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Showing posts with label dog grooming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog grooming. Show all posts
Proper Grooming Of Your Pet Dogs And Cats

Proper Grooming Of Your Pet Dogs And Cats

Do you have a pet dog or cat in your house?

We treat them as part of the household; we are obliged to give proper care and attention for them to make them look good and healthy, just like what we are doing to other family members.

There are different pet parlors where you can bring your pet dogs and cats to have them groomed properly. Pet parlor owners also give some basic home pet grooming tips and advices for pet owners to follow so that they can personally attend to their pets' grooming needs.

Have your Dog the Best Look

Pet dogs are one of the most adventurous pet animals. They tend to explore— different parts of the house, backyard, and even in the streets. Because of this, they acquire different smell (a stinky one, for instance), their furs are stained, and different parasites sticks to their body and make them itchy.

Proper hygiene practices that are similar to human beings are one of the basics in dog grooming. It is important that you give your dog the best bath. Below are the tips to help you bathe your dog successfully.

• Prepare the bathtub and the bath supplies that you will use in bathing your pet dog. Make the bathroom comfortably warm so that you can encourage your dog to have it bathe. Gather all the pet bath supplies such as dog shampoo, bucket, towel, and hair dryer that will be used before bringing them into the bathroom.

• After you have gathered these bath supplies, bring your dog to the bathroom. Pet them and make them comfortable while you are waiting for the water to reach a soothing temperature ideal for them.

• Bathe them in the tub by using a bucket to splash water on their body. You can also use a hose with a sprayer on the end.

• Use medicated dog shampoos against fleas and ticks. You can also have shampoos of sweet scent and good for your dog's sensitive skin.

• Just a reminder: Never use dish soaps or your own shampoo because it will plague your dog with painful skin irritations. If you are not sure of what dog shampoos and soaps are fit for them, consult your veterinarian first.

• Once you have splashed their body with water, apply now their shampoo. Be sure that you will not let the shampoo reach their eyes. Massage their body carefully. Rinse it with water once again.

• Dry them using a towel first. Wipe their paws gently. Give extra attention to their ears, for any moisture cam lead to wax and bacteria build up that can lead to ear infections.

• Then use a hair dryer. Set the dryer to its medium setting and place it at least six inches from your dog's fur so that it will not burn. Continue drying until their furs are dry, but not completely. Then brush through their hair as you dry it to give it style.

Hydrophobic Cat Grooming Tips

It is a well-known fact that cats are really afraid of water. It is a challenge for you to lure your pet cat to take a bathe. Here are some pointers that you can consider in bathing your pet:

• Make the water warm. Cats have high body temperature than ours, so it will make them comfortable if you will bathe them in warm water. Nevertheless, it must not be too hot for them.

• Have them bathe in a flat surface. You can also place it in a rubber mat so that they will not slip.

• Splash a little amount of water on their body. Use a hose with sprayer if necessary.

• Apply a little amount of cat shampoo in their furs. Be sure it will not get into their eyes or else it will irritate them. Use shampoos specifically intended for them.

• After rinsing, dry them by using a towel and then later on a hair dryer in medium setting. Be sure you will not dry their furs completely. Use a brush to style their furs.

So there you have the basic tips in grooming your pet dogs and cats. Make them the most-groomed pets you ever had.
Home Remedies for Dog Hair Loss

Home Remedies for Dog Hair Loss

Just like how we suffer from hair loss, dogs too have this problem! Hair loss in the course of shedding is usual for dogs. For example, German shepherds and Bernese mountain dogs will shed more hair than wheaten terriers and a few types of Spaniels. Also, all the dogs will shed more during the longer days beginning in the summer than they will during the shorter days starting in the winter. This is due to the seasonal shedding rotations related to variations in light. However, when extreme shedding occurs, especially to the point of baldness, dog hair loss can be a signal of deeper issues.

