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Showing posts with label enrichment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label enrichment. Show all posts

Why Science Matters to Our Dogs and Cats

Science – and science blogging – can help animal welfare in important ways.

Science and science blogging can help animal welfare for dogs like these Aussies

We wish our companion animals to lead a charmed life and always be happy. We want our dogs and cats to have a wonderful relationship with us. But we can’t achieve this if we don’t know what they need and how we should interact with them.

Last year, some readers took part in a survey of who reads science blogs. The preliminary results are out, and it’s got me thinking about why science – and science blogging – matters for our companion animals.

One of the findings of Dr. Paige Jarreau's study is that in general (and regardless of level of education, gender, age and consumption of other online science info) people who consistently read science blogs were better able to answer the knowledge questions about science that were included in the survey (a few of you sent me comments on those at the time).

“This finding is a promising indicator that science blogs may be promoting greater scientific knowledge or science literacy – at least for some readers,” writes Dr. Jarreau.

I find this encouraging because there are many ways in which science (and social science) can improve animal welfare and our relationship with our companion animals.

In order to help our animals be happy, we need to understand their needs – and also how well their guardians understand those needs. For example, cats benefit from environmental enrichment. But although guardians are good at providing some of these (e.g. playtime, feline-friendly spaces like windows, and scratching posts), they miss other important aspects such as providing water separately from their food bowl, using scents, and – a surprising omission, since it’s easy to fix – the use of food toys that make the cat work for their food. Discovering gaps in people’s knowledge and communicating easy ways to make things better is one thing science blogs can do well. (If you’re a dog person, there are some tips on canine enrichment too).

Science matters to our pets - like this cat and dog in file drawers

Another example of how science matters comes from dog training. Because dog training is unlicensed, sometimes all the education a dog trainer has (apart from high school) is that they grew up with dogs. We wouldn’t let someone become a school teacher just because they grew up with other kids; we would expect them to get a qualification and experience. This lack of education partly explains the fact some people still use out-dated, antiquated training based on the metaphor of wolf packs applied to dogs. There are also many wonderful dog trainers with education and expertise; people need to choose carefully so as to get the right kind.

The problem is that using aversive dog training techniques has risks, and positive reinforcement is a better choice.  For example, dogs trained using negative reinforcement (e.g. teaching sit by pulling the leash and pushing the dog’s bottom down, only stopping when the dog sits) gaze less at their owner and are more likely to show signs of stress. Dogs taught recall using electronic shock collars show signs of stress and don’t perform any better than those taught with positive reinforcement. A higher frequency of punishment correlates with higher aggression and excitability. For dogs with behaviour problems, the use of aversive techniques can sometimes lead to aggression, while rewards-based training has a positive effect. People who use only positive reinforcement report better trained dogs. Plus, dogs like to work for rewards.

It shouldn’t really come as a surprise that using aversive methods can have unwanted consequences. We’ve known for some time that it’s not a good idea to use physical punishment with children. Just this month, a new study (Gershoff and Grogan-Kaylor, 2016) looking at 50 years of research found spanking children is linked to many detrimental outcomes. Prof. Andrew Grogan-Kaylor told UT News,
“The upshot of the study is that spanking increases the likelihood of a wide variety of undesired outcomes for children. Spanking thus does the opposite of what parents usually want it to do.”
Dogs are not children, and the scientific literature on dogs and training methods is nowhere near as vast or sophisticated as that on children and parenting strategies, but there are some parallels.

One thing we know about people’s knowledge of dog training is that it often comes from themselves. Hopefully science blogging can help to increase awareness, as people read and share articles that promote positive reinforcement in dog training. Here, the bad news from Dr. Jarreau’s study is that many readers of science blogs do not share the articles they read. If we want people to pay attention to science-based dog training, we need to share information about it.

Another way science can help companion animals relates to work that shows how much pets can mean to people. For example, research shows that homeless youth with pets are less depressed than those without but that having a pet on the street brings disadvantages too such as the problem of finding a shelter that will take pets. Knowing about the importance of pets and the difficulties their homeless owners face can lead to policy decisions that will ultimately help both pet and human.

The main reasons people gave for reading science blogs were “because it stimulates my curiosity”, “as an educational tool” and “for information I don’t find in traditional news media.” Dr. Jarreau also writes that, “there appears to be a small but avid cluster of science blog readers who read blogs to feel involved in an online community.”

One of the things I’ve gained from writing this blog is a sense of just how many people are passionate about science and committed to animal welfare. It’s a wonderful thing, and I’m grateful to all of my readers. I read all of your comments here and on twitter, facebook and email (subscribers just need to hit the reply button), and try to use them to make this blog even better. I'm very pleased that interest in science and our companion animals continues to grow.

