dog Training & Behavior, LLC

We tried that. It didn't work.

 Nelson is a 4 years old Goldendoodle. He runs off when the door opens. He doesn't come back when he's called. He often doesn't respond when asked to do things.  Does Nelson sound like a dog you know?

Nelson's case is a common call I get as a professional dog trainer.  He's been practicing unwanted behaviors his whole life.  The owner is at wits end and has decided to find a professional to help.  Great!  I love these cases because once they start training the dog often responds quickly and does very well.  

However, the downside to these cases is that the owner is at their wit's end and they are tired.  
I get that. It's frustrating to have a dog that seems to be a pain to live with.  Sometimes a spouse/partner is tired of the dog and it is a source of tension in the relationship.  This causes even more stress. I do empathize.

So by the time I get the call the owner is really ready for results.  What they don't often grasp is the fact that the dog has had a long time, often months or years, to practice poor behaviors.  This is called the Matching Law.  So if your dog has barked at every stranger that walks in your door for 6 months it will take some time of the dog not barking at strangers that walk in the door before the behavior is extinguished . . . and that's not all of it . . . you have to find a desired behavior that receives [positive] reinforcement and rewards to replace the barking behavior.  
With all this said, my point: there is no quick fix.

This is why training your dog several times a week, consistently, is important.  It is also important to implement your trainer's advice as they lay it out for you.  Once a week training only when your trainer is there or if you are in a class isn't going to get you the desired results you had in mind.

This is also when I hear a lot of "Oh we tried that, it didn't work", or "We tried Suzie Q Trainer and she didn't help us."  While this can be true sometimes, most of the time this means the owner didn't see immediate results, didn't practice or carry out training as they should have, or all of the above.  

I tell all my clients -- you don't need hours a day to work with your dog, you can achieve success with 5-10 minute training sessions daily or every few days, a couple times a day. That's it.  I also explain how owners can incorporate training into daily life.  If you are washing the dishes at the sink you can easily practice your dog's "get on your mat" cue, or durations [staying for longer periods of time], or  stay-out-of-the-kitchen-and-wait-on-your-bed-in-the-living-room-until-I-tell-you  -- the possibilities are vast.

Anyone can train their dog.  A trainer is highly recommended for much needed guidance.  Just plan accordingly and keep your expectations realistic for your dog and your trainer.  

If you try something and it "doesn't work" ask your trainer.  I like to tell people nowadays to video themselves working on what they are struggling with and let me view it to offer help.  This can be a great way for you to watch yourself and catch your own mistakes (secret revealed: I find mistakes in my videos of myself all the time!) or your trainer to catch something you didn't see.  

So don't be discouraged. Find a trainer that you mesh with, you believe in what they are teaching, how they are teaching it and helping you as you hoped they would.  

In the Dallas/Ft Worth, Texas metroplex? Look me up! 
Stacy Greer

Obedience Coaching For Your Canine

Obedience Coaching For Your Canine

There are canine that do not have unhealthy behaviors, and even when their homeowners are trying arduous to tech them to obey some easy instructions, these dogs are hardheaded. Chances are high, many owners would just dump them to canine pounds as a result of they are already fed up, and will no longer perceive the habits anymore.

This stuff ought to have been averted if obedience training was used and implemented. Largely obedience training in canine is used to create a groundwork from which the dog and his grasp will discover ways to successfully correspond to each other.

Moreover, obedience training can be employed by canine owners whose canine are behaving badly. It's one way of incorporating self-discipline in the dog's behavior. This sort of training makes him realize that certain behaviors are not allowed and that he mustn't act that way.

When obedience coaching is integrated to a dog's conduct, the canine, in flip, will be able to respond correctly with the correct habits that's expected of him to manifest.

Consequently, many canine homeowners are wondering whether or not it could be better if professional ought to handle their canine's obedience training. Normally, it needs knowledgeable coach or an obedience school to show the proper option to observe a command. Nevertheless, if the canine owner feels he can just do the same, then, there is no particular condition for that matter.

Nevertheless, whether the obedience training is completed at dwelling, by a professional coach, or in an obedience faculty, there are issues that should be thought of when incorporating this type of training. Here is a list of the issues that must be taken into account.

1. Enjoyable

Obedience coaching does not necessarily mean that strict rules ought to be imposed. It is because the canine is not conscious of the the explanation why he needs to be trained. Therefore, for him to answer the commands, the training should be done in such a manner that the canine sees the activity as something that's fun.

The dog would be capable of reply positively if he sees that every time he follows what he is asked to do, he will get rewards or praises, and that's having fun for them.

