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Showing posts with label dog health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog health. Show all posts
First Aid Tips on Dogs

First Aid Tips on Dogs

If you have a dog, then you would know how their curiosity and activeness can get them into trouble. Sometimes, they even get hurt because of their misadventures. Knowing how to apply basic first aid on dogs can not only help it cope with the pain, it could even just save their life. Thousands of dogs get into accidents, get injured or get sick every day, and walking away without helping just sounds too inhuman. Below is a step by step guide on how you can help you furry little friend.

Move Closer

You need to move close to the dog to see the damage. Walk towards it slowly, keeping eye contact and speak in a slow, reassuring tone. If it barks or growls at you, step back. Try to find some food and use it to gain its trust. Don't touch it yet until it shows that it trusts you. Its facial expressions should give you signs if it will allow you to touch it.

Secure the Dog

Pet your dog and give him or her the reassurance that things are going to be OK and that you're doing something about the pain. Tie a leash around its neck. If you don't have one, use a tie, a belt, a rope, anything that you can use to make a make-shift leash. This will let you handle it better. Muzzle it to top it from biting you. Slowly and carefully lift the dog up and take it to a safe area.

If you Can, Know why the Dog Got Into the Situation

It's best to figure out why the dog got hurt to start with. This lets you pinpoint possible areas that also could have been damaged. Even if the dog does not have cuts or bruises, it could have gotten injured from the inside. If the dog has an illness that causes it to become partially paralyzed or unable to move, like degenerative myelopathy or arthritis, its best to check if it can still move of feel its legs. It could have gotten hurt because of sudden loss of control over their lower limbs.

Apply First Aid

Stop blood from open cuts by placing clean cloth over it and securing it to place. Run your hands though the dog's body and check when it reacts to pain. Dogs who are paralyzed or have degenerative myelopathy may not feel the pain since their nerves are not working properly, but be watchful for any reactions.

Take it to the vet

Carefully carry the dog to the car and take it to the veterinarian. If you don't have a way of transportation, you can call the vet or a veterinary ambulance to pick the dog up. Many animal hospitals have emergency rooms where they can run tests like x-rays to check internal damage.
Tips on Caring for Disabled Dogs

Tips on Caring for Disabled Dogs

Dog disabilities could be a result of illness, physical injury or accidents. Just because your dog is disabled, it should not stop you from enjoying its company. As a dog owner, it is your responsibility to help the dog live a normal life and cope with the situation. Below are a few tips to keep your dog happy and healthy even with their disability.

Assist their movements

Dogs who suffer from mobility problems, such as hip dysplasia, arthritis, spinal disorders, DM in dogs, or other medical problems that affects their hind legs will need plenty of help moving around. To make things easier for you and the dog, you can buy a special leash that supports their torso and back legs. There are also other tools that assist in mobility problems, such as dog wheelchairs that can be strapped to their backs. If you are going to take the dog out to the vet, you will need to carry it into the car since it might have a hard time getting in. You can also use a small and improvised ramp that will help them walk into the car.

Watch their weight

Like humans, over weight dogs have a higher chance of getting stick compared to dogs that stay within their ideal weight. Exercise and a balanced diet are the only things you really need to worry about when it comes to your dog's weight. Make sure they get the right amount of exercise by taking them out for walks or jogs. You can also let them run around in an open area like you back yard, front lawn or the nearest park. Never over feed or underfeed your dogs. Use a good dog food mix or you can feed them meat that you prepared. Check with your vet about your dog's ideal weight and the best type of diet you can give it.

Regular visits to the doctor

Visiting the vet regularly helps you and your dog's doctor track the dog's condition and see if it's improving or not. By going to the vet, you can detect any problems and stop them before they develop even further. The vet can also advise you on medical procedures and other remedies that can help or cure your dog. They can also offer medical screening for some genetic illnesses like DM in dogs.

Talk to your dog

Taking to your dog is actually a form of therapy for the both of you. Massage and gently rub its fur and spend some time with it. Sometimes, human touch works better and is more calming and relaxing compared to any other type of medication.
Glucosamine for Dog Arthritis: The Safer Alternative

Glucosamine for Dog Arthritis: The Safer Alternative

In this article we will discuss how glucosamine can be used to treat arthritic disease in canines safely and effectively. Almost everyone who owns an older canine will encounter the problem of dog arthritis in the animal at some point in their lives. Generally, this joint disease only becomes noticeable in the dog's later years of life. This form is usually called osteoarthritis in canines. When an owner suspects their pet may be suffering the effects of this degenerative disease, they should take their animal to the veterinarian for a complete diagnosis to determine if arthritis is the problem.

