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Showing posts with label dog health information. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog health information. Show all posts

Should I Neuter My Dog? The Shocking Risks Of Neutering Early

Intact male dogs tend to live longer healthier lives
Image: Courtesy of PublicDomainImages.net
Images of frightened, discarded cats and dogs in shelters tug at our hearts and serve to encourage the public to embrace the spaying and neutering of pets as a way to reduce the unwanted pet population. 

The burgeoning population of abandoned cats and dogs has increased in tough economic times. A growing trend in the animal welfare and rescue community has been to spay and neuter cats and dogs prior to releasing their charges to their new adoptive families.  

In the case of young kittens and puppies, some of the more zealous of these organizations have begun spaying and neutering puppies as early as 6 -8 weeks of age.  

Research regarding the long term benefits and risks that such early intervention may have on the physical development of the adult dog is many years away. However we can look to existing research for the effects on the health of dogs spayed or neutered prior to one year of age.  The surprising results of these studies inform the advisability of altering male dogs as well as the age that spay or neuter may be appropriate.

In 2007, Laura J. Sanborn, M.S. published a study, “Long-Term Health Risks and Benefits Associated with Spay / Neuter in Dogs.”  This study reviewed much of the existing veterinary medical literature, over 50 peer-reviewed articles, in an attempt to access the health impacts of spaying and neutering dogs, and to aid veterinary care providers and pet owners in making more informed decisions regarding the advisability of spay / neuter as well as appropriate timing in the dog’s development for surgery.

The Health Benefits and Risks of Neutered Male Dogs

Veterinarians regularly tout the health benefits associated with neutering male puppies.  Reduction of prostate cancer is frequently cited as a benefit, additionally prevention of testicular cancer is also cited as an important consideration in the long term health of the dog.  While neutering will eliminate the risk of dying from testicular cancer, the risk of developing this cancer and dying from it, for an intact dog, is less than one percent. And while prostate cancer in humans is linked to testosterone, studies show that in canines it appears to have an opposite effect on them than it does on humans.

Benefits of neutering found in a review of the medical studies included moderate reduction in the likelihood of males developing:
  • perianal fistulas
  • non-cancerous prostate disorders
  • and possibly a reduction in the risk of developing diabetes
While the benefits associated with neutering males in this study appear minimal, the increased risk of developing several cancers, obesity, orthopedic disorders and adverse reactions to vaccinations is substantial.

Risks: Neutered Male Dogs vs. Intact Males:
  • Neutered males are 1.6 times more likely to develop Cardiac Hemangiosarcoma than their intact counter parts.
  • Are twice as likely to develop Urinary Tract Cancer than intact males
  • Are four times more likely to develop Prostate Cancer than intact males.
  • Experience a 27% increase in adverse reactions to vaccinations over their intact counterparts.
  • And if neutering is done prior to 1 year of age, it substantially increases the risk of the more common cancer Osteosarcoma (bone cancer)
Additionally, neutered dogs are 4 times more likely to be obese than their intact counterparts, in fact neutering triples the risks of hypothyroidism, which causes weight gain, lethargy and hair loss.  

Perhaps due to being overweight, neutered dogs also experience a higher risk of developing orthopedic disorders and are at greater risk for progressive geriatric cognitive impairment.

Weighing the benefits against the increased health risks associated with neutering male dogs, it appears from this study that the risks far outweigh the benefits, with one major exception. Unilateral and bilateral cryptorchism, or undescended testicles,when not neutered, results in a 13 times greater chance of developing testicular cancer.  While prognosis for treatment of testicular cancer is good, a 90% cure rate, it is advisable to neuter these dogs. 

Marking behavior normally occurs when 
there are intact females in the home
 Courtesy of PublicDomainImages.net

Marking Indoors

Many owners wish to eliminate the tendency of male dogs to mark territory, by neutering males before they reach sexual maturity.  In fact males neutered around 6 months of age frequently never learn to “hike” their legs, and eliminate in the same manner as puppies and female dogs do. 

However, with proper training, males will learn not to mark or hike their legs indoors.  It is only when males are exposed to intact females and their estrus cycle, that the male marking behavior becomes a challenge inside the home.

Aggression Reduction

Another reason cited for neutering males is to reduce or eliminate aggressive behavior. Intact dogs are not welcome at dog parks and for good reason.  A pair of intact males presented with an intact female in estrus will likely result in a display of aggression between the males. 

Dominant males will want to assert themselves, and the cost to your dog's health and your wallet are not worth the risk.  If you are keeping an intact male dog, respect the rules of dog parks and most municipal and county laws. Keep your dog on leash or confined at all times.

Total Lifespan Intact vs. Neutered Males

In a recent study at University of Georgia, researchers examined records of over 40,000 dogs to determine whether intact males or neutered males live longer.  While they too found that neutered males tend to die of certain cancers at a higher rate than their intact counterparts, overall the neutered dogs had, on average, a longer lifespan.  The study showed that intact males and females tended to die more frequently of infectious disease at an earlier age than the spayed and neutered dogs in the study.