Symptoms of Dog Hair Loss

Hair loss in dogs is more often than not accompanied by other symptoms like itching and skin irritation. A dog's hair loss indication can be the effect of numerous medical problems including mange, mites, ticks or dermatitis. Home remedies for treating dog hair loss are safe to try to provide momentary relief, but a definite opinion of the reasons should be taken from a vet. Mentioned below are some of the home remedies you can try to get rid of the problem of hair shedding.

Tips of Home Remedies for Dog Hair Loss

1. One of the best ways to reduce excessive shedding in dogs is to start with a healthy diet. Feed your dog with a homemade mix of fully-cooked rice, cooked vegetables and boiled chicken. This home food remedy may reduce the allergies caused by food to your dog and helps in reducing the hair fall.

2. Goldenseal is an excellent natural treatment for dog hair loss as long as it is not overdone. Make a weak mixture of goldenseal tea and apply it to the affected area. Goldenseal is powerful, so be sure not to make the tea too strong.

3. Another home remedy for hair shedding in dogs is to mix a small amount of flaxseed oil in your dog's food. Flaxseed oil contains high amounts of Omega 3, an excellent natural treatment for dog hair loss. After a few weeks you would see the change in your dog's hair fall. It is good for other health benefits too.

4. Olive oil is a good home remedy to apply on dog's coat and skin. It will help moisturize as well as pacify any pain caused by severe itching. Another benefit of olive oil is that it will choke mites, if those fleas are the cause of dog's hair loss. Olive oil is said to give the dog a fine and healthy coat with an amazing shine.

5. Lemon juice has natural antibacterial properties that can be used to treat excessive hair shedding in dogs. Introduce a slice of lemon in warm water and leave for five hours. Strain afterward and apply the lemon juice mixture as a rinse or as a spot treatment.

6. An additional home remedy to follow is to pat your dog in the backyard after the bath and then brush him down. By this way, all the unwanted hair on the dog's coat is removed. Regular baths encourage loose hair to fall out in the tub (or outside) instead of on your furniture. However over-bathing can cause dry skin, which causes fur to fall out.

Grooming Fluffy Dogs | How to Care for the Double Coated Dog

Champion Border Collie in Full Coat

Grooming not only keeps your dog's coat in good health, it reduces the amount of hair shed in your home and provides an opportunity to bond more closely with your dog. Whether you are wanting to keep your dog's coat in show condition or are just looking to keep it free of mats, these tips on caring for your fluffy dog will make short work of keeping your dog healthy looking and your home free of unwanted dog hair.

Grooming Basics 101

  • Before brushing your dog, always mist him lightly with a little water from a spray bottle. The water will eliminate static electricity and provide elasticity to the coat to prevent breakage of hair the shafts.
  • If you can hear the brush as it is pulling through the coat, you are brushing too hard or using the wrong style brush on the coat.
  • Always brush out your dog and remove any mats before bathing him.  Washing a dog with loose hair or mats will only aggravate the situation, causing the mats to grow in size and become more tightly matted.
  • Grooming gives you an opportunity to detect wounds, lumps or changes in the skin and coat condition that may help you detect a serious condition early on.
  • Clean coat grows coat; dirt on coats breaks hair shafts leaving unwanted hair around the house.
  • Double coated dogs shed their undercoats twice a year.  Dead and loose undercoat that remains on the dog will quickly generate difficult to remove mats.
  • Most dogs enjoy the attention of grooming when it is done regularly.
  • 10 minutes a week is all that is necessary to keep the average fluffy dog coat in good condition.

Grooming Tools for the Double Coated Dog

The cost of all of these grooming tools together is less than one visit to a professional groomer, and they are well worth having on hand.

Pin Brush for Dog Grooming
Pin Brush by #1 All Systems

The Pin Brush

The pin brush is the essential brush that you will use for weekly maintenance of your dog's double coat.  It should slide easily through the coat without making any rough scraping or tearing sounds. 

Pin brushes come in two style, those with nobs on the ends of the pins, and those with a straight pin that is gently rounded on the tips.  Never use the style with nobs on the ends.  These are designed to remove coat, however they pull and tear at healthy coat, making the grooming experience unpleasant and even painful for dogs.

