everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts
Pets and Steps or Stairs

Pets and Steps or Stairs

An RVer asked a question in a "traveling with pets" group about her Grey Hounds being very reluctant to go up the steps into an RV... What are some recommendations? There are many ways to approach this but here was my response:

Get a patterned rug on the steps with colors... (disregard anyone saying they are color blind.... not the point). Try tossing a tasty treat in the door and see if they'll go get it. If not, just sit on the steps and do nothing but chat with the dogs or better yet people, with the dogs on leash right there with you. Treats are good to have while doing this. Tasty treats like chicken! See if they'll start to just stand on one step at a time. Never force, and no baby talk. As a matter of fact, try not to talk to them about the steps at all. Makes them nervous. Talk to them about what you're cooking for dinner or something completely unrelated to them and the steps. Or better yet, to another person or people. This breaks the anxious energy. Gradually work your way up just sitting on each step. The point in this exercise is distraction and to completely change the energy that they are used to associating with the steps. They feel it, even coming from you. And it is not "fear", it is anxiety which is slightly different. No baby talk, no encouragement, no good boy - good girl. Totally ignore them during this process except to give niblets of a tasty treat. When they eventually make it inside on their own, again, say nothing to them. Just give treats and walk away. Anxiety disappears. Move along... nothing to see here. Slow slow slow... patience. This may take several days if you're willing. Yes I work with dogs... Hope you can use at least some of this info.
Don't Leave Pets Behind!!!

Don't Leave Pets Behind!!!

Ok, here we go.... Hurricanes are linin' up.
There's only ONE RULE for people with animals:
Be safe and never leave animals behind.
Yes, that is ONE RULE.
Prepare to stay.
Prepare to leave.
Whatever you do, do with your animals included.
Human children are a pain in the ass and you don't leave them behind sayin', "I'll be right back sweetie... soon as this weather passes..."
Be responsible.  They are yours.  They depend on you.
Not the sheriff, not the fire department, not the humane society, not the local high school shelter... YOU!
Don't whine, don't cry, don't blame anybody for not rolling out some magical red carpet for you!
They are your responsibility and if you can't take care of them.......
You know you live in Florida.
California has earthquakes.
The desert has scorpions.
New Orleans floods.
Minnesota has snow.
And Florida has gators, sharks and hurricanes....
If you're not prepared to live in the natural environment that surrounds you, then it may be wise to change environments.
I currently have a recovering large dog in my family.  Getting him around ain't easy!  But there is no option.  Where I go, he goes.  No matter what.  I know this ahead of time, and I will be prepared with whatever means I have. Period. The End.
Don't leave animals behind.
You have plenty of warning and plenty of time to find solutions that are good and right.

If you need assistance, here are some resources:

PFS means Pet Friendly Shelter

Be Safe and Never Leave Animals Behind!!!

