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Showing posts with label www.pawlux.com. Show all posts

Hollywood Gone to the Dogs: Top Summer Dog Movies To Watch With The Entire Family

Unfortunately dogs are not allowed in theaters. But lucky for you & Fido you can rent & bring those box office hits home. You can get the best of both worlds relax & stretch out in the best seat in the house, your sofa and surround sound. Nothing beats lounging on the coach alongside your dog watching a summer movie flick with a bowl of pup-corn. Hollywood has truly gone to the dogs and dog lovers can't resist a good movie with a four legged leading characters. Here are our top summer picks for the best dog movies which are great for the entire family.

Hotel for Dogs (2009)- Animals are strictly forbidden at Andi and her little brother Bruce's foster home. But for Friday, the adorable dog they secretly care for, they're ready to risk everything. They finally find him an ideal shelter, a huge abandoned hotel that Bruce transforms thanks to his engineering genius. In what has become an incredible paradise for dogs, Friday is soon joined by all kinds of furry friends, so many in fact that their barks alert the neighbors...and the local pound, who can't understand the disappearance of all the stray dogs. Andi and Bruce will have to call on all their friends and all their imagination to stop the hotel's secret from being discovered

Benji (1974) - This movie is about a scruffy stray dog mixed-breed dog that wins the hearts of a family and ends up saving the kids from kidnappers. The lovable Benji was played by a dog named Higgins who was fifteen years old when he made the movie. Surprisingly for such an old dog, he did all of his own stunts in the movie.

Beverly Hills Chihuahua (2008) - A pampered Beverly Hills chihuahua named Chloe (voiced by Drew Barrymore) who, while on vacation in Mexico with her owner Viv's (Jamie Lee Curtis) niece, Rachel (Piper Perabo), gets lost and must rely on her friends to help her get back home before she is caught by a dognapper who wants to ransom her. In the meantime, Papi (voiced by George Lopez), a male chihuahua who is in love with her is in pursuit of her. Papi's master (Manolo Cardona), a handsome young gardener for Viv, slowly develops a romantic interest in Rachel. Chloe befriends a lonely German Shepherd (voiced by Andy Garcia) who travels with her to protect her from the evil Doberman (voiced by Edward James Olmos) who wants to return her and her diamond collar to the dognapper.

Lassie Come Home (1943) - This dog movie inspired a slew of sequels and remakes, but none are as good as the original, starring Roddy McDowall and Elizabeth Taylor. The movie is about a lovable and bright collie who is sold by her impoverished family. The dog loves her family so much that she escapes from her new owner and makes the long trip from Scotland back to her home in Yorkshire.

Old Yeller (1957) - This Walt Disney Productions feature film is based upon the 1956 Newberry Honor-winning book of the same name written by Fred Gipson. It tells the story of Travis Coats and a stray dog in post-Civil War Texas.

101 Dalmatians (1967) - The original Disney animated version of this film was the highest grossing movie of it's time. With one of the most memorable villainesses ever, Cruella De Vil, this movie follows the story of her plan to make a fur coat from the fur of kidnapped Dalmatian puppies.

Cats & Dogs (2001) - This a spy movie with a canine twist. The world's dogs are on a top-secret, high-tech mission to protect an important scientist and his attempts to save humans from dog allergies. The evil Mr. Tinkles is the dogs' feline nemesis.

Marley and Me (2008) - The most recent heart-touching dog film is based on the best-selling autobiographical book by John Grogan. The movie tells the story of an adorable but high-strung yellow lad named Marley, and how he helps his family learn some valuable life lessons.

Turner & Hooch (1989) - Starring Tom Hanks and Craig T. Nelson, this movie tells the story of Hooch, a large and drooling Dogue de Bordeaux, who is the only witness to a murder.

Best in Show (2000) - This dog movie is a comedy about competing in a national dog show. Not your typical dog movie, this documentary-style film is just hilarious. The dogs are beautiful and their owners are colorful, obsessive, and absolutely hysterical.

