everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label puppy teething. Show all posts
Showing posts with label puppy teething. Show all posts

How To Easily Determine Dog Age By His Teeth

If you’re wondering about a dog’s age, the condition of his teeth will give you a lot of information. The old expression, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,is derived from the fact that horse’s teeth have distinctive wear patterns, that can help you determine his age fairly precisely for the first 7 years of his life and well beyond. Just as horses’ teeth provide strong evidence of their age, dog teeth have distinctive wear patterns that can help you to discern the age of your new family friend fairly accurately.

Determining dog's age by his teeth
3 week old toothless puppy

How Many Teeth Do Dogs Have?

Puppies should eventually have 28 deciduous teeth, 12 incisors (the  small front teeth - 6 upper and 6 lower), 4 Canines (the fangs) and 12 premolars and molars. They are missing the first premolar and the last molars, that will eventually develop in the adult dog.
The incisors are located along the front row of teeth, between the canines. Incisors are used in grooming and nibbling activities. The canines are used for tearing in conjunction with the incisors and premolars. The premolars follow the canines on the sides of the jaw; the premolars and eventually the molars are used for heavy chewing.
Adult dogs should have 42 teeth: 12 incisors, 4 canines, 16 premolars and 10 molars (2 on each side of the upper jaw and 3 on each side of the lower jaw). For many breeds, full dentition is an issue, and they may develop fewer adult teeth. Missing premolars are more common, but dogs can fail to develop canines, incisors and molars. For many show dogs and especially in the working breeds, full dentition is a requirement. However, many toy breeds such as the Chinese Crested are notorious for missing teeth, and allowances are made depending on the degree of missing dentition.

How Long Do Puppy Teeth Last?

Understanding the sequence of development of puppy milk teeth can assist you in gauging a puppy’s age. Like most mammals, puppies are born without teeth, and their mothers are grateful for that!

  • At around 3 weeks of age, the incisors begin to erupt.
  • The incisors are followed by the canines at around 4-5 weeks. These new puppy teeth are very sharp and brittle, encouraging the mother to begin weaning her puppies.
  • By 8 weeks the premolar #2 and molars numbers 3 and 4 have appeared.
  • From 8-12 weeks there will be very little change in the puppy’s mouth.
  • As the adult teeth form, the roots of the milk teeth should begin to reabsorb.
Puppy front milk teeth
Eleven week old puppy incisors flanked by the canines.

Side view of puppy canine, premolar and molars.
Eleven week old puppy canine, premolars and molars.
Note the first premolar is missing.

At 12-13 weeks puppy teething begins. The new adult teeth should push out the rootless, deciduous milk teeth, although occasionally puppy teeth are retained. If the puppy teeth do not fall out on their own, they will need to be removed by a veterinarian to prevent them from affecting adult tooth placement and the dog’s bite.
  • Starting around 12 weeks the incisors will begin to be shed and replaced with their adult counterparts.
  • At 4 months the canines (the fangs) will begin to erupt.
  • By 5 months, all of the adult incisors should be in place.
  • The adult premolars and molars come in between 5 and 7 months of age, erupting from the front of the mouth with the premolars to the back with the final molars.
  • By 8 months of age, a puppy should have all of his adult teeth.

5 Indicators of Dog Age By Wear On The Teeth

The condition of a dog’s teeth can be an excellent indicator of his age. However diet, oral care or lack thereof, as well as behavior can affect your ability to properly gauge a dog’s age.
Factors such a antibiotics taken while adult teeth are forming can affect tooth color from the start. Chewing on bones and other hard toys or surfaces or fence fighting can prematurely break teeth. Also a diet based exclusively on soft food can accelerate tartar build up and tooth decay. The following guidelines can give you a reasonably good estimate of the dog’s age given that he has enjoyed a normal diet that includes kibble.
At one year of age the dog’s teeth will be very white. The lower incisors will have ridges on top of them (the cusp) that resemble a fleur de lis design or that of a three leaf clover. (As time progresses, the pattern of the incisor teeth will begin to wear down).

One year old border collie dentition
Note the fleur de lis pattern on the lower teeth
 is clearly evident on the center incisors.
By 2 years old, the dog’s teeth will no longer be as bright white as they were at the start of his first year. Depending on diet and oral care, some yellowing and tartar buildup may have begun on the back molars.
Two year old dog incisors and canine teeth
Incisors of a two year old border collie; the fleur de lis pattern is still 
evident on the center incisors, although it is beginning to wear down.

From 3-5 years of age there will be yellowing on all teeth, tartar will begin to build up on the molars, and the front incisors will begin to show wear. The cusps of the lower front two incisors will begin to grind down and the fleur de lis pattern will begin to erode; by 5 years old half of the ridges of the cusps on the lower incisors will have worn away.