2. Consistency

In the course of the course of obedience coaching, it is actually essential to have consistency within the training. For example, if a canine was allowed to sit on the rug the other day and when the dog tried to take a seat on the rug at present, he was scolded. Issues like these should not be taken for granted. This can be very necessary to show the canines what he should and shouldn't do and keep on with it. Confusion will solely make the issues worst.

3. Obedience training instructor/coach

When folks choose to enroll their canine in an obedience class, you will need to analyze the trainer earlier than the owner leaves his dog. The character and character of the trainer is extremely important. They should be professional enough to know the right way to deal with the dog's behavior and how you can practice them properly.

4. Referrals

It is best not to strive new and unfamiliar obedience training schools. This may very well be actually dangerous both for you and in your dog. It will be better if canine homeowners will ask for some referrals from their veterinarians, dog breeders, or other people who can give their sincere opinions.

5. Prices

Not all obedience training colleges are created equal. They vary relying on the kind of providers that they offer. Due to this fact, it is best to think about the amount of fees that they supply and the dog homeowners ought to know how to analyze if the costs are worth it.

6. Strategies used within the coaching

It's highly advisable that dog homeowners should ponder first on the form of methods being used in the training. It is because some obedience coaching colleges don't use the suitable technique in training the dog. On this manner, canine owners don't get the outcomes that they'd paid for within the end.

Indeed, obedience coaching could be very helpful in fulfilling many of the canine's essential needs. It offers them one thing to direct their abilities and actions thereby making them reliable and completely happy pets.

Most individuals simply don't know this but one of many reasons why canine behave inappropriately is as a result of they don't have the correct path to guide their actions and that they're confused on how to reply appropriately with the environmental and social variables that they encounter.

With obedience coaching, canine will certainly be on their technique to happier and more enjoyable stick with their masters and the folks round them.
Dog Containment: Understanding Dog Behaviour

Dog Containment: Understanding Dog Behaviour

You'll find different sorts of dog behaviour which you should really watch out for before dog containment. There are some worth monitoring meticulously to allow the dog owner to cope with these attitudes properly. It is also important to figure out how you'll be able to avoid your pet from acquiring disagreeable manners.

Dogs' Social Behaviour

Dogs are fundamentally social animals. If you leave these animals alone, they turn out to be tendency saddened and are inclined to bark and howl excessively or destroy things inside the home. Nonetheless, proper instruction with Dog Containment can overcome this difficulty.

For some dogs, this can be an act of playing and enjoying all of the points within the property. They are normal for them. Dogs chew on objects, dig holes, or tug at almost everything due to the fact they are plain actions determined by animal instinct. However, these good-natured dog behaviours can hastily turn into destructive manners when the dog becomes bored or lonely. In place of playing with you or sleeping if you go out, it is going to commence entertaining itself by destroying anything it sees.

This can happen if you leave your dog without firm and fail to intermingle with them frequently. It could also come about when you usually do not give them toys and chew items which keep them occupied. A different cause for monotony is burrowing holes so what they will need is always to be busy about some thing. It truly is a matter of a variety of well-managed activities with your dog done often to stop them from acting out. By bringing them outside to a secured and enclosed spot and enable these animals to play and run about, you may burn off lots with the dog's extra power. Now, is dog containment the answer to these issues?

Resolve the Complications of Misbehaving Dogs

Typical walks are an incredible approach to control the irregular behaviour of dogs. You ought to take your dog out far more usually than merely to relieve themselves. Stay clear of finding impatient and converse along with your dog even though strolling in the park. It really is a fine time for bonding and allows your pet to entertain themselves. It really is also the top method to begin teaching them essential talents and what they must keep away from whilst on the road. When the dog has unacceptable mannerisms, it may be time for a lengthy instruction along with the use from the dog containment tools. There is a schedule to follow, a strategy to fulfill and goals to be met. You must be patient even though to be capable of reaching these objectives.
Canine Training Tricks And Tips You Need To Use

Canine Training Tricks And Tips You Need To Use

If you are thinking you wish to get started training your dog correctly, but may not be sure how, well then, your in the right location. One thing about proper dog training is the more knowledge you have, the more you might use when it comes to dog training. Take note with this article and find out precisely what info is applicable to both you and your canine.

Give your puppy dog time to be okay using a dog crate by taking the training just one little step at a time. First, place them on the inside with the actual gate still opened. Once they get accustomed to that, close up the entrance and give the dog a goody they enjoy. Keep the gateway closed for short time periods, and work your way up to lengthier periods. If your dog shows indications of distress, you might be progressing too rapidly.

When you are walking the dog using a leash, under no circumstances keep your lead too tight. A snug leash makes a counter pressure reaction and may cause the dog to grow uneasy or even irritated. Your canine might pull, and not walk correctly on your leash. Remaining significantly less limiting with your leash hold allows a far more pleasurable walking encounter. In case your canine really does seek to pull you, just stop as well as change directions. Your canine will quickly learn that pulling will get it nowhere.

