everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label dog food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog food. Show all posts
How Many Possums Per Spoon?

How Many Possums Per Spoon?

Possums are North America's only marsupial and have tremendous numbers of young and more teeth any other furbearer in North America.

The bottom picture shows 7 baby possums in a tea spoon at about the time they first make it into their mother's pouch. The middle picture shows the location of the pouch. Pouch mortality is fairly high, and usually only five to eight baby possums survive to peek out in the world two months after being born. Most possums die within the first 9 months of life (killed by cats, dogs, cars, fox, poison, disease, traps, and coyotes) and few make it to age three.

A typical female possum will have two litters a year, each with as many as 18 young. The gestation period for a possum is just 13 days -- the shortest gestation period of any mammal in North America.

Opossums prefer low, damp, wooded streams and swamps. They are nocturnal, and will shelter in hollow trees, firewood racks, brush piles, groundhog burrows, and crawl spaces under houses and outbuildings during the day. Possums are very common in suburbia where they often dine on school-yard refuse, dead squirrels in the road, and cat and dog food left out on people's stoops. Complete omnivores, their tracks looks like those of a space-alien, while their scat can come in any shape and color.

Though possums will hiss a great deal, they are not very formidable creatures, as their teeth are too small, their brains too small, and their response time relatively slow when compared to raccoon, fox, or groundhog.

Is dog food killing my dog?

What do you feed your dog?  This is a short list of some of the dog foods you should never feed!!  Dog food is creating cancer, disease, and death in our dogs every second of every day!!  And don't be fooled thinking because your food is not on this list that it's safe and good for your dog, this is just the tip of the iceberg!!  If you knew what was in the MAJORITY of dog food kibble you would NOT feed it.

FACT - Did you know that in many brands that the bag itself costs more than the food in it?!!

I suggest you all rent PET FOOleD today 》

In addition to my deep love and passion for Rottweilers, my other passion is Canine wellness & nutrition.  It's what I was meant to do!  With over 15 years of research and studies in canine nutrition and wellness.  I know what my mission in life is, to educate and help dogs live longer healthier lives!  I want to help ALL of you give you beloved dogs the gift of health and long life!

This year I will be starting canine wellness and nutrition workshops starting in California and hopefully many other places across the country.  I have been asked by many of you and if you would like a workshop in your area please let me know.  I will also be doing videos to on youtube with tons of great information!  - Ursula -  Life with Oz Rottweiler & Liv Love Dogs Canine Wellness & Nutrition

ALSO NOTE RECALLS > If you feed Evangers or Against the Grain food both of these foods have   pentobarbital!!  A drug used to euthanize animals!! You know what that means?  See my post on my page and also here from Susan Thixton http://truthaboutpetfood.com/some-answers-to-two-pentobarbital-recalls/ and


Ol Roy®, GRAVY TRAIN®, KAL KAN®, ALPO®, Twin Pet®, IAMS® Pro Active, Pedigree® Adult, Kibbles N Bits®, PURINA® DOG CHOW, Purina® Beneful Original, Retriever® Mini Chunk, DAD’S® Econ-o-mets, Purina® Moist & Meaty Burger, Diamond® Premium ,Retriever® Hi Protein , Purina® Veterinary Diet, SPORTMiX® Wholesomes, Cesar® , science diet, Purina One® Smart Blend #dogpoison #dogfood #kibble #LivLoveDogsCanineWellnessandNutrition #Dognutritionist #forthehealthofourdogs

How important is a dog's diet?

Just how important is diet for our dogs?? I believe it's one of the most important keys to health & longevity!! Followed by only titer testing after initial puppy shots (other than rabies required by law), Avoiding toxic chemicals in the home, Avoiding toxic insecticides aka Flea/Tick "meds", & using RX drugs as band-aids! As a species appropriate raw feeder of over 13 years & owning a Canine Wellness & Nutrition Co. Consulting & Educating people all over the world. I know & see first hand the benefits of a balanced whole food raw diet. Not only can disease prevented in our dogs but a whole RAW food diet can prevent cancer in our dog & is being used to SUCCESSFULLY TREAT CANCER IN OUR DOGS!! I have 2 dogs in cancer remission currently thru diet alone! I recently learned of this amazing place in Austin, Texas that rescues shelter dogs with cancer & treats them with food alone, RAW FOOD & guess what they go into remission!! Makes me so happy!! So, NO drugs, NO chemo, NO radiation! This diet is a raw high fat, moderate protein with fibrous veggies diet otherwise know at a Ketogenic diet!
Watch world-renowned cancer researcher, Dr. Thomas Seyfried present success in treat cancer thru a raw diet & the reaction by of the top vet school.

Cats, Dogs And Human Food - How Can Our Food Harm Our Pets?

Cats, Dogs And Human Food - How Can Our Food Harm Our Pets?