Now go share some science stories. Let’s keep spreading the word!

Gershoff, E., & Grogan-Kaylor, A. (2016). Spanking and Child Outcomes: Old Controversies and New Meta-Analyses. Journal of Family Psychology DOI: 10.1037/fam0000191
For other references, please click the relevant links.
Photo: Christian Mueller (Shutterstock.com).

Companion Animal Psychology is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

Enrichment Tips for Cats (That Many People Miss)

Cats have a moderately-enriched life, but people need more knowledge about their felines in order to do better, according to a new study.

Abyssinian cat plays in a cat house - one of many ways to provide enrichment for your cat

There are many ways we can improve our cats’ lives: toys that let the cat simulate stalking prey, social interaction with people, providing spaces high-up for cats to go. This is called environmental enrichment, and is especially important for indoor cats.

A new study by Ana Margarida Alho et al (University of Lisbon) finds that although most cats do quite well, there are some things many people are missing. Here are some of the highlights.

Food toys 

“Taking into account their low cost, the fact that they also can be homemade and free, the ease of assembly, and the inherent advantages promoting locomotion and decreasing inactive behaviour, we find it regrettable that such a small number of guardians use them,” say the scientists.

Only 5% used food toys such as balls, puzzle toys and hiding food. There are many types of food-dispensing toys for cats on the market, some of which have adjustable difficulty levels so you can start off easy and make it harder once your cat has got the hang of it. It’s also very easy to make your own, as with these examples of interactive food toys, many of which involve cardboard tubes or yoghurt pots. Another option is simply to hide food for your cat to find.

Providing water separately from food

Cats prefer it if their source of water is not near their food, yet the study found most people provide them adjacent to each other. It’s a good idea to provide both still water and moving water (such as via a dripping tap or a specially-designed water dispenser).

The researchers also say food and water bowls should be in a quiet location so the cat does not feel stressed while eating or drinking.

Beautiful cat plays with her toy in a cat tunnel - one of many ways to provide enrichment with your cat

Litter boxes

The researchers say most owners did well here, but some were not aware of the need to put litter boxes in a quiet location, and to have one extra litter box (e.g. if you have two cats, you should have three boxes).

Where some people didn’t do so well was in hygiene. Although most people scooped daily (65% of single-cat and 56% of multi-case houses), in a few households the litter tray was only scooped once a week or even once every two weeks. It’s better to scoop the litter tray twice a day, especially in a multi-cat household.

High places, hiding places, scratching places 

Most cats did quite well here, although there was room for improvement. Cats like to have access to a window with an interesting view, and cats like to have high-up places to sit and rest, as well as places they can hide. Cat trees, cardboard boxes, hammocks and shelves are all a good idea.

As well, cats need horizontal and vertical places they can scratch, as this is a normal behaviour to them. Cats use scratching posts when they are provided and this can save the furniture. The best cat scratching posts are usually rope (sisal) and over 3 feet high so they can get a good stretch; they also like cat trees with multiple levels.

Play, grooming and petting 

Most people in the study played with their cat every day, and also had daily petting and grooming sessions. This is good because earlier research suggests that a daily playtime helps to reduce behaviour problems in cats.

Other enrichment strategies 

Other ways to provide enrichment for cats that the scientists looked at included the use of scents (such as catnip, lavender and pheromones), television or video for cats, and rotating toys so the cat does not get bored of them. None of these were very common.

The study asked 130 cat guardians to complete a questionnaire. It was a convenience sample of people who brought their cat to a particular veterinary hospital, so may not be representative of the general population, but it usefully highlights many areas where people can make improvements.

The researchers conclude that the enrichment practices least likely to be used were those requiring either more effort on the part of the owner, or more knowledge about feline behaviour, suggesting that better education will go some way to improving feline enrichment.

How do you provide enrichment for your cats?

Alho, A., Pontes, J., & Pomba, C. (2016). Guardians' Knowledge and Husbandry Practices of Feline Environmental Enrichment Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 19 (2), 115-125 DOI: 10.1080/10888705.2015.1117976
Photo: Oksana Bystritskaya (Shutterstock.com)
More cat stories:
Interview with Dr. Sarah Ellis on The Trainable Cat
Most owners say cats are part of the family 
Education about cats may reduce feline behaviour problems

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Companion Animal Psychology is also a participant in the Etsy Affiliate Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Etsy.com.

Enrichment for Goldfish

What keeps goldfish happy in their tank – and how do we know?