First of all, arthritis is a degenerating disease which affects the cartilage within the joints of the dog. This disease is identical to the one that attacks humans in their later years of life also. It should be noted that there are no cures for the disease itself. All pet owners can do is to mitigate the symptoms and ease the pain and suffering the animal experiences as much as possible. Glucosamine is an all-natural supplement that many vets are now suggesting animal suffering from joint arthritis should begin taking. Unlike many of the prescription medications that are on the market to treat the disease, glucosamine has virtually no side effects and is a completely natural supplementation which helps many dogs counter the effects of arthritis.

Many of the prescribed medicines available to treat osteoarthritis simply mask or hide the pain which the disease creates. They in no way help in alleviating the actual problem that the disease is causing. In other words, the degeneration of the cartilage tissue within the joints is not stopped. All that is happening with these prescribed medications is simply easing the pain that this degenerative disease is causing the animal. Glucosamine, on the other hand, actually assists the animal in rebuilding and regenerating the damaged tissues caused by the arthritic disease. Glucosamine contains the building blocks which the body uses to build the protective tissues within the joints. Therefore, when these necessary components of the cartilage are added to the canine's diet they are better able to rebuild and reproduce the destroyed tissues inside the joints caused by the joint disease.

In addition to being much less expensive than prescribed alternatives, liquid glucosamine is also much easier to give since it often comes in a liquid form. All the pet owner must do is measure out required dosage for the animal and pour it over the dog's food at meal time. The prescription drugs almost always come in the form of pills and tablets and these are quite difficult for some people to give their pets. The liquid version of glucosamine is also thought to be absorbed easier by the bodies of dogs for a more rapid intake.

It should be noted however, they glucosamine can require several weeks to several months of daily dosages before any positive benefits are experienced by the diseased animal. It totally depends on the dog himself and how for the disease's progress as to how long it will take before any helpful benefits are seen with in a given animal. One of the most important things that dog owners must realize is that giving up on the supplementation using glucosamine too soon may forfeit their ability to help their animals in the long run. This is one reason that prescribed medications are so popular since they offer almost immediate benefits to the animal who is in pain.

In summary, when your dog is diagnosed as having joint osteoarthritis disease, be sure to ask the veterinarian about the options of using liquid glucosamine in place of prescribed medications to help treat the problem. The vet may have in stock their own versions of glucosamine which can be purchased directly or there are other online retail stores specializing in glucosamine supplementation products for dogs.

Why Should You Spay or Neuter Your Pet?

According to The Human Society of the United States, an estimated 6-8 million homeless animals enter animal shelters every year in the United States alone.
The reality is that there are too many dogs and cats in the world who need a loving home and there’s just not enough homes for all of them.
Sadly, many of rescued animals are euthanized or put to sleep each year because no one has adopted them.  So, if you sincerely want to care for a dog or cat, the best thing to do is adopt a pet from your local shelter.
Dog owners should never attempt to breed dogs on their own if they don’t have a good working knowledge about canine genetics.  Improper breeding can bring about health and behavioral problems, and should only be done in animals who are over two years of age and who passed all necessary physical and behavioral examinations.  It’s best to leave “breeding” to the experts. 

What is Spaying and Neutering?

Spaying or ovariohysterectomy is the surgical removal of the ovaries of a female animal. Neutering is used to describe the castration of a male animal.  However, the term “neutering” is also used to describe the procedure of the surgical removal of the reproductive organ of a female or male animal.   (http://www.americanhumane.org/)

What are the Benefits of Spaying and Neutering?

Spaying and neutering a pet reduces the risk of some cancers such as breast cancer in females and prostate cancer in males.
The natural urge to mate disappears so a pet will not be desperate to “go out” and find a partner.  Thus, neutered pets are more less likely to get lost, get hit by a car, or get into fights with other animals.
Unpleasant instinctive habits such as marking a territory, or making inappropriate sexual approaches towards people or objects is avoided.
Unwanted pregnancy is avoided and animal population can be better controlled. (http://www.paws.org/why-spay-neuter.html)

What About the Risks?

As with any form of surgical procedure, spaying or neutering involves benefits as well as some risks so it’s very important to seek a certified veterinarian’s advice and get informed before the procedure is done. (http://www.dogster.com/)

How much will I need to pay?

If you are concerned about the cost of spaying or neutering service, call your local animal shelter to ask for a low-cost service.  You can also check out PAWS as it offers low-cost spay or neuter surgeries to pet owners with low-income.  Visit their website to schedule an appointment. (http://www.paws.org/spay-neuter-appointment.html)
photos: 1. pug love 2. cats 3. daschund
Canine Rheumatoid Arthritis and its Signs

Canine Rheumatoid Arthritis and its Signs

In literal conditions, joint disease indicates mutual swelling. It is just a widespread ailment inside human beings along with creatures likewise. The inflammation of the joints doesn't get relieved because of crash with the human being disease fighting capability throughout osteo-arthritis. This may lead to even more damage of even the other wholesome parts of the body such as the tissues and also your bones.