It should be noted that the dogs in this study were from teaching hospitals, and the results might be different in private veterinary practices.  It is not known whether the intact males and females were pets or strays and what level of care they had received prior to admission. 

Courtesy of PublicDomainImages.net
Should We Neuter Our Dog?

If you have a breed that is predisposed to developing certain cancers such as osteosarcoma, lymphoma or hemangiosarcomo, and you have a well fenced yard, you may want to leave your male intact.  

The research clearly shows that the earlier that you spay or neuter your pet, they greater the risk is of developing one of the aforementioned cancers.

However, recent research also suggests that neutered males live longer than intact males. If you opt for neutering, we suggest that you wait until your dog’s first birthday to alter him.  While many vets advocate neutering at 6 months, it appears that hormones from the reproductive system are aiding in the development of the dog’s autoimmune system. Allowing him to reach sexual maturity will give him the advantage that these hormones provide, and hopefully extend his lifespan as well as the quality of his final years.

4 Promising Studies: Early Detection and Treatment Options for Canine Hemangiosarcoma

Courtesy of Public Domain Images
Hemangiosarcoma is a form of cancer found almost exclusively in dogs. A relatively common canine cancer (6-8% of all canine cancers) it is estimated that 2 million of 73 million dogs currently alive in the United States will develop the disease and die from it.

At this time, it is considered incurable, as it remains symptomless until the advanced stages of the disease.  The current standard of care, surgery and chemotherapy, have proven to extend the life to the affected dog a mere median of 180 days with surgery alone, and an additionally 180 days with chemotherapy added to surgical intervention.

In the wake of these poor treatment outcomes, research has focused on early detection of the disease as well as a new, very promising alternative medicine approach.


Hemangiosarcoma is an indolent cancer, meaning it initially develops very slowly, asymptomatically and painlessly.  The most common primary sites of the disease are the spleen, right atrium of the heart and the tissue beneath the skin.  In the later stages of the disease, the cancer aggressively metastasizes to the lungs, liver and intestines.   While dogs of any age and breed may be susceptible to hemangiosarcoma, it occurs more commonly in dogs beyond middle age, and has a higher incidence in breeds such as German Shepherd Dogs, Golden Retrievers, Portuguese Water Dogs and Skye Terriers, suggesting a genetic component is involved.

The Canine Genome

The completion of the Canine Genome Project has spurred research into the genetic components of a wide variety of physical ailments believed to have heritable factors. Researchers at Modiano Lab at the University of Minnesota have taken an interest in the genetic components contributing to hemangiosarcoma.   Three of the more promising approaches involve mapping the risk alleles associated with the disease, determining the genetic, breed-specific abnormalities of the tumors themselves and developing a blood test for early detection of cancer cells via flow cytology.

The first project, developed in collaboration with Dr. Matthew Breen, focused on the possibility of breed specific abnormalities that may be detectable in tumors arising in dogs of different breeds. The initial results were promising; the data showed that tumors from dogs of one specific breed are functionally and genetically more similar to each other than they are to tumors from dogs of other breeds. This information demonstrates that heritable risk factors contribute to the development of canine cancer. More importantly, these results are the first step toward developing prevention and treatment strategies that address the specific causes underlying the biology of canine hemangiosarcoma.

The second project of great promise, developed in collaboration with the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, has begun the process of mapping the risk alleles for the development of both Lymphoma and Hemangiosarcoma in the following target breeds:

Turkey Tail Fungus - Penn State's Magic Mushrooms see below
Courtesy of Wallwork Family Pages

  • Australian Shepherd
  • Bernese Mountain Dog
  • Border Collie
  • Boxer
  • Briard
  • Bullmastiff
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Flat-coated Retriever
  • German Shepherd Dog
  • Golden Retriever
  • Greyhound
  • Irish Setter
  • Keeshond
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Mastiff
  • Poodle
  • Portuguese Water Dog
  • Rottweiler
  • Vizsla
  • Saluki
Researchers are currently seeking samples for this research in the form of blood samples and tumor samples with associated pedigree information.  Samples from mixed breeds and other breeds are welcome from both healthy (aged) dogs and affected dogs.  To learn more about how to contribute to the project visit the Modiano Labs website.

Early Cancer Detection: Flow Cytometry

Once we have a genetic test that can forewarn us of a genetic predisposition to developing specific cancers, we will want to be able to detect the disease at an early stage of its development, well before it becomes symptomatic.

As cancer tumors grow, they shed cells into the blood stream.  However, the tumor cells are shed so infrequently that they cannot be detected in routine blood tests. Enter the technology called flow cytometry. Here cells are “tagged” with fluorescent molecules that identify their lineage of origin, they are then run through an instrument (the flow cytometer) that combines optics and fluidics information through a software capable of analyzing hundreds of thousands of cells in a matter of minutes.