Lady and the Tramp (1955) - This animated feature film produced by Walt Disney tells the story of pampered cocker spaniel Lady, and her West Side Story-type romance with stray dog Tramp. This is a great one to watch with the rest of the family.

Beethoven (1992) - This dog film is the first in a series of Beethoven movies. It tells the story of a lovable but destructive Saint Bernard named Beethoven who gets dognapped for animal testing., but his family is determined to find and rescue their family dog.

So thanks all you celebri-dogs for making the dog days of summer even better. And the Oscar Bone goes to.....

What's your favorite dog flick to watch w/ a big buttery bowl of popcorn or shall we say "pupcorn"? Show your love for Lassie, Benji & Old Yeller. Bark out your choices & reason why by leaving a comment below.

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Don't forget to shop www.pawlux.com for your doggie summer staples. We offer eco-friendly, all natural and organic goodies for your deserving furry family member. We carry a great selection of Odor Free Bully Sticks / Dog Treats / and Dog Toys !

Key to Happiness & Health is Good Sleep: Tips on Buying the Perfect Dog Bed

Are you having another one of those sleepless nights wedged in between the Abominable Snore-man & Little Miss Kicks Alot? Has your dog taken over the pillow, stolen the sheets and there's no room for your head? Perhaps, as the "Top Dog" you're left grasping for the edge of the bed, finding yourself demoted to the floor while your dog stretches out in luxury and your significant other has sweet dreams.

Truth be told those sad yet cute puppy eyes makes it hard to say no, but know one likes their tootsie hanging off the bed. But don't be sad, gone all the days of solely banishing your dog on the cold floor, now he can sleep in the lap of luxury on a bed of his own. A place to call his own & retreat for a much needed power nap after a day of chasing squirrels is every dogs dream. With his very own place to flop, you won't be able to blame your dog for making you wake up on the wrong side of bed or on the floor.

With a summer packed full of fun activities & things to do, sleep is very important if you are going to keep up. Grandparents visiting toddlers & grandchildren you can relate. Reward your pup with a comfy place to flop so you refuel with some Zzzz's. Just like you, the health and well-being of your dog is not only dependent on diet & exercise. But it also depends on how much comfortable sleep and rest he and you both get. Here are some tips on choosing the perfect dog bed for your furry companion.

1. One Size Does Not Fit All- Just like dogs, dog beds come in all shapes, colors & sizes. So it is important to be mindful of your dogs “paw-sonality & sleeping habits when finding the perfect bed, since comfort is key to a good nights sleep for you and Spot. You should know that there are dog beds that can accommodate a variety of your dog's special needs. Heated dog beds and orthopedic foam dog beds are available and are excellent choices for older and arthritic dogs.

What is your dog's sleep preference & personality?

Curlers (aka Fur ball) They like to be securely enclosed by their bed, a bumper or cuddler bed will do. Your dog would love a Donut dog bed. If hey had a choice they probably would enjoy spending a Friday night curled up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, Kleenex & a sappy movie (The Notebook).

Leaners – They prefer the support of a back bolster and a sense of security. Your dog would be a huge fan of bolster beds. If this dog was human he probably would start planning for retirement at age 10 and have quite a portfolio to match (low risk of course).

Sprawlers – They stretch out in all directions like their care free spirit and you can often find them belly up. If you share the bed at night with your dog and find your self on the floor with a bump on your head then you guessed it, your dog is a sprawler. The perfect fit would be dog pads & mats.

Burrowers (aka Cave dogs)

They like to dig and hide which is their very nature and what they were born to do. So they are not alien to burrowing under the sheets or hiding under a stack of dirty laundry. They are probably adventurous and have been known by the pack as Indiana Dog. Your dog would love Nesting beds.

3. Your Dog's Size- The size of your dog is an important consideration, but make sure the bed is nicely padded for comfort. Whatever size your dog is, pick a dog bed that is slightly larger than him or her. This is to allow room for growth, especially for puppies, and allow room for movement.