Border Collie incisors and canines
Incisors of a three year old border collie; 
center incisors are beginning to show wear.
  • Incisors of a 5 year old border collie
    Incisors of a 5 year old border collie; note that the 
    center two lower incisors are very worn down.

By seven years of age, the cusps of the lower incisors are worn level and those teeth are substantially short that they were when they erupted. Canines will begin to blunt as well. Without dental intervention, the tartar build up on the molars will appear orange or medium brown.

Border Collie teeth at age 7
Incisors of a 7 year old border collie. Here all lower incisors 
are ground down from contact with the upper incisors. 

At eight years old and beyond, teeth may be broken or missing. Some older dogs (9+) may also experience buildup of gum tissue (Gingival Hyperplasia). In this instance the gums appear swollen above the canines, however it is just a build up of extra gum tissue.

    Fooling the Experts With Good Canine Dental Care

    While you can't avoid the wear and tear on incisors in a close scissor or level bite, you can affect the health of your dogs teeth and gums with good oral hygiene. Regular brushing with specially formulated canine enzymatic tooth paste can substantially reduce tartar and the yellowing associated with tartar buildup. Crunchy treats such as carrots, raw chicken thighs and chicken feet can massage gums and reduce plaque buildup as well, while fleece tug toys and nylabones can also promote oral health.
    Raw Bones Versus Antlers: Raw beef shank bones and marrow bones are delicious for dogs to chew on, but they can easily crack and break teeth.  Naturally shed deer and elk antlers are equally delicious, and they are softer and more porous that marrow bones. The porous aspect of the antler also makes it a better plaque remover.  If your dog loves to chew, an antler will quickly remove most of the tartar on the molars and premolars. Choose the non-split variety for a longer lasting chew and a better value. The upper canines will likely still need scaling.
    antlers for good canine dental heath
    Elk Antlers make good canine dental care easy.

    Buy It Now

    If your dog still has plaque buildup after gnawing on a variety of dental toys and chews, your veterinarian can clean his teeth quickly and safely. Check with her to see if she will have any oral health care specials coming up, and plan to take Fido in for a cleaning. His newly rejuvenated pearly white teeth will thank you for it!

    10 Puppy Teething Survival Tips!

    When Do Puppies Start Teething

    Depending on your puppy’s breed, teething will begin somewhere between 12 and 14 weeks, and the small, sharp milk teeth will begin to be pushed out by the larger adult teeth.   

    With this developmental stage comes a new set of challenges. This is the puppy equivalent to the “terrible twos” -staircase banisters, window sills, house plants, leashes, table and chair legs, shoes and socks, all are fair game to the teething puppy that does not yet know its boundaries. If she can get her mouth around it, it’s going to be fun to destroy!

    Puppy Preparing for Teething Phase

    Why Do Puppies Chew?

    Like infants, puppies explore the world by putting objects in their mouths. As they mature, dogs continue to place a high emphasis on how an object feels in its mouth, to gain understanding of a new item. The following study explains how dogs' mouths are their equivalent to human hands.

    In the study, How Dogs Learn The Meaning of Words, a dog named Gable was taught to associate words with objects to be retrieved. The first set of items for retrieval were made of abstract forms, designed with differences in size, shape as well as texture and firmness. 

    Once the dog had a firm understanding of the name of each object, the articles were replaced with a new set items, from which the dog could chose the next closest object to retrieve, based on his perception of the original item associated with that command.  

    The dog nosed and mouthed the new objects trying to make the best match to the original object he had learned to retrieve, for each command. When making a choice between several new objects of varying size, shape and texture, the dog chose the object that felt, in his mouth, most like the original retrieval item associated with that word.

    It appears dogs use their mouths, much the same way we use our hands in order to determine the physical properties of a new article in his environment.  While humans would tend to select the next best replacement based on shape, dogs will instead make that selection based on texture. Dogs use their mouths not only to grasp objects, but also to form a definition of an object. Puppies chew in part to explore their world and learn about new objects, but during the teething phase, gnawing brings relief to the hot, irritated gums..

    How Long Do Puppies Teeth?

    Puppies begin teething at around 3 months of age and should have all of their adult teeth by 8 months of age.  Large dogs tend to fill in their teeth faster than do smaller breeds. During the teething phase you will want to keep an eye out for any retained baby teeth.  Sometimes the adult tooth will come in beside the baby tooth, and fail to push it out. These will need to be removed by your veterinarian as they will decay and can cause an abscess, which can affect the health of the permanent tooth as well.

    Misaligned puppy teeth
    Example of a wry bite caused by misaligned puppy teeth.

    You will also want to check for any misalignment of the teeth.  Upper and lower teeth that do not properly align can cause a "wry bite." A wry bite means that the jaw has been pulled out to one side due to one tooth getting hung up on its corresponding tooth on the upper or lower jaw. In extreme cases the lower jaw is noticeably off to one side, making it very difficult for the dog to chew.  If you catch it early, the tooth that is causing the misalignment can be removed, taking the pressure off of the jaw, and allowing it to develop normally.