Researchers have employed this technology, and have successfully shown proof of principle for this test. Idexx Laboratories has licensed the technology from the University of Colorado, although the ultimate affordability of employing this technology in local veterinary practices tests remains to be seen.  Another issue with this technology, is that it does not tell us where the site of origin of the tumor is. Early treatment will therefore need to be able to treat the disease independent of the site of origin.

The Biggest Breakthrough In Hemangiosarcoma Cancer Treatment: Penn State’s Magic Mushrooms

In a Penn State study funded by Chinese Medicine Holding LTD. and released in September 2012, dogs with hemangiosarcoma were treated with a compound derived from the Coriolus Versicolor mushroom, resulting in the longest survival times ever reported for dogs with the disease.

The Coriolus Versicolor mushroom, known commonly as the Yunzhi mushroom, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years. A compound within the mushroom, polysaccharopeptide, or PSP, is believed to have immune-boosting properties. Over the past two decades, studies have indicated that PSP may also have a tumor-fighting effect.

Penn State researchers studied dogs with naturally occurring hemangiosarcoma to see what effects, the Yunzhi mushroom would have on their patients. Fifteen dogs that had been diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma participated in the trial. Divided into three groups of five, each group received a different dose — 25, 50 or 100 mg/kg/day — of I’m-Yunity, a formulation of PSP which is also readily available over the Internet. The dog owners were instructed to give their dog a capsule of I’m-Yunity, daily. The owners brought their dogs to Penn’s Ryan Veterinary Hospital for follow-up visits on a monthly basis for blood sample testings and ultrasounds to determine the extent that tumors had developed or spread in the dogs’ bodies.

“We were shocked,” Cimino Brown said of Penn State. “Prior to this, the longest reported median survival time of dogs with hemangiosarcoma of the spleen that underwent no further treatment was 86 days. We had dogs that lived beyond a year with nothing other than this mushroom as treatment.”

Not only had the dog’s survival times increased with the use of PSP, but unlike chemotherapy, there were no reported side effects.  Dogs receiving the highest dosage, 100 mg/day, had the longest median survival time, however the difference in survival times between dosages was not statistically significant.

While not inexpensive, this treatment is certainly more affordable than chemotherapy.  Those on tight budgets, may consider using this supplement at the lower dosage without fear of significantly impacting survival rates.  However, it should be noted that while the PSP, I’m Yunity, extends life and improves quality of life, it has not been shown to be a cure for hemangiosarcoma.

The Penn State researchers are preparing to pursue further trials of I’m-Yunity in dogs with hemangiosarcoma to confirm and refine their results. One upcoming trial will compare I’m-Yunity to a placebo for those owners who choose not to pursue chemotherapy for their pet; the other will compare the compound with the current standard-of-care, chemotherapy.

Here are some options for Organic Turkey Tail Mushroom Extract 


The liquid form may be easier to administer.  The capsules are 500mg, so you would need to open the capsule and shake out 1/4 of the mushroom extract. For larger dogs (80 lbs and up) you may want to give them one third of a capsule or approximately 165mg.

We will keep you posted as more information comes in from the ongoing Penn State Research.

For information on Canine Osteosarcoma please click here.

15 Warning Signs of Cancer in Dogs

Cancer is increasingly common in pet animals, and as pets age, the likelihood of contracting some form of the disease increases substantially.  In fact, cancer accounts for almost half of the deaths of pets over 10 years of age. 

In breeds like the golden retriever it is estimated that between 60 and 80% will contract a form of cancer. But cancer is not restricted to geriatric canines, dogs as young as 4 years old may be diagnosed with it.

While dogs in general contract cancer at approximately the same rate as humans; cats tend to get fewer cancers, perhaps owing to their nine lives. Some cancers such as Hemangiosarcom and Oesteosarcoma have a higher rate of occurrence within certain breeds, suggesting a genetic component is probably at work.

If your dog’s breed has a propensity for developing a specific type of cancer, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the early warning symptoms of the onset of the disease.  Awareness of the signs of cancer in dogs combined with early detection and quick action can significantly improve the outcome for your pet.

sleeping senior dog
By Darnyi ZsĂ³ka via Wikimedia Commons

Common Warning Signs of Cancer in Dogs

If you suspect a combination of the following symptoms in your pet, consult your veterinarian promptly; when it comes to the health of your pet, it is always better to be safe now than sorry later.