A goldfish swims in a tank with lots of artificial and real plants

You’ve heard about the importance of enrichment for companion animals (like dogs) and for zoo animals, but what about goldfish? Fish are the third most popular pet - kept by 12.3 million households in the US - so it’s an important topic for animal welfare. Different types of fish might have different preferences. A new study by Miriam Sullivan (University of Western Australia) et al investigates.

Enrichment “is particularly important for goldfish and other pet fish for two main reasons,” Miriam Sullivan told me. “One, people tend to underestimate how smart fish are, which probably means they spend less time and effort on enrichment for their fish compared to other pets like cats and dogs.”

“And two, fish health is really closely connected to their environment. If fish are stressed out due to a poor environment (e.g. if they lack shelter or you didn’t clean out the tank!) then they become more susceptible to bacterial infections and other diseases.”

So how do we even know what goldfish want? One way is to use a motivational test – something that requires an effort, so you can objectively measure how much effort they will put in to get a particular resource. 

For example, an earlier study with Tilapia (Galhardo et al 2011) involved training the fish to touch and push a door with their snout to access different resources; increasingly bigger weights were added to the door to find out just how motivated they were. 

But this study tries a different method that needs no training – using successively greater currents to find out how hard goldfish will swim to access a resource. This method is especially appropriate for goldfish because domestication has affected their swimming ability. As a slow water fish, swimming against a current is hard work.

20 young Comet Goldfish (Carrassius auratus) took part. Fish were individually placed in the empty middle section of a special testing tank. On one side was a compartment with artificial plants, and on the other, a compartment with real plants. The plants were Bacopa and Ambulia, and the artificial versions were cut to size to match the real ones.  

Half of the fish had the real plants on the left side, and half on the right, in case of a left or right preference. And in fact 14 of the fish turned left first, but they did not spend extra time on the left overall. The fish preferred to spend time in a compartment with plants – real or artificial – and only spent 10% of the time in the empty part of the tank.

For the motivation test, fish were placed in a tank where they had to swim through a tunnel against a current to get to either real or artificial plants or empty space. If they went through the tunnel, the current was increased on successive occasions to see how hard they would swim. In between each trial they had a couple of days rest. 

11 of 19 goldfish swam against even the strongest current for all three options. Of the remaining 8 fish, 2 preferred the empty space, 3 preferred real plants, and 3 preferred either type of plant.

“The main implication for goldfish owners is that it doesn’t matter if you use fake plants,” says Dr. Sullivan. “This is good news because goldfish just love to destroy things, so it can be really hard to keep live plants alive.”

“The only caveat to this is that in some of my other thesis research, I found that goldfish owners tend to be newer owners who don’t always clean their tank or maintain good water quality. If you aren’t able or willing to keep your water super clean, then you should still use live plants because they help keep your water clean. But if you’ve got everything else right, relax and throw in some fake plants!”

Dr. Sullivan also suggests that you rotate enrichment items just like you would for other animals. 

Her other tip for happy fish? “Buy the biggest tank you can afford. My research and lots of other emerging research is starting to suggest that swimming is really important for fish behaviour and health.”

Which explains why most goldfish were willing to keep swimming to empty space, as well as to plants.

What kinds of enrichment do you provide for your fish?

Galhardo, L., Almeida, O., & Oliveira, R. (2011). Measuring motivation in a cichlid fish: An adaptation of the push-door paradigm Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 130 (1-2), 60-70 DOI: 10.1016/j.applanim.2010.12.008 
Sullivan, M., Lawrence, C., & Blache, D. (2015). Why did the fish cross the tank? Objectively measuring the value of enrichment for captive fish Applied Animal Behaviour Science DOI: 10.1016/j.applanim.2015.10.011
Photo: The Gallery (Shutterstock.com)

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Make Your Dog Happy: Enrichment

Easy ways to provide enrichment for your dog.

Enrichment ideas for happy dogs like this cute Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Although we love our canine friends, many dogs have a relatively boring life in which they spend a lot of time hanging around the house or yard, perhaps on their own. Dogs that are bored or under-exercised can easily find their own entertainment, which might not be so pleasing to their human companions. Luckily there are many easy ways to add enrichment to our dog’s lives.

Dog Walks

If you are one of those people who walks your dog whatever the weather, you may be surprised to learn that not everyone takes their pooch for walks. Estimates vary, but a recent meta-analysis found that only 59% of dog owners walk their dogs (Christian et al 2013). The obvious benefit is physical exercise for both dog and human. Remember to allow for sniffing time, because dogs like to spend time ‘reading’ all the local news with their nose. 