The Poodle Comb

Wide Toothed Poodle Comb
Master Groomer Poodle Comb
This wide toothed comb is used as a finishing comb for double coated dogs, once the dog's coat is free of any mats or loose hair. The teeth of the poodle comb are spaced at 1/4 inch distance from each other.

The comb is used to detect any small mats and clumps of loose hair that were missed in the brush-out of the dog.  If the comb sticks, you need to investigate that area of the dogs coat more carefully; this is how you prevent small tangles from becoming large mats over the course of the week.

The Slicker Brush

Slicker Brush
The Slicker brush is used for mat removal and grooming the furnishings (feathers on the front legs, pants and hair on the hocks and behind the ears).

We will discuss its use in mat removal further down in this article.

Mat Breakers

There are two styles of mat breakers. The one with the longer teeth is best used for cutting apart large, fist sized mats.  The one with the shorter teeth is good for stripping out and thinning under coat. 

As undercoat sheds and remains nestled in with the healthy hairs, it 
Mat Remover for Dogs
Short Blade Mat Breaker By Safari
begins to form a loose mat. The short blades are good for stripping out those loose mats, as the longer bladed mat remover will simple glide through the loose tangles.
Removing undercoat can help cool the double coated dog in the summer months, and is also done on show dogs to help sculpt the dog's outline.  Dogs with an over abundance of hair on the loins and rear can look "high in the rear."  Removing excess undercoat reveals the dog's true structure.

grooming tool mat remover
Long Tooth Dematting Comb for Large Mats

Rolling the Coat on a Double Coated Dog

Rolling the coat removes dead and loose hair, encourages new hair growth and distributes the dog's natural oils along the hair shafts. This should be performed once a week, and will reduce the amount of shedding around your home considerably. Rolling the coat should only take about 5 minutes per side of the dog when done on a weekly basis.

To roll the coat, mist your dog with water from a spray bottle before beginning.  Have your dog lie down on his side, and using a pin brush without nobs on the ends of the pins, begin back brushing the coat at the shoulder.  Back brushing means that you will brush a small amount of hair in the reverse direction of how the hair naturally grows and lays. 

Hold the coat towards the front of your dog gently down as you brush the hair back towards the head of the dog, creating a part in the coat. Continue back brushing 2 inches of coat with each stroke moving down the side of the dog towards the tail. Brushing in the opposite direction of how the hair lays allows you to get to the base of each hair shaft and remove all dead or loose hairs on the dog.  

Once you have back brushed all the hairs from the shoulder to the pants in the opposite direction of its growth pattern, brush the hairs gently back to the direction it normally lays. Turn the dog over, mist again and repeat on the opposite side.

After rolling the coat, you should be able to easily pull a wide toothed comb, or Poodle comb, easily through the dog's coat.  Any places where the comb sticks, should be investigated for small tangles or mats. This is all that is required to keep a double coated dog's coat in good condition when he is not in a shedding phase.

The Double Coated Dog's Shedding Phase

Double Row Shedding Rake
Shedding Rake

Twice a year double coated dogs will "blow coat." This is when they shed most of their undercoat and the remaining guard hairs may become dry and brittle looking.  It may take up to three weeks for a dog to fully blow their coat.  This is the time that most mats are formed if dead hairs are allowed to remain without regularly being brushed out.

Brushing with a pin brush will take forever to remove all of the loose hairs, however a shedding rake will make quick work of removing dead and loose hairs.  With a few passes over the back and sides of your dog, you can remove the majority of dead hair in a few minutes.

Mat Removal

If you have a double coated dog, it is inevitable that a mat will eventually form on your dog. Favorite mat sites are behind the ears, the pants and under the forearms where the arm and body rub together.  Some dogs lose coat during their shed in tufts, making it easy to spot that the time for the shedding rake has arrived.  Other coats tend to hold in the loose hairs, creating a dense mass of hair along the rump and pants of the dog hiding beneath the guard hairs.

Depending on the type of mats you are dealing with, there are several techniques to help you easily and painlessly remove the mats and preserve healthy coat.