  1. Foul Odors from the Mouth or Other Orifices: Foul Odors from the Mouth: If you detect offensive odors emanating from your dog’s mouth, and there has been no change in diet, you should have it checked out. Halitosis combined with excessive drooling, difficulty eating or swallowing can be a sign of oral cancer.   Bloody saliva indicates a prompt visit to the vet is in order. Bad odors from the ears, anal area or any other part of your pet’s body, should be checked out as well.  While food allergies, mites, impacted anal glands, infections from bites or scrapes or yeast infections can cause foul odors, it is best to seek veterinary advice to clear up any of these conditions and check for the underlying cause of the odor.
  2. Nasal discharge. This can be a sign of allergies, or especially if discolored or bloody, a symptom of cancer of the nasal and sinus cavities.
  3. Excessive Drooling and Difficulty Eating or Swallowing.  Excessive drooling, especially combined with a strong halitosis merits further investigation.  Anytime a dog has difficulty eating or swallowing you should consult a veterinarian immediately.  
  4. Difficulty Breathing and Coughing. Dogs having difficulty breathing  should be examined immediately.  For both humans and dogs, shortness of breath is a critical symptom.  Heart disease, lung cancer and hemangiosarcoma are potential underlying causes of breathing difficulties.  Early detection of any of these diseases can improve your dog’s prognosis.
  5. Excessive Panting.  It is normal for dogs to pant following exercise (for 20-30 minutes) or in extremely warm conditions.  Prolonged panting however may be a symptom of a severe injury or chronic illness such as heart failure, Cushing's syndrome, pneumonia or lung tumors.  
  6. Loss of Appetite. Dogs usually do not stop eating without a cause.  If your dog suddenly loses his appetite and there has been no change in diet, you should consider a trip to the vet, particularly if it is combined with some of the other symptoms on this list.  While this may not be a symptom of cancer, it could be a symptom of another serious issue where early intervention is beneficial.
  7. Lethargy. Lack of stamina or fatigue developing over a relatively short time frame can be symptoms of cancer.  Beyond normal aging, a dog that over a period of weeks or months that exhibits a noticeable decrease in activity levels should be seen by your veterinarian.  Other possible causes of lethargy and lack of appetite can include parasites such as tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms and whipworms, conditions that you will also want to address quickly.
  8. Depression.  You can’t put your finger on it, but Rover just doesn't seem to be himself.  Depressed dogs don’t seem to take pleasure in their usual activities; they tend to lie down away from the family activities exhibiting a decreased interest in their surroundings.  This can be a symptom of a change in the family dynamic or environment, but if there have been no changes to the family routine, depression combined with a several other symptoms on this list should be noted when discussing your dog’s health with your veterinarian.
  9. Changes in Bathroom Habits. A dog that is normally well house trained begins soiling the house (and there have been no changes in the household dynamics to upset him) or the consistency of the bowel movement is unusual.  This symptom combined with depression were our first clues that something was wrong with our dog Kebe, prior to her being diagnosed with a branching cancerous tumor. Additionally, difficulty using the bathroom, frequent bathroom use or blood in urine or stool are all symptoms indicating a prompt visit to your vet is in order.
  10. Abdominal Distention. If your dog’s abdomen becomes bloated or distended it could be a sign of an accumulation of abnormal discharge within the body. Accumulation of fluids can be indicative of congestive heart failure and cardiac hemangiosarcoma.
  11. Lameness or Difficulty Walking.  Sudden onset of lameness or pain during exercise, when the dog has not engaged in any extreme physical activities can be indicative of arthritis or bone cancer (osteosarcoma).
  12. Weight Loss:  Just as in humans, cancer can cause its victims to lose weight dramatically.  If your pet has experienced weight loss, and you have not adjusted caloric intake or increased activity levels of your pet, then a trip to the vet is indicated.  If you notice sudden weight loss in your dog, along with other signs from this list (especially weight loss combined with decreased activity levels), be sure to mention it to your veterinarian.
  13. Vomiting or Diarrhea.  Vomiting and/or excessive diarrhea that continue for more than a day should be checked out by a vet.  At the very least, the dog may become dehydrated, a condition easily remedied by administration of fluids.  Prolonged vomiting or the inablility to hold down fluids and solids can indicate pancreatitis, kidney disease or digestive cancer.
  14. Lumps That are Unresolved or Growing. Not all lumps on or under your dog’s skin will be cancerous, but they are a cause for concern.  If the lump is growing rapidly, is ulcerated or bleeding, warm or painful to the touch you should consult your veterinarian. While it may just be a cyst, your vet can perform a needle biopsy and a veterinary pathologist can determine if the cells are cancerous or not.
  15. Sores That Don’t Heal. If your pet has wounds or sores that are not healing, it could be a sign of infection, skin disease, diabetes or cancer.
While many items on this list, when exhibited individually, are not cause for concern, an accumulation of 3 or more of these symptoms is reason to visit your veterinarian.

As your pet ages, it is a good idea to routinely examine him by stroking and petting his entire body. Tummy rubs and scratching around the ears and neck can aid in detecting any unusually bumps, and your dog will enjoy it too.  An annual physical examination along with annual laboratory analysis (for elderly pets) can be useful in early detection of a variety of disorders including those that affect the kidney, liver, heart or bowel.