You can educate your pet will be being affected by puppy osteo-arthritis when you discover specific changes in your animal's overall motions along with routines. Normally, your dog will retain how heavy it is from the hind lower limbs. What's more, it efforts to prevent motion of the along with the producing soreness. If the pain is actually unbearable, your puppy may well lifeless, as well as after that start barking hurting whilst getting upward or performing additional common moves.

Rheumatoid arthritis within pet dogs usually takes place from a young age should they be significant bred. This is because of how big body their limbs must hold. His or her bones as well undergoes any degenerative course of action from a young age in comparison with additional breeds. In the event of tiny type, the particular approximate age when a dog evolves arthritis is normally more effective in order to 8. Besides pounds, there are additional brings about such as problems for navicular bone, dropped shared, bad nutrition, and the like, bringing about canine joint disease. Innate aspect too has a crucial role in cases like this.

How you can Deal with Joint disease

Your above-mentioned details tend not to imply that a new genuine bred pet or a modest canine will be the answer to canine rheumatoid arthritis. What issues many could be the potential as well as preparedness to keep the fitness of your puppy. Typical trips with a veterinary can be a ought to. Even small issues that you notice occasionally such as the rigidity of the important joints or discomfort to advance should be resolved instantly. For those who have your pet dog containing already designed joint disease, you need to look to that who's gets a proper diet. Also be sure that it's linked to this kind of low-impact exercises such as walking along with going swimming. Regardless, over-the-counter drugs should be used with required research. The most frequent supplement employed is actually plus for canines.

You can also browse through a variety of goods online to have an idea of the actual hospital treatment that is available with regard to puppy joint disease. Flexpet is one this sort of product that continues to be acquiring encouraging feedback looking at the buyers. It concentrates on the treatment of the sickness and will not possess unwanted side effects. Rather than just lowering the pain, that efforts to heal irritation by way of anti-inflammatory remedy. Produced from an organic chemical substance regarding herbal treatments, this particular medication may be consumed since foods product orally.
A Survey Of Common Dog Health Problems

A Survey Of Common Dog Health Problems

Canine health can be just as demanding and difficult to maintain as human wellness. Keeping your canine companion in top form requires more than just knowing how to feed him and care for him: you need to understand the warning signs for the most common forms of dog illness.

Lyme Disease
Transmitted by ticks, this disease is common to humans and canines both. In canines, it is often difficult to spot it until some of the most overt signs surface. Initial symptoms include lack of energy and lack of appetite, but are rarely more specific. Lameness or difficulty moving is a much more common and definitive symptom.

Ear Infection
Many different situations can cause canine ear infections. Infections can arise due to ear mites, bacterial infection elsewhere, allergic reaction, or poor ear care. The signs of an ear infection are easy to recognize. A canine with an ear infection will constantly scratch at its ears. It may react negatively when touched near the ears, or shake its head in an attempt to relieve the discomfort.

As more canines live longer, this dog illness becomes more prevalent. It now develops in 50% of canines over 10 years old. The symptoms are highly varied and depend heavily on what kind of cancer the animal is suffering from and other dog health problems they may have. In general, look for fatigue, restlessness, or general sudden change in mood. Also examine your pet for tumors, a telltale sign of cancer.

This chronic condition can quickly become one of the more life threatening dog health problems. Signs of canine illness include disinterest in food and inability to settle comfortably. A distended stomach is also present, but may not be able to be detected outside of a vet's office.

Spread by bites from other infected animals, rabies is easy to prevent: you can curtail all related dog health problems by simply vaccinating your canine companion in the first place. Otherwise, rabies can be potentially life threatening to you and to your canine.

This dangerous disease can be fatal, especially in puppies or older canines. The first signs will be a running nose, accompanied by heavy vomiting and diarrhea. As the disease progresses, additional symptoms may include dehydration, breathing problems, refusal of food, and increasing weight loss. Neurological signs such as muscle twitching or seizures are vitally important telltale symptoms. Thickening of the footpads is difficult to observe without medical training, but is also a distinctive sign.

Although technically a parasite, heartworm is still a significant factor in dog illness. Heartworm itself is transmitted by a simple mosquito bite, which then places the parasite within the canine's body. Dog health problems begin six months or more after infection. Before this, the parasite is small and not yet having a major impact on the body. Signs include coughing and a lack of energy with predisposition to exhaustion. If left untreated, fainting, coughing of blood, and weight loss will eventually progress to become congestive heart failure and death.

These common dog health problems can all be serious for your pet's health and comfort. If you have even the slightest suspicion that one of them might be present, don't delay - take your pet to the vet quickly.

For more information about Dog health problems, please visit www.mycaninehealth.com