    Keep in mind, as the puppy begins to teeth, the jaw is growing rapidly; the gums are inflamed from cutting new teeth, and your puppy is, in general, feeling pretty miserable. This is not a good time to do any serious training outside of basic puppy manners. He or she is going to be crabby, easily distracted and not a good candidate for learning new tricks. You will both be frustrated with any advanced training in this phase of your puppy’s development.

    To help ease his pain and yours, here are some tips and tools of the trade that we and other breeders have used with success to channel a puppy’s need to chew towards appropriate objects. Included are some of the best teething toys for puppies of all breeds as well as chew deterrents.  Additionally, the training techniques discussed will help him learn some important boundaries in his relationship with his new family members.

    10 Puppy Teething Survival Tips 

         1) Teaching “Leave It!”

    It’s a good idea to begin to teach your puppy “Leave It!” as soon as you bring him home. A good “Leave It” will prevent you from getting into a tug of war over an object that you value, leaving it in worse condition than when you first discovered it in puppy’s mouth.

    “Leave It!” is taught by playing tug with your puppy with a preferred toy. When you want the puppy to let go of the toy, you say “Leave It,” holding the toy with one hand, and producing a treat in the other hand. The puppy will release the toy for the treat, and you reward the puppy with the treat, saying, “Good Leave It!” Eventually, you will replace the treat with another favored toy, alternating between a reward of favored toy or treat until the puppy has a firm grasp of the phrase “Leave It.”

       2) Trade Up 

    Whenever you find your puppy chewing on something inappropriate, correct him with a “no.” Then trade up by giving him a toy that you know he likes. Once he starts chewing on the correct toy, praise him.

    Always try to find a way for your puppy to be “right” and deserving of praise at the end of any training session or correction. In times when a training session has not resulted in a breakthrough, end the session with a command that the puppy knows well, so that it can be ended with a “good dog,” praise and a treat.

    3) Grannick’s Bitter Apple Spray

    Grannick’s Bitter Apple Spray has prevented my dogs from chewing on leads, furniture and themselves. The taste is unpleasant, and puppies generally look for something else to chew on. Spray down any hard surfaces that your puppy may be inclined to chew on: window sills, stair railings, furniture legs etc… Color test any fabric before you spray Grannick's on large areas of cloth.
    Stop puppy chewing on furniture

     4) The Chilly Bone Dog Chew Toy

    MultiPet makes a very durable toy called the Chilly Bone. This toy lasted us through 3 generations of teething puppies, before it disappeared in the backyard. It may still be out there in reasonably good condition.

    The Chilly Bone is covered with a tough canvas outer and filled with a non-toxic gel that will freeze quickly in the freezer. This toy numbs the sore gums and cools the tendency towards feverishness. It’s great for the adult dogs too on hot summer days, helping to lower body temperature after exercise in the heat of the day. Rinse with plain soap and water and freeze while still damp once it has thawed.
    Most soothing chew toy for teething puppies

    5) Soft Mouth Training for Your Puppy

    I like to be able to put my hands in my dog’s mouth whenever I need to give her a pill or remove something from the back of her throat that I don’t want her to swallow.  Teaching a soft mouth and eliminating biting at an early stage in the puppies development is critical.  A cute nip or bite from a puppy can become a dangerous liability in a grown dog.

    Teaching a soft mouth can be done by lying on the floor with the puppy and playing a little tug. Remove the toy and gently play with the lower jaw. It’s okay to let him gently “mouth” your hand, but if he bites down hard make a sharp, high pitched “ouch.” Then clamp is mouth shut gently but firmly for 2-3 seconds. If he bites again, say “no” and clamp the mouth again for 2-3 seconds. 

    This action mimics his mother’s method of correction, and has a calming effect on the puppy. When the mother sees behavior she does not like, she will snap the puppy’s mouth closed with gentle bites in quick succession. You can use this technique to stop nipping and barking as well. Snapping their mouths shut has been equated to sticking the puppy’s head in the toilet, so don’t go overboard, or hold their mouths shut for more than 2-3 seconds.

    6) Rope Toys

    Rope toys are some of the best teething toys as they are inexpensive, easy to clean, versatile and last a long time. Rope toys are great for teaching fetch, tug or for solitary chewing activities. They also promote dental health by helping to clean teeth and strengthen gums. Rinse the toys with plain soap and water every few days, and freeze them while still wet for extra soothing chewing.

    7) Kong Chew Toys

    The Kong Company makes a variety of tough toys that are great for all levels of chewers. The original Kong product line includes hard rubber toys in which treats may be hidden. Puppies will work these toys for hours trying to dig the treats out of them.