Removing Small Mats in Delicate Areas

Small mats behind the ears can be removed with scissors.  Using thinning shears near the base of the mat will make the removal of the mat less noticeable.
Stainless Steel Finishing Comb
Use the narrow tines to tease apart small or loose mats.

For small mats on delicate areas, you can tease out the mat with a finishing comb. Begin with the hairs farthest away from the dogs skin, and gently try to separate the hairs from each other.  You may need to use a short blade mat remover to encourage the hairs to separate.

When using any mat remover with blades, angle the blade ends away from the dog's body with the sharp sides of the blades facing away from the dogs body.  In this video, they use a Coat King type undercoat rake to tease out the mat. Mars make the Coat King, however Oster makes a similar tool (pictured here) that works equally well for half of the price.

Removing Dead Densely Packed Undercoat

If a large area of the dog is tightly packed with dead hair, it can make it difficult to even feel the dogs skin beneath the coat.  Begin by spraying liberally with a coat detangler, then allow it to sit for 3-5 minutes.

Starting at the base of the matted area or above the tail of the dog. Press the coat back towards the head, and begin teasing the coat towards the tail with a slicker brush, a little at a time.  If the coat is stubborn, use the mat remover with short blades to separate and cut the tangled hairs.

As the hairs loosen, repeat brushing with the slicker brush.  Continue going back and forth between the mat remover and the slicker brush until the area is mat free, going over it a final time with a comb with coarse tine spacing.  See the demonstration below on this dog's matted pants. Note she starts at the bottom of the tangled area to tease out the tangles in his coat.

As hair is loosened and removed, she reapplies detangler to speed the process.

Great Ideas About Dogs That Anyone Can Use

Great Ideas About Dogs That Anyone Can Use

Whether you already have a dog or are just looking for one, it is likely that you are aware of the care required by dog ownership. This is not something you can just jump into with no information. The tips presented here will help you be a better owner to your dog.

You may know that chocolate is dangerous for dogs, but you may not know the specifics. Chocolate is dangerous because of the stimulants caffeine and theobromine. Baking chocolate is the most dangerous, with a high amount of stimulants. White chocolate contains the least amount of stimulants. Take you dog to vet if he ingests chocolate.

Keep on top of fleas. Not only can fleas cause infection in your dog, if one is swallowed, your pet can get tapeworms as well. Speak to your veterinarian about the best prevention method, but remember that this is not a one shot deal. You will have to continue your efforts over the life of your pet.

If your dog is very rowdy or easily excitable, experts recommend that you don't bring them along on vacation. Many times the thrill and confusion of a new area filled with strangers is too much for the hyper dog and unpleasant incidents may occur. Find a great kennel to care for your pooch instead.

If you are interested in providing your dog with the healthiest of diets and making positive contributions to the earth's environment, make his food from scratch. You can buy locally grown organic ingredients and provide him all the proteins, carbs and fats he needs with no preservatives while reducing the waste from packaging as well.

Pick and choose when you are going to groom your dog. You do not want to attempt grooming when your pet is in a particularly frisky mood, because the process will not go well. Instead, do so only when your dog is calm and tired, like after you have taken him for an especially long walk.

Genuine meat bones may be tempting, but it's best to stick to rawhide. Bones can chip and hurt your dog if sharp fragments are ingested. Rawhide is completely healthy and improves the teeth, and therefore is preferable to animal bones.

It should be easy to take good care of your dog if you follow the tips presented here. With a lot of love and patience your dog will be happy and healthy. Keep educating yourself to discover more ways to improve your dog's life and make your time together more enjoyable.
Pet Grooming Essentials to Keep Your Pets Health at Best

Pet Grooming Essentials to Keep Your Pets Health at Best

Buying grooming products for your pet is not only for styling your pet but also they are extremely necessary to keep it in a healthy condition; you can shop for these products very easily on online pet stores.