Be consistent in your role as being pack leader together with your pet dog. Without the proper direction by you, the dog sees this as an chance to establish themselves as the pack leader. Everything you could actually do with regard to teaching your dog will need to stick to this concept. To be the pack leader to your four-legged friend is definitely a change in lifestyle that'll be rewarding for your family pet.

A training clicker plus some doggie snacks could be an extremely effective method of dog training. Because a dog clicker could be much easier for a canine to understand when compared to a voice command word, instruction could be rapid and effective. Training sessions really should not be in excess of roughly 15 minutes, considering that pet dogs do have shorter attention spans.

In case your canine is misbehaving, make an attempt to determine the reason why. It is essential to come up with the reason the dog does exactly what it actually does. Being aware of the actual cause for negative behavior will make training sessions substantially less difficult. It really is a lot more challenging to correct an action that you do not understand fully the reasons behind.

An essential command which virtually any dog should be aware of is actually 'stay'. Not only can this specific command word stop the dog from engaging in something risky like running directly into the road, it could possibly calm him down in a unusual location. To begin with, tell him to 'sit'. Keep your pet in the sitting position, saying the term 'stay'. Praise him by using a dog treat, at all times making certain he stays sitting.

Be sure you and your loved ones are constant using your commands. If one particular individual makes use of "down" to tell the pet dog to get off the couch when yet another says "off" plus a third is actually letting your pet lie down there, the dog is going to receive varying signals. This makes it far more challenging for him to learn the actual instructions.

Establish a solid plan with regard to what you need to complete with the k9 training. When you have objectives marked on your calendar it could offer you a technique to measure how you are progressing with the dog training, and offer you clues about whether or not you would need to adjust anything in the regime.

Next time your pet dog leaps on you in excitement, tell them "Off" with a firm (but not angry) tone of voice, gently shove the dog off, as well as turn your own back. The particular oral order as well as action involving moving the dog reinforces just what the command word would mean, and also turning eliminates their own having access to you. This does a couple of things: a) your canine is unable to jump up on you any more, b) the dog can feel that he loses your attention, which is the exact opposite of what your dog wants. This will teach your pet promptly not to jump up on you.

Ideally, after studying this article, you are feeling like you can begin forming some terrific procedures toward dog training. Keep in mind that the knowledge in this article is not all you should know concerning training your dog, and so be sure to regularly be looking for new information and facts to apply when it comes to your own training routine.
Various Dog Training Methods and Their Importance

Various Dog Training Methods and Their Importance

If you own a dog, it is very important to give your pet proper training. It helps to build a strong bond between you and your pet. Your dog must know how to behave in different situations. A well trained dog will be harmless pet and good companion. It is easier to live with a trained dog. So, you should approach a dog training academy to train your dog.

There are various dog training techniques and methods. First step in dog training is behavior training. In this process your dog learns how to behave with human beings and other dogs. It also includes house training. The dog learns how to behave with you in your house.
After behavior training process comes obedience training. In this process your dog learns how to respond when called. Dog learns to respond to particular name or tone of voice. The dog is taught to respond to certain hand gestures. Your presence is must while the training process is carried on because finally the dog has to live with you. So you should know which hand gestures or tone of voice your pet understands. The words of command should be clear to the pet so that he learns to behave accordingly.

Another training process includes activity training. In this process your pet learns to perform certain tasks on the command given to it. The tasks include herding, hunting, searching and rescuing etc. There are some other exercises such as jumping or crossing a hurdle. Your pet must learn one exercise completely before moving on to another. Generally dogs enjoy these types of exercises.

The training process requires patience as there are different breeds of dogs. Some dogs learn easily while it is harder to train other dogs. Another vital part of training process is clicker training. In this process the dog is given some eatables when he performs a task by hearing a clicker sound. Punishment can be given to the pet when it does not perform a particular task. But vigorous punishment or shouting and yelling at the dog will scare the animal. Training process should be consistent. If your pet is rewarded once but ignored another time, it will get confused next time the particular command is given. Training sessions are kept short so that the pet learns to behave under one command efficiently before moving on to another.

Training is given under such environment where there are fewer distractions. Praise must be given to dog during the training process. Dogs are also trained to safeguard your house or yourself from criminals. They are trained to behave under different circumstances and people in general. If some human misbehaves with your pet it should know how to deal with him. Some owners own a dog just as to keep themselves and their surroundings safe from any criminal activity. The owner of the pet must give respect to the pet otherwise the dog will try to avoid and run away from you. After completion of the training process, your pet becomes a safer and better companion for you and society in general.