5 Reasons Why Dogs Eat Dirt - And You Should Too!

Why dogs eat dirt
By federico stevanin, published on 08 November 2008
Stock photo - image ID: 1001821
As scientists of various disciplines investigate the topic of dirt eating, or more accurately clay eating, they are discovering that it is more prevalent across geographic regions and species than previously imagined.  Humans, primates, dogs, cats, parrots, buffalo, deer and even fruit bats engage in clay eating or geophagia, a subset of pica.

Until now it has been assumed that the animals engaging in geophagia were either malnourished or suffering from a form of obsessive compulsive disorder originating from boredom.  New studies indicate that there may be other factors at work in the age old practice of clay eating. In our list of five reasons your dog eats clay, we offer up three traditional explanations as well as two new explanations that are gaining credence in the international dirt-eating research community.

Eating Soil From Boredom, Habit or OCD

It has been noted that bored dogs can get into the destructive habit of digging holes and then consuming the unearthed soil or clay as a by-product of the digging behavior.  In some dogs, this behavior takes on an obsessive quality, with dogs digging 2-3 new holes per day, leaving yards pock-marked with ankle-bending divots.  This behavior is different from that of the dog that returns to the same beloved spot in the yard for his daily dose of dirt, frequently an area of moist clay.  Habitual digging is a behavioral issue that should be addressed with training, increased interaction and exercise.

Clay Eating to Relieve Hunger

Some trainers have suggested that dogs fed a single meal a day are relieving hunger pains by adding a clay snack to their diet.  If your dog is on a single meal regimen and eating soil, you may try stepping him up to two meals a day to see if that curbs his clay appetite.  If that does not work, read on.
reasons why dogs eat dirt and clay
By Tina Phillips, published on 10 August 2012
Stock photo - image ID: 10095988

Dogs Eating Dirt For Missing Nutrients

Soil contains many trace elements and nutrients that are not readily available in packaged foods; clay eaters may be seeking minerals that their normal diet is lacking.  In fact, geophagia in expectant human mothers in Nigeria (an area low in available calcium) is a centuries-old indicator of pregnancy.  In other regions of Africa, where calcium is readily available, clay eating is not particularly prevalent among expecting mothers. Perhaps the pregnant, clay-eating women in Nigeria and other regions of the world are adding calcium, sodium and iron to supplement their diets for their developing fetus.

Clay Eating For Relief of Digestive Upset

For centuries man has used clay minerals to relieve vomiting, diarrhea and stomach upset.  In fact, Kaopectate, a remedy for relief of gas, bloat and diarrhea, was originally formulated with Kaolin, a clay mineral.  Ironically, clay can also contain parasites, which may create a vicious circle.  The dog eats clay to alleviate the discomfort created by the parasites, while ultimately re-infecting himself with greater numbers of parasites.  It’s a good idea to get a stool sample to the vet if your dogs is eating a lot of clay to rule out parasitic infestations.

People and Dogs Eat Dirt to Detoxify?

Clay has long been considered a detoxifier. The Mesopotamians and ancient Egyptians used mud as a treatment for wounds and to treat various digestive ailments.  Today spas worldwide offer mud baths as a path to detoxification.  As kaolin and other clay minerals have the ability to bind toxins and remove them from the system, this motive for clay eating has now moved to the forefront of scientific research. 

Returning to the subject of pregnant clay eaters, women across Sub-Saharan regions and the Southern United States have consumed clay to alleviate morning sickness.  It has been proposed that morning sickness is actually the body's attempt to remove toxins from the system.  Even pregnant fruit bats increase their daily diet of clay.  It is surmised that as they increase their diet of fruit as well as fruit seeds, which contain toxic properties, they are using the clay to remove the additional toxins from their bodies. The binding properties of clay may not only be removing toxins from the system; clay possesses the additional ability to bind food born bacteria and viruses that would be harmful to the mother and developing fetus. 

Ranchers too have long used clay when preparing livestock feed to inhibit toxin transmission. And now a few researchers are now proposing exploiting clay’s pathogen-binding talents to purify water.

Dogs eating packaged foods with traces of antibiotics or chemicals remaining in them or grass, weeds and run-off from treated lawns, may be attempting to remove toxins from their systems.  It is likely that geophagia is a specific defense that has evolved across a spectrum of species to combat toxicity and, also ease mineral deficiencies.

But, if you’re feeling that old kaolin craving, we suggest you stick with safe commercial products that have been heated or otherwise sterilized.  If you have a favorite dig in your neighborhood, heat the dirt or clay in the over at 200 degrees for at least 2 hours before consuming it.  That should eliminate most parasites.  Bon Apetite!

If your dog has been experiencing stomach upset for a prolonged period of time, including loose stools and gas, you may want to look at adding a probiotic to his diet. To learn more about how probiotics work, and which probiotics are the most effective visit Pet Helpful's article, The 5 Best Probiotics for Dogs.