So how do you measure your dog for the perfect fit?

Now that you have figured out your dogs sleeping preference, it's time to measure him for that perfect pure-bed just for him. So get out your cloth ruler or for all you resourceful pups who don't have a ruler a piece of rope will do. While your dog is lying down, measure your dog's length from the tip of her nose to the tip of her tail. Add 10-12 inches to obtain the best length for the bed. Add an additional 2-4 inches if your dog likes to stretch out.

3. Easily Washable-Make sure the dog bed is machine washable. Some beds require you to take it a apart for a good cleaning so make sure it is made of removable and washable materials. It will definitely get dirty and smelly, so it is important that you can easily wash it anytime. Make sure too that the material is appropriate for the dog's fu. Look for machine washable bedding if at all possible. ***Note: Follow Washing Instructions Carefully***

4. Location, Location, Location- Where will you put your dog bed? This is also an important consideration when choosing a bed for your pet so you can pick the right material. Some dog beds are more suitable for an indoor location like in the bedroom or living room instead of outdoors, like in a porch for instance. Climate and local weather are important factors to consider as well. Choose a dog bed that will provide warmth for your dog in winter and air circulation during summer.

5. Quality & Durability -The dog bed must be able to withstand Fido's fascination with chewing and his sharp claws. We all know dogs can be a messy handful so chose a bed that can weather the storm of Hurricane Spot, withstand the wrath of the Un-Decorator, and do battle against the Chew-minator. Picking a dog bed cover or bed that is washable and made of durable fabric is key. Also, for those who like to color coordinate with their decor there are many beds to chose from that won't be an eye sore but will complement your home furnishing. Your dog will definitely appreciate his own bed, space and little slice of heaven.

So say good-bye to the edge of the bed and hello to the sleep fairy. As for your husbands snoring you may just have to invest in ear plugs!!


Shop www.pawlux.com for eco-friendly, all natural & organic dog beds made in the USA. Sorry, earplugs are not included ! :(

How to Recognize Your Pet has Allergies & All Natural Remedies for a Sneezing Dog

We have all fallen victim to sneezing and sniffles due to the common cold. But even a bowl of Campbell soup won't keep those dust mites from tickling your snout. With spring comes the arrival of beautiful blooming flowers near our feet and faces.But the bad news is that with spring in the air also comes pollen and other outdoor irritants. Irritated eyes, itchy noses and hitching rides on the Ah-Choo train are sure signs that spring is here. If you have seasonal allergies, mastering the art of blowing one's nose is a must. Don't be fooled, like humans, dogs are also prone to seasonal allergies which can can irritate their nasal passages or sinuses.

Dogs love to stop and sniff everything in sight and stopping to smell th rose or flowers in bloom is one of their specialities. If you are finding that your dog is itching, scratching, has a runny nose, or thumping their leg in a circular windmill motion then your dog may have seasonal allergies. But don't just blame it on the flowers in bloom in the great outdoors there could be other causes for your dogs allergies. Your dogs allergies could be triggered by something in his or her environment, from the food in their dish to their home surroundings.

Who are the guilty culprits to blame for this crime against your dog? Well, it is dust, pollen, the black pepper on his fillet mignon and dirt of course. Although no dog wants to hear bad news, it can even be the food you put into Brewster’s bowl. But unfortunately there is no such thing as the "Sniffle & Tickly Nose Police”. If the sneezing persist or your dog has green or yellow nose discharge can signify infection so a check-up at the vet is in order. It is always good to rule out fleas , infection or other health problems. Like they say “better safe than sorry”.

Perhaps your dog is allergic to certain ingredients in dog food. If this is the case a stricter all natural, raw, or organic diet can be key and help get to the root of the problem. There are a plethora of wonderful homemade doggy cookbooks filled with mouthwatering recipes perfect for any sensitive dog. Not to mention a large assortment of organic, all natural, preservative & artificial-free commercial ready made brands on grocery shelves for dogs of all breeds, ages, sizes & special needs. Always read the food labels before stockpiling your shopping cart with whats on sale. Keeping your dogs diet high quality as possible will not only help to avoid stress on the organs but help support the immune system. Like always, seek advice from your veterinarian on a diet that will work best for your dog. Don’t forget to do your research.