Housing Crisis

Housing Crisis

The domestic animal "Rescue Movement" of this past decade is unprecedented!  It is the childhood dream of many, come true.  Never before have so many had such a common, powerful manifestation of compassion and action toward domestic animals.
There's almost no such thing as "buying" a pet these days.  They're either rescued or adopted.  There's such power in those terms.  They reflect the compassionate intentions of the heart as opposed to the selfish desire to possess things.
We are encouraged as a society to "adopt" rather than purchase from breeders, because there are so many "homeless", abandoned, throw-away pets that would otherwise be destroyed or become stray nuisances. 
The term "dog pound" is obsolete.  We now have "shelters".  More and more city and county shelters, formerly known as dog pounds, are committing to "no-kill" policies.  These shelters keep animals and care for them until a home is found for them rather than euthanizing them to decrease population, make space or cut expenses.  Many people in local communities now form "rescue groups" where they either house homeless animals themselves or sponsor them on a web site or at local adoption events to find homes for them.  If they don't have a facility to house multiple animals, volunteers "foster" care for them in their own homes until suitable permanent homes are found.  
In case you've not yet noticed, many have assigned human concepts to companion animals, equating their importance with ours.  
A childhood dream come true.........
But there are issues....
The one I'd like to call attention to in this article is that of the housing crisis within the pet parent community.  Along with the rescue movement, a couple of other phenomena have arisen - animal hoarding, and designer breeding.  Without exhausting detail about these phenomena, one problem they create is a horribly irresponsible reputation for domestic animals in general. This creates a housing crisis for pet parents.
Many, many rented and leased homes do not allow pets.  Why?  Because of the reputation pushed to the front of the headlines of the filth, abuse and general irresponsibility of many animal owners - the most visible of which are hoarders and breeders.  Now these are not the only offenders!  Many average "pet owners" just do not know how to take care of animals inside a house or an apartment.  Because there are no real legal requirements to pet ownership, there are no standards or guidelines, nor is there a stable, consistent education system for pet owners.
As a groomer I've seen some horrendous things!  I've wanted to report so many people to animal services! (And I have!)  But its not always that easy for animal services to take any action because technically... when the pet owner brings the animal in for grooming, they ARE being responsible at that moment, and so there's no offense occurring..... 
These are the people that make it almost impossible for good, educated, responsible people to have pets in their family.  
More and more apartment complexes are leasing to pet owners simply because they have to!  Everyone has a pet now!  But they limit the number of pets you can have, they limit the size of pet you can have - making it exceptionally difficult to place larger breeds into good homes, and now  they've incorporated (an amazingly standardized) "breed list" excluding certain breeds from complexes, homes or even entire communities.
Its amazing how something restricting can become so easily standardize yet no one can offer standardized basic pet parent responsibility education!
Here's the thing.... If society is going to continue to "push" for pet adoption, then adopters have to have a place to live too! We're never going to change every idiot or prevent them from being stupid OR irresponsible.  So why not just open up the lease, allow pets without so many restrictions, but require the pet parents to have successfully completed a class?  Add a page to the lease making the pet parent responsible for regular professional cleaning?  Require inspections every six months?  Incorporate pet deposits into monthly payments?  I mean, I get it!  Pets can destroy things!  Pets can smell really bad!  But what we're looking for here is responsibility, not perfection.  Yes!  My dog, in a moment of puppy-hood ignorance, ripped the carpet to shreds!  I'll pay for it! Yes! The kitten I found by the dumpster "sprayed" skunk-funk on the wall before I could get it spayed!  I'll pay for someone to come get rid of the odor!  Yes!  My dog is massively huge, but LOOK!  He has a "Good Citizenship Certificate" from a professional trainer!  
And why is there not "pet insurance"???!
There's insurance for everything else.  My complex requires me to have 'renters insurance'...  Why not generalized personal pet insurance that covers destruction, where ever you live?  The insurance companies could ensure that clients have had classes for the pet as well as the pet parent.  But if there should be an "oops" along the way, notta problem - insurance covers the repairs!
We've come so far, and done what was once considered impossible....  We can change this too!  
As non-homeowners we are a majority these days!  Where there is need, there are solutions.  When the system will not make room for responsible citizens, responsible citizens sneak........  just sayin.......
But there is a better way........  LET'S FIND IT.

Summertime and the living is….HOT! Protect Your Pet From Hot Cars & Heat Stroke

Summertime is here , which means outdoor fun in the sun with your four-legged companion. But with summer comes dangerous situations. The most common warm weather hazards include heat stroke, dehydration and sunburn – all of which can be prevented. So with the help of our Twitter friends we are going to be giving some wonderful tips in the upcoming weeks that will help keep your furry friends safe this summer.

Never leave your pet in the car even with the windows cracked.

We all know that dogs love to be by our side but with summer comes those heat waves which can signal danger. Did you know! That even on warm summer days your shaded car can reach 120 degrees in minutes.

Since dogs and cats can’t perspire they pant and rely on their pads as a cooling agent. It is true that every second matters. In those brief moments your pet can suffer from heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and brain damage or succumb to death. Many heat stroke incidences happen when dogs are locked in cars with windows rolled up or slightly cracked. Even an pre-air conditioned car can be no match for that summer heat. So take extra precaution on those hot & warm days and leave your furry friend cool & safe as a cucumber in the comforts of home while you run your errands.

Save a life by speaking up! If you do come across a pet alone in a car on one of those hot summer months please alert the store manager. If the owner does not return promptly, call your local animal shelter or the police ASAP. Lets protect our furry friends this summer.

What are the warning signs of heat stroke in pets that you should be aware of?

Well, heavy panting, glazed eyes, a rapid pulse, unsteadiness, staggering walk, vomiting, or a deep red or purple tongue. So what do you do if your dog suffers from signs of heat stress? Well, the first step is to lower your pets body temperature by doing the following:

1. Relocate your pet to a shady area out of the direct summer heat and pour cool (not cold) water over his or her coat to slowly lower their body temperature.

2. Apply Ice packs or cold towels to your pet’s head, neck & chest only.

3. Let your pet lick ice cubes, but limit access to cold water.

4. Heat stroke is life threatening for animals. So consult your vet for emergency & get them to a vet IMMEDIATELY!!

Don’t forget to tune in to your local weather station for up to the minute updates on the weather so you and your pet can plan ahead.

Download and print these free flyers so next time you see a dog in a car, even on a cooler day you can remind the owner that their pet is saying: “Don’t Leave me in here – It’s Hot!”

Also, be mindful, that your dog’s pads can suffer heat trauma from contact with hot asphalt or other summer-scorched surfaces.

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Shop www.pawlux.com for eco-friendly, all natural, organic goodies for your furry family member. We carry a great selection of Odor Free Bully Sticks / Dog Treats / and Dog Toys !