The Devil Is In The Details - How to Compare Dog Food Ingredients

Comparing dog food ingredients, once you look at the paragraph on the side of the bag, may seem like it requires a PHD to decipher.  Protein meals, by-products and tocopherols abound.  Many authorities on dog food and nutrition recommend that buyers avoid any dog food containing by-products while others eschew grain based products.  Understanding dog food ingredients and their legal definitions as well as the guaranteed analysis will help you to better compare dog foods and find the best value and nutritious diet for your four legged companion.

Dog Food Ingredients Comparison 101:

The ingredients are listed on the food packaging by their weight, in descending order.  Ingredients are listed on an “as fed basis,” which can make interpretation of ingredient lists difficult, as key ingredients are regularly added with differing moisture contents. Meats contain more moisture which results in greater weight per volume, and therefore they may be listed first on the ingredient list.  Furthermore, while we are pleased to see the protein listed as the first ingredient, it may in actuality be third or lower on the least.  Manufacturers can mislead consumers through the process of “splitting” ingredients.  A label that reads:

“Turkey (natural source of glucosamine), brewers rice, corn gluten meal, poultry by-product meal (natural source of glucosamine), oat meal, whole grain wheat, corn germ meal, soy flakes, whole grain corn, soybean germ meal, animal fat preserved with mixed-tocopherols (form of Vitamin E), soybean meal...”

may actually have corn as the number one ingredient.  The manufacturer has split corn into 3 ingredients: corn gluten meal, corn germ meal and whole grain corn.  In addition, many other carbohydrates follow the first ingredient, Turkey, without any additional animal meats, meals or byproducts.  We can suspect that this food’s protein level falls in the lower range of the 25-95% AAFCO protein requirement for pet food Formulas and Recipes.

Ingredient Definitions:

Animal Meat: AAFCO defines meat on an ingredient label as any combination of skeletal muscle meat or muscle meat found in the tongue, diaphragm, heart, and esophagus. The meat may or may not include fat, skin, sinew, nerves, and blood vessels that normally accompany muscle. Meat as an ingredient excludes feathers, hair, hooves, horns, teeth, heads, feet, and entrails.

Animal by-products: By-products are proteins that have not been heat process (unrendered) and may contain heads, feet, lungs and organ meats such as kidneys and liver.  Hooves, hair, horns, teeth and feathers may not be included in this category.  While many people avoid products with by-products in the ingredient list, they can be more nutritious than the muscle-meat form of the protein.  Kidneys, lungs and liver are members of the by-products list and are high in nutritive value.  Udders, bone and connective tissue, which may be included are relatively low in nutritive value.  The ingredient list generally does not contain information on the quality of the ingredients used.

Animal Meal: You will frequently find Fish or Chicken meal listed in the first 4 ingredients of a pet food. Meal is derived from heat rendering the by-products to remove the moisture and fats from the by-product.  Here is an example where the rendering process reduces the moisture and weight of this ingredient, allowing for greater actual volume of meal to meat in the formula, although the meat remains a higher level ingredient on the label.

Dried Whey: An inexpensive form of dried cow’s milk which adds protein, and has been linked with some digestive allergies.

Glutens, Brans and Hulls:  Fillers that add fiber and bulk to the formula and are poor sources of protein, which may cause digestive upset.

Fruits and Vegetables:  Always a rich source of natural vitamins and antioxidants, these are a big plus on the label!
Preservatives:  Tocopherols are preservatives made from either Vitamin E or C or a combination of the two.  They are preferred to chemical preservatives such as Ethoxyquin, BHA and BHT, which are suspect to cause chronic disease and cancer.  Tocopherols are not as effective at preserving food for extended periods of time as are their chemical counterparts, especially once the seal has been broken on the packaging.  Be sure to store dry food in an air tight container after opening, if your pet food is preserved with Tocopherals.
Food Additives: The following ingredients fall into the food additive category: Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidant preservatives, Humectants (additives that retain moisture), Antimicrobial preservatives, Coloring agents (Red Dye 40 and 3, Blue dye 2 and Yellow5 are suspected carcinogens), Flavors, Palatability enhancers and Emulsifying agents.

Guaranteed Analysis:
The FDA required that manufacturers provide a guaranteed analysis on the package.  The guaranteed analysis on the information panel of a pet food label lists the minimum levels of crude protein and fat (those ingredients that we would like to see more of) and the maximum levels of fiber and moisture (water) that will be found in the food (those fillers that we would like to see less of as they reduce the nutritive value of the food on a per cup basis). The protein and fat are listed as crude sources rather than as digestible sources, which can vary widely depending on whether they are from animal meats or meals. Double check the ingredient list to determine the sources of the protein and fat.

Generally speaking, foods high in fiber and lower in fat content make good choices for pets that need to lose weight.  Large percentages of carbohydrates and corn in particular will cause pets to gain weight, and highly active dogs will require more protein and fat to support their increased energy levels.

