everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label reader photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reader photos. Show all posts

Happy Dogs: Photos

Gorgeous photos of happy dogs.

Portrait of beautiful Belle

"Belle is full of sparkle!  Her favorite treat is without a doubt string cheese... Her best trick is she brings in the paper every morning and takes it right to her bed then gives it to us, and she also does a lovely bow that we call "tada"!"
Belle has her CGC and is a service dog and a Pet Partner's Therapy dog.
Photo: Heidi Steinbeck.

Lola looking very cute

"Lola loooves any food but freaks over prosciutto or smoked salmon."
Photo: Claudine Prud'homme.

Turtle in a field of flowers

"Turtle will do almost anything you ask him for any piece of food you give. Some of his favourites are carrots, hotdogs and peanut butter. He is very food motivated.  Turtle's favourite thing to do is sit on the couch with the people he loves, and of course just looking handsome."
Photo: Charity Long.

Happy Howie smiling at the camera

"Howard's favourite treat is tuna fudge, and his favourite trick is waving hello."
Photo: Jennifer Phillips.


"Foxxy loves to train and learn and goes nuts for steak and string cheese."
Photo: Suzanne Bryner.

Idg and Gaby
Idg and Gaby

"Idg likes chicken so much she stole a whole cooked one from the kitchen counter and ate every bit of it by herself. She's learned to get in the tub and to open the door using chicken as a reward!
Gaby likes eating anything she can find and sleeping all day and telling everyone what to do!  Her favorite chew treats are Beams catfish skins. She likes to play follow the leader through the house (her version of hide-n-seek)."
Idg and Gaby have their own Facebook page.
Photo: Tery McConville.

Kuma's portrait

"Freeze dried liver is his favorite reward, and without a doubt, the Flirt Pole is his favorite toy"
Photo: Paul Arrighie.

Portrait of Molly

"Molly likes chicken and cheese but her favourite thing in all the world is an egg carton with interesting goodies hidden in it."
Photo: Sarah McLaren. (Twitter).

Portrait of Eddie on a hike
"Eddie’s favourite reward was probably liver treats, but he was so food motivated that anything edible would do! That was particularly useful when teaching him a reliable recall, one of his best-learned skills. His favourite activity, the thing that made him happier than anything else in the world (maybe even more than liver treats!) was off leash hiking."
Eddie passed away from a brain tumor in 2015, aged 11.
Photo: Jean Ballard.

Portrait of Freddy the Yorkshire Terrier

"Favourite treat? Anything edible.
His party trick is keeping a balloon in the air forever. He plays keepy-uppy better than any footballer."
Photo: Alan Mace.

Many thanks to everyone who shared photos with me! Look out for another photo blog post next month.

Make Your Dog Happy: Reader's Photos

Recently readers were invited to send in photos of their happy dogs with the #makeyourdoghappy hashtag. These are my favourites. It was very hard to choose - thank you to everyone who sent photos and gave me permission to share them.

Rader the dog (make your dog happy)

Erin Beckett says “Radar LOVES force free training. He gets so excited for our training sessions.”

Trigger with a clicker (make your dog happy)

@Misa212 sent in this gorgeous photo of Trigger and her clicker.

Dudley peeking out of the bushes (make your dog happy)

Helen Verte says, "Dudley's only been trained force free and he's always ready to offer a behavior for something delish. Besides food, and chase-me games, belly rubs make him incredibly happy and content!"

Daks does a play bow (make your dog happy)

Gill Land says “Daks loves everyone and everything and knows how to have fun.

A happy JRT (make your dog happy)

Shelly Fourie says of Sasha, "My 3 year old Jack Russell waiting for her next treat."

Colin (make your dog happy)

William Henderson says, "Colin is a happy boy."

Make your dog happy series

@5_pups sent in this wonderful photo of Inez.

Make your dog happy series

Cindy Heisler says, "Limbo has only known positive reinforcement and it shows! He's a people-lover, dog-lover, trees, rocks, cars, water... etc etc. My goal every day is to get him to flash his smile."

It's been great to see all these pictures of dogs having fun! Please continue to share photos of your happy dogs on twitter with the hashtag #makeyourdoghappy, or post to our Facebook page.

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