We're all guilty of it - giving in to those big begging eyes pleading at us for a scrap from the table during dinner. Fido knows just how to get you to concede, and most of us justify that a little won't hurt, or we don't even think of the potential danger at all. But the truth is that human food can be harmful to your pet, and in some cases, can be fatal. It's important to know how certain foods can be unsafe so that you can avoid them for the sake of your animal.

Here is how a few of some of the most common "human foods" become harmful for pets:

Chocolate and other foods containing caffeine

Caffeine is one of the greatest culprits because it contains an alkaloid called theobromine. Theobromine acts as a cardiac stimulant and a diuretic, which in turn can cause a heart attack or other heart and nervous system problems in animals.

Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic are potentially harmful due to the fact that both contain thiosulphate, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia in cats and dogs. Of the two, onions are the most toxic, as consumption of simply one serving by your pet could result in anemia.


Milk can harm your pet due to the fact that many dogs and cats tend to be lactose intolerant. The consumption of milk and milk products by a lactose intolerant pet creates a breeding ground for bacteria, causing vomiting and diarrhea.


Bones, although commonly known as a great treat for your dog, are potentially very dangerous for pets. Once eaten, bones can splinter and get stuck in the intestines, causing damage or fatality. In most splinter cases, the bones must be removed surgically.

Other Foods

Other human foods to avoid when feeding your pet are: macadamia nuts, potato peelings and green-looking potatoes, rhubarb leaves, moldy/spoiled foods, alcohol, yeast dough, tomato leaves and stems, broccoli, and raisins or grapes.

Some human foods potentially cause only mild digestive upsets, while others can be fatal. Regardless of the level of danger, the best choice for your pet is to keep him from any potentially harmful foods in order to ensure his health and safety.

During the holiday season, veterinary clinics have noticed a rising in the number of pets that they treat for food-related illnesses. The increase in pet illness is due to the fact that animals are partaking in human foods during mealtime. Although not well known by the public, the consumption of human food to pets is potentially harmful to animals, and in some instances, can be fatal.

The rise in food-related illnesses by pets is a clear indication that the dangers of human food consumption by animals are not understood by the masses.

So, the next time your pet looks up at you with those pleading eyes, show him you care by doing what is truly best for him and feeding him only products meant for pet consumption. In the end, both you and your pet will be glad that you did.

Pedigree "wire" in dog food. Do you REALLY know what's in your dogs food?

By now you have probably seen all the news and social media the reports of pieces of “wire” in Pedigree dog food. Well this wire is actually animal hair and is allowed by AAFCO. However, what I am writing about is far more concerning than pig hair, its what in our dogs food PERIOD and Pedigree definitely is not the only one! You would fall off your chair & be sick to your stomach if you knew what is in your dogs food and what AAFCO allows in man's best friends food!!  For starters, when you look at a bag of dog food and it shows that pretty photo of a nice piece of chicken and veggies, that is false advertising and could not be further from the truth. Lets start with rendering plants, do you know what a rendering plant is? what about rendered meat? or denatured 3D or 4D meat? Have you ever asked your butcher where all the bad meat goes and who picks it up after they denature it? Is it pick up in a refrigerated truck? It is left in its packaging when processed?  If not, you should because its in a TON of dog foods on the market, but there are a few good ones out there and I want you all to be in the know!  I know whenever I post these types of posts most of you just ignore them and makes me sad because I know how much your love your dogs and they depend on us for their health & nutrition!!  Like I have said over and over NUTRITION IS THE KEY TO HEALTH & LIFE for both us and our pets!  I am happy suggest to you all a better diet to fit within your budget and time. I am not telling you that you have to feed raw like I do.  I understand that many may not have the time, space, resources, education, or not within your budget. Although raw or cooked can be done for as little as $4-5 a day for a large dog!  For those that want or have to feed a dry, wet, dehydrated or prepared raw that is fine too, but let me suggest better and healthier options and ways to add value to your dogs food!  Learn how to read ingredients, even the ones that sound good are not at all what they seem..  The ingredients seen below are from Pedigree, this is an example of what should NEVER be in your dogs food and like i mentioned Pedigree is NOT the only one. Unfortunately most dog food on the market are far from cry from healthy and balanced.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates

Kinston dog owner concerned about objects in dog food

dog owners claim to find wires in pedigree food
You think your are getting whats pictured on the bag but actually you are getting whats pictured below! This goes for majority of dog food!