How Do I Know Where These Ingredients Came From?
The US requires that the name and address of the pet food manufacturer, distributor, or dealer listed on the label. When one sees phrases such as “Distributed by…” or “Manufactured for…” or “Imported by…” we can expect that a company other than the company selling the product is the actual manufacturer of the pet food. Frequently the manufacturer is listed as a co-packer.  In the US, products manufactured outside of the United States also require “Product of (country of origin).”  Also required is the date of manufacture and “Expiry Date” or “Best Before Date” the date beyond which it is recommended to feed the product.  Often retailers will discount products with fast approaching expiry dates.  So double check those when purchasing pet food discounted on a “Manager’s Special.”

What does it all mean?

When researching ingredient lists on pet food labels, look to see at least two meat based protein sources in the first 4 ingredients on the list.  Avoid pet foods that are in the practice of splitting ingredients, with individual ingredients broken down into whole grain corn, corn gluten meal, corn meal etc…Don’t pass-up products simply because they contain animal by-products.  While by-products are not appetizing to most humans, they can be a rich source of nutrition.

Many vets and the FDA recommend changing or rotating your pet’s diet between several foods every 3 or 4 months; gradually swapping over to the new food over the course on one week.  This can prevent deficiencies caused by dietary requirements as yet not fully known, as well as prevent the onset of allergies that can develop with overexposure to a particular ingredient in a single pet food.   As you rotate your pet through several products, pay attention to weight gain or undesired weight loss as well as coat shine and skin condition.  Dull coats and flakey skin indicate your pet is not getting adequate nutrition or may be developing an allergy.  Remove any food creating the undesired effect from the rotation, noting which ingredients differ in that product from the more successful foods in your pets diet.  By keeping track of those dietary ingredients on which your pet thrives and those that should be eliminated, you can sculpt the perfect diet for your pet’s individual needs.

Shopping For A New Pet Food? How to Decipher Pet Food Labels

According to the American Pet Products Association, Americans spent an estimated $52 billion dollars on their pets in 2012, with an estimated $19 billion of that being spent of pet food.  Clearly Americans love their pets, and as pet food recalls have heightened pet owners’ concerns about pet food safety and nutrition, many “Premium” foods have entered the market, competing for those dollars.  With the typical pet super market containing 6-8 aisles of dog food and 4-5 aisles of cat food, how is the health conscious pet owner to decipher the labels and choose the best food for their pet with a reasonable price tag?

The Cover Story: Food, Recipes and Flavors – What’s in The Bag?
The FDA and the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) have regulated guidelines for how pet foods products may be labeled and marketed.  Many so called premium dog foods have found creative marketing tactics for dodging these regulations while luring consumers with promises of holistic or evolutionary diets. 

When I first learned that FDA requirements stated that a dog food labeled as “Salmon for Dogs” must contain at least 95% salmon (by weight percentage), I was stuck by the fact that my premium dry dog kibble barely even smells like seafood. I went to double check the label.  My premium food calls itself a “Life Protection Formula,” later defined in smaller print as a “Fish and Sweet Potato Recipe.”  Many other ingredients follow on the side of the package so what gives?

Recipes, Dinners and Formulas fall under different rules with regards to FDA and AAFCO labeling regulations.  A pet food using one of these monikers need only contain between 25% and 95% of the main ingredient listed on the front label.  The food must contain more of the first listed ingredient on the label than the following label ingredients.  So my fish and sweet potato formula, by AAFCO regulations, might only contain 13% fish and 12% sweet potato.  If it said “Fish, Sweet Potato and Oatmeal Recipe,” I might expect the food to contain perhaps 10% fish, 8% sweet potato and 7% oatmeal. Other terms used under this rule include entrĂ©e, platter, pate or shreds.

Trickier still is the word “With”  Pet food bags that market ingredients using the term “with” need only contain 3% of the additional ingredient. For example, if my food bag read “sweet potatoes with fish recipe,” then the manufacturer would only be required to put 3% fish in the product.  Products with names like “TurDucKen” and “Shepherds Pie” fall completely outside of regulation.  You will have to delve deeper and check the ingredient list on the side or bottom of the package to know what the manufacturer is actually selling in that bag or can.

Finally, there is the packaging descriptor “Flavor.”  Foods that are flavored with beef, chicken or fish, have no strict percentage requirements other than it should contain a sufficient amount that the flavor be detectable by the pet. Interestingly, the product need not contain the actual product that is “flavoring” the dinner.  Manufacturers may use other ingredients that simulate the flavor, so a beef flavored dinner may not contain any beef at all.  Professional dog food taste testers determine if the flavor can be detected.  These dogs are trained to respond to the presence of a scent in order to indicate that the food possesses that essence or flavor.

Gravy, Sauce and Aspic – Purchasing Cans of Water
Moisture, the amount of water in the dog food, ranges from about 8-10% in dry Kibble to 78% in canned pet food.  AAFCO limits the amount of moisture to 78% of weight, but manufactures can add more liquid, 79%+ moisture as a percent of weight, to the overall meal by adding phrases such as “in sauce,” “in gravy” or “with aspic.”  79% or more of moisture seems like a waste of money, although for animals with kidney disease needing to increase their water intake, high moisture foods may be of value.