Keep in mind that your dog’s environment is just as important from where your dog plays, rolls, & flops to what you bath your dog with. Even to what you use to launder your dogs bedding for that oh so fresh scent. Scented drier sheets and laundry detergents can be the problem. Lucky for you, your dog and the planet there are hypoallergenic, all natural, eco-friendly alternatives to choose from. Perhaps, your dog is known to take a daily frolic or stroll in the flower bed which is home to pollen and weeds. With your dogs nose working overtime everyday he or she is bound to sniff out a dust mite. More so, your dogs sniffles could be caused by those potent chemical household cleaning products like air-freshners can trigger a sneezing & scratching frenzy.

Air filters and purifiers are a great way to remove those pesky and sometimes invisible allergens in the air. Another great tip is to give your dog a good wipe down or bath from head to paw right after they have had along romp in the field or yard. This is a good way to rid the fur & body of pollen, dirt, dust & chemicals and keeps them from infiltrating your home. But, don’t be mistaken, there will always be a few that will creep their way in doors on your unsuspecting dog and hide underneath your couch. So a daily dusting is always encouraged, so dust mites beware!

There is a wonderful product that will help give your dog some relief, because not even Sparky wants to be the conductor on the ah-choo-choo train. So now you both can wave good-bye as it chugs off ! Garth’s Sneezing Remedy does work and lets your dog get back to doing what he does best -sniffing rears that is, but as we say in human terms being a social butterfly. With a few drops on his or her forehead it naturally silence your dogs sneezing . Garth’s Sneezing Remedy is designed to help dogs with sneezing or reversed sneezing problems. Its natural blend of oils aims directly at the sinus condition, soothing and halting the sneezing. It also aids in relief of anxiety and sinus problems. Formulated with pure, organic and ecologically grown essential oils in order to supply the best for your pet. Dog owners have been astonished at the results and so will you.

All Natural Herbs to the Rescue!!

Not to mention that there are a lot of all natural herbs out there can be a found at your local health & wellness grocery store. If you are unable to find these herbs you can contact a holistic vet and he or she may be able to point you in the right direction Right from nature these herbs can give your dog allergy relief. These herbs can be used topically or internally. The benefits of many of these herbs is that it strengthens your dogs immune system, live & kidneys and helps other organs function better.

Oat & Yellow Dock can be applied topically on your dog fur & body. Oat can be used to ease itchy skin. Nothing is more soothing then giving your dog an oat bath regularly. For all you ladies out there we all know how rejuvenating it feels to get a facial oat mask or body wrap which cleanses your face and body from those yucky toxins. So what you do is boil about one pound of organic oat straw in 2 quarts of water and add this to your dog's bathwater. Make sure the water is lukewarm before you throw Spot in the tub.

Alternatively, make a rinse from dried yellow dock. Add one tablespoon of the herb to 2 cups of boiling water. Let it sit and cool down. Strain off the herb and use the liquid as a rinse.

But there are also herbs that work to help your inner dog battle those allergens cleansing the body of unwanted toxins. As stated dogs develop dog allergy symptoms because they have a weakened immune system or there is improper functioning of their main organs. Herbal remedies are effective in strengthening the immune system and other major "waste-disposal organs" (the liver, skin, kidneys). Here are a few herbs that can be used internally as supplements to fight against dog allergies:

Burdock cleanses the blood and helps eliminate toxins in the urine and sweat. It is good for dry and scaly skin. Burdock root is very safe for your dogs and can be used as a daily dietary supplement.

Dandelion aids the liver which of course is a main toxin-removal organ. It cleanses and tones the liver and enhance its proper functioning.

Yellow Dock is another herb to help the liver to eliminate toxins.