A less obvious reason to take your dog for walkies is that it provides ongoing socialization, as the dog has the chance to observe or interact with other people and dogs. It’s also been shown that walking the dog is a good way for people to make friends (Wood et al 2015).

If you like you can up the pace by taking your dog along when you go on a bike ride, or take up dog sledding, skijoring or canicross.

Easy ways to entertain your dog including food toys, walks and fetch

Food Toys

These are an easy way to make the provision of food more interesting for your canine friend. There are many excellent toys to choose from, including Kongs, Kong Wobbler, Nina Ottosson toys, Slo-Bowl feeders, and many many more. Some are designed for treats while others are suitable for a whole ration of kibble. 

A small study of feeding enrichment toys (the Kong Extreme) for dogs kept in kennels (Schipper et al 2008) found they increased exercise and appetitive behaviours, and decreased barking. 

Chew toys

Dogs love to chew and if they don’t have chew toys available then they might decide to chew on some of your items instead. So it’s better to teach them to chew their own toys.

Dogs can lose interest in toys over time (Pullen, Merrill and Bradshaw 2012), so it’s a good idea to give them new toys from time to time, have toys out on rotation, or play with the toy yourself to make it seem more interesting again.

Hanging out with canine friends

Many dogs are social creatures, and enjoy spending time with their canine friends, or even making new friends. This can be as simple as going for walks with a friend who also has a dog, to going to the dog park or letting your dog spend time at doggy day care.  

However, not all dogs are social. If your dog prefers not to meet other canines, find ways for him or her to have nice times outdoors without having to interact with other dogs. 

Fetch, Frisbee etc

If you teach your dog to fetch you will soon find out if you have a fetch-mad dog or not. Some dogs love it so much they never want to stop! All that running is also great exercise.

Cute little dog loves fetch, one of many ways to entertain your dog


Some dogs love to swim, and again this is good for physical exercise too. There may be ponds or lakes near you that are safe and suitable for swimming, or you might have a canine swimming pool nearby where your dog can take swimming lessons or go for physical therapy. A recent study by Tavares et al (2015) found that some Labradors will choose to spend time in the water over interactions with another dog, and suggests that the opportunity to swim may even be important for their welfare.

Sports and hobbies for dogs

These days there are many options for classes to try with your dog, including agility, obedience, flyball, nose work, Triebball, dock diving, and so on. Many people say they find that dog sports improve their bond with their dog, and that they love meeting fellow dog-lovers through these activities (Farrell et al 2015).

Training for rewards 

Reward-based training is another way to engage your dog’s brain. It’s easy to get started and you can train on your own at home, or take your dog to class (make sure it is a class that uses positive reinforcement, as there are no standards in dog training). See our first post in the ‘Make your dog happy’ series for more information. 

Your dog probably also enjoys just spending quality time with you.

Enrichment is about finding things that your dog will enjoy. Some of the activities listed are also beneficial to the human, and to the human-animal bond. 

What does your dog like to do?

Christian HE, Westgarth C, Bauman A, Richards EA, Rhodes RE, Evenson KR, Mayer JA, & Thorpe RJ Jr (2013). Dog ownership and physical activity: a review of the evidence. Journal of physical activity & health, 10 (5), 750-9 PMID: 23006510 
Farrell, J., Hope, A., Hulstein, R., & Spaulding, S. (2015). Dog-Sport Competitors: What Motivates People to Participate with Their Dogs in Sporting Events? Anthrozoos: A Multidisciplinary Journal of The Interactions of People & Animals, 28 (1), 61-71 DOI: 10.2752/089279315X1412935072201 
Pullen, A., Merrill, R., & Bradshaw, J. (2012). Habituation and dishabituation during object play in kennel-housed dogs Animal Cognition, 15 (6), 1143-1150 DOI: 10.1007/s10071-012-0538-2 
Schipper, L., Vinke, C., Schilder, M., & Spruijt, B. (2008). The effect of feeding enrichment toys on the behaviour of kennelled dogs (Canis familiaris) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 114 (1-2), 182-195 DOI: 10.1016/j.applanim.2008.01.001 
Tavares, S., Magalhães, A., & de Sousa, L. (2015). Labrador retrievers are more attracted to water than to social stimuli: A pilot study Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research DOI: 10.1016/j.jveb.2015.07.041 
Wood, L., Martin, K., Christian, H., Nathan, A., Lauritsen, C., Houghton, S., Kawachi, I., & McCune, S. (2015). The Pet Factor - Companion Animals as a Conduit for Getting to Know People, Friendship Formation and Social Support PLOS ONE, 10 (4) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122085

Photo: Petr Lurch (Shutterstock.com)
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