For example, when Nami came to me as my foster she had horrible a ear infection, it looked like bloody cauliflower inside her ears, sorry its so descriptive :P,  her coat was dull, she was heavy,  smelled and not balanced mentally or physically.  Nami had been on Pedigree since she was a puppy... The second she came to me as my foster her life &health was was the start to a dramatic change!  I started imediately with a liver and blood cleanse, got her on some pertinent whole food supplements that her body was sp badly lacking and on a clean raw prey model diet. Within 2 WEEKS she looked and acted like a new dog!  Ears perfect, weight off, shiny, smells good, no bad breath, a new dog!!  When Sassa with the Rottie rescue came over to visit she could not believe the transformation.  I fixed it all without a single medication or vet visit.  If you look down I have posted the ingredients to the food she WAS on previous to me. Please read the ingredients, does this look healthy to you?  Does this look like what a carnivore should eat??? This is the furthest thing from healthy.  You want to know what kind of meat is in here??  Don't just take my word for it google RENDERING PLANTS or RENDERED MEAT, this is where that meat came from (i will not go into detail here because you will all be so upset what kind of meats are actually in rendered meat,   I also urge people to do the research themselves, education is the key!it!  Sadly, the MAJORITY of dog food out there is made of denatured 3D & 4D meat or rendered meat!  The dog food companies don't have to tell you either! ts truly horrifying and if you love your dogs you should know what your are feeding them.

PEDIGREE® Adult Complete Nutrition Chicken Flavor (NOTE CHICKEN FLAVOR!! NEVER EVER buy any product made with an anonymous animal ingredient!!  http://www.pedigree.com/really-good-food/adult-complete-nutrition-for-dogs.aspx  This is so disgusting and belongs in NO ANIMALS FOOD BOWL!

& THEN NOT THE COST 46lb!!  How in the world could anything be complete and healthy for that price!  Think of the cost on that maybe .10-15 cents a pound to make!!!  YIKES!! http://www.walmart.com/ip/Pedigree-Adult-Complete-Nutrition-Dry-Dog-Food-50-lbs/42425073

In this story they go over other dry dog foods - If you are going to feed a dry dog food Orijen or Acana by Champion Pet foods is the ONLY dry dog food I would feed & also chosen on this clip.  But what is really important is that we add moisture to that dry food. So add Raw Goat milk or goat yogurt, bone broth, a farm fresh egg now and then, streamed or pureed veggies (must break cell wall), fresh meat, berries (not strawberries)... & alway make sure you dog had fresh water available in a glass or stainless bowl cleaned daily - NEVER PLASTIC
ABC On Your Side Finding Safe Food for Your Pet
Raw Dog Food Recipes They Certainly Love

Raw Dog Food Recipes They Certainly Love

Believe it or not, your dog is nothing more than a wild animal that has been domesticated for a long period of time. And, like people, their high quality diet comes from organic, native one. The best way for a dog to eat the native diet is preparing a raw dog food recipe.

At the beginning, preparing a meal for your dog raw food can take a little more time than just filling a bowl of dog food commercial. However, after the establishment of reliable sources of raw ingredients and get a routine going, eventually it becomes very easy.

Most people who thrive on raw chicken to use as the basis of the diet of your dog. Chicken is an excellent source of bone and fat, easy to digest for dogs, readily available almost everywhere, and relatively inexpensive.

Please note that your organs, bones and fat are all just as important as the meat in the diet alone dog. Feeding your dog a chicken without the skin, there is a genuine raw food diet.

A good rule to follow is 35% meat, 25% of muscle, bone, organs of 15%, 29% fat, and 5% of fruit and vegetables for the average adult dog. Puppies may, if necessary, slightly more fruits and vegetables.

The great thing about the raw food diet is that every meal does not have to be perfect. Some dog owners go overboard trying to thoroughly mix the ingredients together in order to achieve the exact percentages.

Really, it is too frustrating and a waste of time. Feeding raw is quite simple. Basically, regardless of the type of raw food you have on hand, just to feed your dog. And then, at the time (about a week), try to incorporate more variety to achieve optimum balance.

Here are a few ideas for raw food recipes dog, the dog probably really likes:

1. Raw chicken or turkey
Cut the meat off the bones of poultry in large pieces from all over the skin and connective tissue intact. Feedings anywhere from 1/3 to 1 pound pounds, depending on the size of the dog.

2. Raw beef
Each piece of beef discount is allowed. This does not mean, however, ground beef. Cut the beef into small pieces.
If possible, get beef from a local butcher, not packaged from the grocery store because they are filled with sodium, preservatives and other ingredients secret.
Perhaps there is a farmers market in your area? Again, the feed dog anywhere from 1/3 to 1 pound pounds, depending on their size.

3. Raw Frozen Sardines
Do not thaw raw sardines before introducing them to your dog. Make sure that the bones, weight, and head are intact. Not every dog will like sardines, but go ahead and try.
There is an incredible amount of nutrition in sardines in this incomparable source of Omega-rich-3 and Omega-6, which will do wonders for your dog's brain development, skin and hair. Two, maybe three sardines should be plenty for one meal.

Other raw meat can contain green tripe, lamb and even goat.

The weight and size of your dog, in principle, determine the amount of food should be eaten feeding.

In addition, it is important to remember that feeding a dog treats them all day is not only a very bad habit, but it makes them unbalanced diet as well.

Stick to raw dog food recipes and feed them the same hour of the day, in order to effectively optimize your diet and ensure their good health.

Note: Never give your dog cooked bones (of any kind), because they are fragile and can seriously damage your dog's digestive system.