    The Kong Wubba toy line, which resembles an octopus, is great for fetch and tug games. These colorful and tough toys will last beyond a year in most multi dog households. Wubbas come in a variety of sizes from Puppy up to Mega Wubba. Our boy Boomer keeps a large Wubba in his mouth about 30% of the day!
    top teething puppy chew toy
    The Kong Puppy Classic chew toy adds interest with an
    unpredictable bounce with treats stuffed in the cavity.

    8) Chilled Carrots Are Good For Puppies

    A cold carrot soothes the gums, tastes great and is rich in Omega 6 fatty acids, Vitamins A and K and Potassium. Puppies love chewing on carrots and watching them disintegrate. As carrots are also high in fiber, limit the puppy to one carrot per day to avoid stomach upsets.

    9) Crate Training

    We recommend crate training for protecting the household when you are asleep or away and also to aid in potty training. Dogs are den animals and love small dark spaces to call their own. In the wild, mothers dig underground dens for a safe haven to whelp and raise their litters. Puppies will stay under ground until they begin to walk steadily enough to climb out of the den, usually around 3 to 4 weeks old.

    If your puppy has not been crated before, you can expect a night or two of lamentation at having his activities restricted. Don’t feel too bad about it; he should cry himself to sleep within 45 minutes of being crated, and typically they adjust to being crated at bedtime after 2 nights.

     Feeding your puppy in the crate will help him to appreciate his new space. Also, toss in a treat whenever you want him to get in the crate; eventually he will go to the crate on his own when he is ready for a nap or just to relax. Be sure the puppy has access to clean water while he is in his crate. To Learn More About Crate Training click here.

    10) The Naughty Paws Puppy Teething Survival Kit 

    Wags-n-Whiskers-Gifts and Gift Baskets makes a gift basket for training and entertaining teething puppies. Consider investing in this gift basket in preparation for the inevitable terrible teething phase - it's the gift that keeps on giving!

    In addition to healthy training treats, it includes Grannicks Bitter Apple, the Chilly Bone, a dental rope toy, a training clicker complete with a training guide, a dental cleaning kit, a poop bag dispenser with refills, Training Treats, a plush toy with replaceable squeakers, 1 Skinneeez stuffing-free toy, a 160 oz food or water bowl. (Get it with an extra 10% off with Coupon Code RP2012 and Free Shipping)

    (Wags and Whiskers Gifts also offers many pet play pen options for indoors and outdoors as well as crates with dividers for puppies to grow into. The discount coupon can be used on the entire order!)

    Large breed puppy Teething Gift Basket

    Wags and Whiskers Puppy Teething Survival Kit

    Includes many teething supplies as well as clicker training manual and clicker.

    Toys to Avoid

    Don't confuse your puppy by providing him with cute toys that resemble objects that you don't want destroyed, such as rubber tennis shoes with squeakers, imitation remote controls or cell phones.

    Remember that consistency is the key to all successful puppy training – the teething phase won’t last forever, but the good habits you instill in him or her now will last a lifetime!

    Related Articles on Dog Teeth and Teething: 

    Top 10 Puppy Chew Toys for Teething Puppies

    How to Inspect Dogs' Teeth To Determine Their Age

    5 Essential Toys for Retriever Puppies 

    Need Some ideas for New Puppy and Dog Names? Check out these articles for some inspiration:

    teething border collie puppy

    60 Greek Names that Make Cool Names For Male Dogs

    30 Powerful Names for Your Noble Guard Dog

    18 Irish and Scottish Names for Male Dogs From Myths and Legend

    50 Greek Names That Make Cool Names For Female Dogs

    47 Meaningful Native American Names For Female Dogs

    Puppy Teething Resources

    Puppy teething, which begins around 13 weeks of age, is a trying time for both the owner and your puppy.  Puppies feel terrible during this phase, their gums hurt as they cut new teeth, and the jaw is inflamed.  Owners must remain vigilant during this phase as well, or many treasured possessions will end their useful existence.  Checkout these resources to help you find health chewing outlets for your new companion and learn more about maintaining healthy dog teeth.

    Puppy Yawning

    10 Puppy Teething Survival Tips!

    Everything you ever wanted to know about puppy teething, how long teething last, why dogs chew and the best teething aids.  

    Adult Canine incisors

    How to Easily Determine Dog Age By His Teeth

    Amaze your friends and family with your ability to tell a dog's age simply by looking at the wear patterns on his teeth. Illustrated.

    Teething puppies chew on anything

    10 Best Puppy Chew Toys!

    Health and Safe dog chews and toys designed just for puppies.  Many made in the USA!

    Labrador retriever chew toys

    5 Best Chew Toys for Labs

    Essentials for teething retriever puppies.  These tough toys will last into their adult years!