everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label dogzenergy method. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogzenergy method. Show all posts

Are you ready for a puppy? 5 questions to ask yourself...

Forget baby boomers, there's been a puppy boom lately! And I'm the lucky one who gets to get my paws on them and turn them into zen dogs. ; ) With all of the puppy love in the air, you might be asking yourself if you're ready to bring a fuzzy bundle of joy into your home. Here are 5 questions to ask yourself (and other members of your family!) to see if it's the right timing.

1. Do you have the time? Puppies take up a tremendous amount of time and dedication. If you're working a 50 hour work week, you're gone from 9 to 5 and you have a busy weekend social calendar, you may want to reconsider. Puppies and dogs need a lot of mental stimulation and socialization to be a good calm dog. If you're puppy is in a crate all day waiting for you to come home, his energy is going to be boiling over like a pot with a lid on it by the time you come home. Also, the potty training process requires that a young puppy is taken outside at least every two hours to give them ample opportunities to go outside in order to avoid an accident. A good rule of thumb is that a puppy can reliably 'hold it' for as many hours as they are old in months. For example, a two month old puppy can be expected to hold it for two hours and a four month old puppy should be able to hold it for four hours. Puppies also require a lot of attention. You have to have the time to keep your eyes on your puppy when he's out and about in your house, otherwise he may sneak off to go to the bathroom or go chew on something he's not supposed to. You also have to have the time to take your dog out for regular exercise, not just a potty spin around the block. Do you have time on the weekends to take your dog to the beach? Do you have time after work to take your dog to the park?

2. Do you live in a place that is dog friendly? If you're renting the first step is to make sure that you're able to have a dog, or be ready to move if you're not allowed to. Well-exercised stimulated dogs can live in apartments and condos without a yard, but having a yard is definitely a bonus for your pup and makes the potty training process a lot easier and quicker.

3. Financially are you ready for a puppy? Puppies can be very, very expensive. Even if you get a rescue puppy, there are a lot of medical costs and puppy supplies that are necessary. Puppies need to be examined by your vet and given 4-6 sets of vaccines in their first few months. Puppies can also get sick or things can happen (knock on wood!) that require veterinary care. If you don't have help from family and friends to take care of your pup while you're away or gone at work all day, you'll also want to thing about hiring a professional dog walker and pet sitter to make sure that your puppy is well taken care of at all times.

4. Is your lifestyle dog-friendly? Are you a person who loves the great outdoors? Do you like walking? Are you bothered by hair and dirt? Do you mind picking up dog poop (ok I said it, but it's true!), Do you enjoy dog sitting for friends? These are a few lifestyle questions that you want to honestly ask yourself. If you enjoy watching tv or reading all day, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't get a dog, but you should definitely make sure you're not signing up for a rambunctious lab puppy or a vizsla or a german short hair pointer. Also, dogs are dirty. Your floors will never be clean and pristine again, but every bit of dog hair and slobber is definitely worth it!

5. Are you committed FOREVER? Boyfriends, friends, girlfriends, furniture, clothes- those can all come and go- but a puppy is forever. Again, ask yourself the tough questions. Are you planning on having kids soon? Does everyone in your family want and love dogs? Are you going to be moving or getting a new job that requires more of your time? Look into the future and remember that you're new best friend is going to be with you every step of the way.

Of course, there's lots and lots more questions to ask yourself before you bring home your puppy, but these are just a few to start with! Life is about timing and sometimes a puppy or dog will find you and want to love you forever. There's nothing better than having a dog in your life, especially when the time is right. If you're ready for a puppy, message me because I would be more than happy to find you the perfect puppy for you!

Turn Your Dog's Energy Into Zenergy

DogZenergy is a portmanteau. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, portmanteau is defined as 1: a large suitcase and 2: a word or morpheme whose form and meaning are derived from a blending of two or more distinct forms. DogZenergy is not a large suitcase, but it is a word that I made up a few years ago to describe my training method. The DogZenergy Method revolves around the key notion that dogs have a lot of energy that must be released in positive and constructive ways so that they may live a more zen, calm and natural life. By releasing your dog's physical, mental and chewing energy, you will turn your dog'senergy into zenergy. Zenergy, meaning good, positive, calm, happy energy that is mutually shared between you and your dog so that you may fully enjoy your peaceful existence with one another.

No dog is a bad dog. A "bad" dog is a dog that lives in an unnatural and confining human environment and is a victim of a person who is either misinformed regarding his dog's basic needs or intentionally neglectful of his dog's natural functions in life. So often, people forget that their dogs are animals that were not made to live indoors confined to crates, leashes, gates, doors and windows. Dogs are made to romp, roll, play, run, breathe and experience the great outdoors. They were made to chase their noses, wag their tails and run happily along with their playmates and working humans. Deny a dog of his natural desires, instincts and needs, and your dog's natural, pure energy will build inside of him until it bursts out of h
im in ways that are not conducive to your brand new shoes and your custom ma
de furniture. Dogs that are anxious, hyper, stressed out, intense and reactive are most often products of their unnatural environments, victims of traumatic experiences, and/or deprived of their natural needs and instincts. Your dog's energy can be turned into zenergy by identifying your dog's needs and allowing him to expel is built up energy so that his mind can open and relax.