Any dog or pet living in your house must seek a better treatment as it is counted as one of the members of your family. If a pet dog or cat not is not treated properly then they becomes uncomfortable and shabby and to stop them from being like that you must take good care of them by using tear stain removers and salmon oil for dogs so that you can keep their hair coat clean and healthy. These kinds of pet grooming products are very much needed for any pet so that they can be free of fleas, nits and lice. While you groom you dog you must have noticed that they often form knots on their hair coat which is formed through dirt and lack of combing of their hair that eventually come out as knots. But using the right grooming products such as shampoos and soaps are able to let your pet get free from these kinds of problems.

These products will not keep your pets hygienic but also leave them with great smelling all around which will also give a good feeling in the entire house.

Style and Health

Applying tear stain removers not only keep the eye area clean but also provide a less smelly feature to your pet. If you really want to see your pet dog in healthy condition then you have to make sure that you keep it clean in all the ways. Tight from cleaning the ears, teeth,hair coat, paws and claws and other parts of the body too. Also do not forget to clip its nails to as grown nails can hurt the do in any manner. With regular brushing the dog can easily get rid of the fleas and knots as well as the knots which can be a mess to your dog handling them. There are lots of dog parlors are present these days which also provide you all kinds of grooming services to your pet, but it is also true that these services are quite pricey and all of the dog owners cannot afford these services.

Cheap and Best Option

You can treat your dog with some of the best options like using the salmon oil for dogs which will keep your dog's hair coat healthy and shiny. You can buy some of the high quality products in a cheaper price from the online pet shops and get your pet treated in a very good way and under your care which is not only keep your pet healthier but also create a love bond between you and your pet.
Basic Dog Grooming Tips

Basic Dog Grooming Tips

The act of grooming your dog is one of the fundamental things that your dog requires. The essential grooming requirements depend on your dog's breed and its characteristics. The first thing a pet owner must manage with is the dog's hair.

Long hair dogs that shed require more frequent grooming than short hair dogs, or those who shed on a seasonal basis. Dogs who frequent the outdoors pick up debris and should be brushed or combed daily. It can often be an effort to untangle the hair as well as remove those bits or particles stuck in the dog's coat after the dog has been outside.

If you're looking for something more convenient and don't mind laying out some cash, you could use a professional groomer. You should be aware that professional dog grooming can get really expensive if you use it weekly. But if you want the best for your dog, you may chose that option. If you want to go strictly for convenience, you can hire mobile dog groomers who have full grooming stations equipped with all your dog's needs in their vehicles. The groomers park their van on your driveway or in front of your house, so you don't even have to leave home. If you're unable to handle grooming tasks yourself, this is the ultimate in convenience. Another benefit to using professional groomers is that you don't have the mess or "damp dog" odor in your home.

To save money, groom your dog yourself. Just equip yourself with the basic grooming tools. It's not a good idea to use your old hairbrush on your dog. Get proper brushes and combs that are designed for your dog's fur. If not, you are likely to incur vet bills if you use your discarded brushes since they could potentially create damage to your dog's skin.

If you're not sure of the correct way to bathe and brush your dog's hair, search online for some resources that can help you through the process. There are many articles and forums available to you, or simply ask a dog groomer or your veterinarian. You could also take a course from a pet store or vet's office to learn the correct procedures and get some expert tips on dealing with your dog's anxieties during grooming as well.

Some may think that grooming your dog is optional, but it's not. Not grooming your dog consistently leaves him at risk for illnesses, parasites, damage to his skin or hair or both. Your dog may be unhappy about having a bath, but you can't let that stop you.

Note that rough scrubbing should be avoided when giving your dog a bath. It can reduce the natural oils that are there to protect your dog's skin and hair follicles. Also, be cautious what types of powders or fragrances you use on your dog. Many are not made for dogs and can cause discomfort or infection. Avoid use of any product that isn't fit for your dog and your dog's breed.

Patience is what is needed when grooming your dog. Take time to gently talk to your pet while you are grooming. Try to make grooming a playful time by rubbing his belly and patting his head. It's best not to initiate the grooming process if you don't have much time or you don't have the needed patience to complete the process. Remember, whatever attitude you project towards the grooming session, your dog will know and it will impact how he approaches them in the future.