everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label fighting dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fighting dogs. Show all posts
Have we learned anything yet?

Have we learned anything yet?

Six people were arrested this week in AZ on misdemeanor cruelty charges for running a breeding operation that looks very much like a large scale puppy mill with sorry conditions and way too many pit bulls. While the local media is very excited about a 'dog fight ring,' no dog fighting charges have been filed. Authorities and the HSUS are instead condemning the operation for "breeding fighting dogs." The judge was less than impressed and allowed the defendants to leave without posting bail.

So here are the obvious questions:
What makes a dog a fighting dog?


Why is this term being manipulated to hurt the very animals that raids are designed to help?
He said that even pit bulls in good shape can be proof of dogfighting. ~ KBOLD13News (mis?)quoting Marsh Myers, Humane Society of Southern Arizona


The dogs on the AZ property are people friendly and surprisingly few have battle scars, yet the media is already suggesting that all or most will need to be destroyed. (I guess they didn't get their People Magazine!) The running definition for fighting dog in this case is a dog that's already ruined because someone, somewhere might exploit and abuse him once he's sold. This is in line with PeTA's wish to exterminate the entire pit bull breed to prevent them from being abused.

Of course our own 10 Vick survivors have been called "fighting dogs"- But are they? Is a fighting dog born or made? And who decides?

Stay tuned - This is going to be an interesting case to watch.
"After being confiscated, fighting dogs are typically euthanized due to their highly aggressive nature and unsuitability for adoption." ~ Humane Society of the United States

Vick-dog Uba (left) and his housemate Lulu. Fighting dog(s) ?

fighting dogs
Photograph compliments of Uba's devoted foster mom, Letti