There are three different types of dogs' energy:

1. Physical energy is built up in every animal and creature. It allows us to move and feel, and talk and breathe and experience life to it's fullest. There are reactions within our bodies that are fueling our muscles and our brain so that we may move about life
and appreciate everything that it has to offer. Dogs are so full of positive energy that stretching their legs and running full speed ahead on an open expanse is one of their greatest pleasures. Watching a dog leap through a field of tall grass with his tongue hanging out the side of his big, goofy grin is so fun to watch and you can just see the positive, happy endorphins being released into his body. You can't help but smile watching dogs play chase and roll around with each other in a big puddle of mud. Allowing your dog to run off leash and follow his amazing sense of smell is one of the greatest gifts that you can give your dog. A thirty minute walk around the neighborhood twice a day on leash is not enough to fully unleash your dog's energy and happiness. Try this experiment at home... lock yourself in your dog's crate for four hours inside your house, then walk around your block and then lock yourself in your house again. Are you tired? Nope. Do you have cabin fever and feel like you are going to explode if you don't receive any sensory stimulation? Yup. Being stuck on the couch in front of t
he television all day can leave a person feeling antsy, weird and full of energy. A lack of physical stimulation is directly linked to the state of one's mind. Taking your dog for a little walk is like going out and doing errands. You're not that tired and your mind hasn't been relaxed. However, if you go for an hour hike or a bike ride, your whole mood can be lifted and your whole being can be energized in a happy, calm way. It's very important to get your dog not only running off leash and romping around with doggy pals, but also to engage with your dog so that you're both experiencing the great outdoors together. Playing fetch with your dog and sharing a mental and physical game together will bond the two of you so that you feel like your are working together. Play your own game of search and rescue by having your dog sit and stay on the trail while you track your dog's favorite toy into the brush. Then release your dog and encourage him to use his nose and his brain to release all of his physical and mental energy. Get involved with a nose work group or join a search and rescue team in your area. Take your dog hunting, herding, swimming, dock diving, or tunneling. Our dogs have so many working talents and are so energized by experiencing a fun outdoor activity with their favorite human in the world. Whatever you do with your dog, make sure that you are appreciating each other in each and every moment and live in the Now together.

2. Mental energy is stored up in your dog's brain and has to be stimulated and released otherwise it will be demonstrated in ways that humans don't always approve of. Excessive barking, digging, chewing, mind games, running away, and attention seeking behaviors are usually the result of a dog trying to find their own type of fun, mental activity. It's important to engage your dog mentally in ways that show him how you want him to experience and live in your world. For example, taking the time to teach your dog basic commands, words, tricks and name-object recognition will enhance your dog's intelligence and mentally exhaust a lot of his built up energy. Getting out your dog's mental energy will sometimes tire a dog out even more than letting him run around at the dog park for thirty minutes. Have your dog work for his food by trying to figure out how to get his breakfast out of a puzzle toy. Make it even harder by hiding the toy somewhere in your house while your dog is in a down/stay. Teach your dog what different objects and people around the house are called. Build up your dog's confidence by teaching him some silly party tricks that you can show off to your dog adoring friends. Engage with your dog throughout the day by giving him attention for good behaviors that he's exhibiting and for doing the little things in life, like lying peacefully on his bed or warming your feet by lying quietly by your side. Mentally stimulate and encourage your dog to connect with you on a level where clear communication and consistency builds the trust and respect that you have for one another.

3. Chewing energy is energy that builds up in your dog's powerful jaws. Your dog is an animal that has animal instincts to gnaw on raw bones and tear apart his dead squirrel squeaky toy. Wild dogs depend on their jaws to survive and use their jaws to carry their food, their young and their objects that they play with. Domestic dogs that do not have an ample amount of chews and toys to gnaw on will exert their energy onto Jimmy Choos, dry wall, table legs and human hands. Provide your dog with good, positive options and he will happily chew to his heart's content. Antlers, bully sticks, himalayan chews, and frozen raw marrow bones are some of the best options. Chewing also cleans your dog's teeth for a bedazzling doggy smile.

Keeping the three types of dog energy in mind- physical, mental and chewing- will allow you to fulfill your dog's basic needs so that he may live a natural, happy and positive life. Getting out your dog's physical energy will release the built up stress in his body and open his mind to learning new things that will build your relationship. Giving your dog a bone will make you his best friend and will help him fully relax his body, mind and jaws. So now, go take your dog on a good long hike, play a game of hide and go seek, give your dog a frozen raw marrow bone and then you will experience the happiest, most zen dog in the whole world. A tired dog is a good dog and a zen dog. And remember to always enjoy every beautiful minute with your amazing animal.