“Grain-free”foods do not contain wheat, soy or corn; three ingredients that animals frequently have trouble digesting.  It is interesting to note that these are three crops that have undergone substantial genetic engineering over the last few decades.  “Gluten-Free” products can include corn, but not wheat, rye or soy.  Most “sensitive stomach” formulas are based on rice, oatmeal or potato for the bulk of their carbohydrates.

Life Stages Labeling
Frequently manufacturers will divide their product lines in a series of life stages formulas.  Puppy or Kitten, Adult and senior are typical stages.  AAFCO has established two nutrient profiles each for dogs and cats—growth/lactation and maintenance—to fit their life stages.  Through feeding trials, the manufacturer tests the product on dogs or cats under strict guidelines. Products found to provide proper nutrition based on these feeding trials may carry a statement such as: "Animal feeding tests using AAFCO procedures substantiate that “This Product” provides complete and balanced nutrition for (specific life stage)."  Products found to be suitable for an adult are referred to as maintenance diets, which may or may not provide adequate nutrition for animals in the lactating or growth phase, or hard working animals.  Large Breed, Small Breed and Senior formulas mean that they meet the requirements of a maintenance, adult diet and nothing more.  “All Life Stages” diets meet both the requirements for maintenance and the higher nutritional requirements of the growth diet.

Holistic, Natural, Premium and Organic Labeling
The terms Holistic and Premium are not defined by AAFCO or the FDA and therefore have no legal meaning.  These labels are “sales puffs,” and are defined by the individual consumer’s imagination.  “Natural,” however does have a legal definition in the pet food industry.  Natural products are defined by AAFCO as:
 “A food or ingredient derived solely from plant, animal, or mined sources, either in its unprocessed state or having been subject to physical processing, heat processing, rendering, purification, extraction, hydrolysis, enzymolysis, or fermentation, but not having been produced by or subject to a chemically synthetic process and not containing any additives or processing aids that are chemically synthetic except in amounts which might occur unavoidably in good manufacturing practices.”

Natural products may not contain synthetic additives (which include certain dyes, preservatives and chemically produced flavor enhancers), as well as many trace elements such as taurine and vitamins which are synthetically derived. Manufacturers choosing to add vitamins or other nutrients to a “Natural” product must label their products with a disclaimer such as, “Natural ingredients with vitamins added.”

Organic foods also have a legal definition and must follow strict growing, harvesting and processing procedures. Under the current FDA standard the term organic is applied to human foods, and can only be applied to pet foods if the human standards have been met. Organic on the label indicates that the food has been produced through methods that promote cycling of resources, ecological balance and biodiversity. Furthermore organic protiens must be raised without the use of drugs such as hormones and antibiotics.
A Pet food wherein more than 95% of the ingredients meet the human standard may display the USDA organic seal. When organic contents, after moisture has been removed, are between 70%+ and 95%, the label may say, “Made with organic ingredients.” And those foods with 70% or fewer organic ingredients, may list the organic ingredients in the ingredient list, but cannot make mention of organic anywhere else on the labeling.

What does all of this mean when you are perusing the pet food aisles?  Don’t expect to find a pet food that meets the 95% rule and in order to be able to call itself a “beef” or “lamb” pet food.  Even Nature’s Variety Instinct Raw frozen food, which guarantees a minimum of 95% meat and bone meal, promotes itself as a formula. 

If you are concerned about additives and the processing of your pet’s food, you will want to see “Natural” on the label.  If hormones, antibiotics and sustainability concern you, then you will need to seek out those pet foods that proudly display the USDA Organic seal.  You will find that the manufacturers of organic pet foods are very proud of their foods and price them accordingly.  $60 for a 30 pound bag of food would be the average going price for a certified organic dog food.  And if you’re just looking for a food with a good protein balance, you will have to flip the bag or can and investigate the ingredient list further.

Once you have identified three or four pet food brands of interest, it’s time to compare the ingredient lists to see which provides the optimal value and nutritional content.

High End Dog Foods That Deliver Healthy Skin, Coat and Firm Stools


These dog foods have scored high on antioxidants and probiotics that produce firm stools and healthy, shiny coats. Consider rotating your dog through these foods on a quarterly basis to prevent food allergies from developing.

  • Castor and Pollux has freeze dried bits of vegetables and fruits that are recognizable when you are feeding your dog.  Our test dogs did very well on this foods with ultra shiny coats and small firm stools (that indicates they are easily absorbing the nutrients present in the food).
  • Taste of the Wild is the number one selling natural dog food online and a big favorite on the Dog Show Circuit. (Owned by Diamond)
  • Diamond Naturals left the Show Afghans with amazing coats and excellent muscle tone. Made in the USA
  • Canidae produced ultra shiny coats; made with all natural human grade ingredients.
Is your dog experiencing digestive issues, runny eyes or itchy skin? Check out The 5 Best Probiotics for Dogs Reviewed.