Echinacea is the herb for enhancing the immune system.

Licorice root contains a compound called glycyrrhizin, which is similar to corticosteroids. Glycyrrhizin helps stimulate the adrenal glands to produce its own natural corticosteroids which give anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, immune-supporting effects on the body. As a result, licorice root can give relief from the itching and inflammation without seriously compromising the autoimmune system.

Nettle is used in many herbal treatments for allergies. It stimulates blood circulation, has antibiotic properties and is effective in treating such skin problems as eczema.

The antibacterial actions of sarasaparila make it effective in treating chronic scaly skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis.

Some of the best hidden secrets are found in nature. Always keep in mind that sometimes Mother Nature knows best!

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Swimming With Your Dog- Summer Water Pet Safety Tips

Dogs are born with instincts like sniffing, barking, retrieving & begging but remember not all dogs know how to dog paddle, dive, swim or like the water. So, before you cool down and make a splash with your dog in the pool here are some water safety tips to help introduce your dog to the water.

Avoid excessive noise- When teaching your dog how to swim or introducing your dog to the water be sure to take them to an area that’s not so crazy and hectic. Like children, dogs can become frightened and confused if there’s a lot of noise and activity around them when they are learning to swim. The objective is to keep them calm and focused on the swimming lesson. 

Use encouragement- When teaching your dog to swim keep your voice upbeat and positive. Using treats and toys to encourage & coax your dog into entering the water works wonders. But remember to be patient, some dogs may not be easily persuaded by a delicious treat.

Never throw them in- Your dog is not a toss salad. So never toss your dog into the water, especially if your dog is just learning to swim. Never force your dog into the water because it will only make your dog more hesitant or frightened. So instead be patient, slowly put them in the water and get their paws used to it. Start your dog off with little puppy paddles and soon he or she will be making a big splash.

Support their weight until they paddle- If you are teaching a puppy or dog beginner how to swim make sure they are wearing a flotation device. A flotation device provides your dog with an extra level or security and safety just incase they begin to panic in the water. Even the most accomplished doggy swimmers can struggle and panic in the water. Purchasing a life vest with a convenient sturdy handle will allow you to retrieve or assist your dog in the water with ease. Even if the dog is wearing a life vest, support its midsection and hindquarters in the water until they start paddling and feel comfortable.

Show them the Exit Strategy-Getting a dog in the pool is only half the battle. It is important that your dog is shown where the steps are in the pool so they can easily get out. All pools should have a scamper ramp for an easy pool exit.

Learn CPR- It is important to always be prepared for anything, so stay up on first aid techniques and pet CPR.

Lifeguard on Duty-
Supervise! - nothing replaces the safety of full adult supervision. Never allow your dog in an pool or favorite watering hole unattended. Even in the water, dogs can wander off into the deep end after their friend or be carried by the waves. Dogs that swim naturally and well can jump in the ocean and keep swimming until they’re lost. So, like children it is important to keep an eye on their every stroke & paddle so they are not wandering to far in the water.

Pet Proof your Pool-Make sure that when the pool is not in use that the cover or netting is firmly in place so your dog does not slip under. If you do have a pool make sure it is fenced and pet proof since pets love to retrieve buoyant objects and can often squeeze through gaps and tiny spaces. Having a pool gate that automatically closes and latches is important. An alarm system that alerts you when the unsupervised pool area has been compromised adds another level of defense. You can even purchase a alarm system that attaches to your dogs collars and alerts you when he or she is submerged in the water.

Giving your puppy or dog swimming lessons in a kiddie pool is great to help them get use to the water. Kiddie pools are a good alternative for senior dogs so they to can splash and wade in the summer sun. For those of you pet owners with kiddie pools make sure you keep the pool clean to prevent mosquito infestations and toxic algae growth.

Just remember that your dog views a pool, stream and the ocean as a larger then life water bowl to quench their thirst. Salt water and Dogs often ingest water they are swimming so always verify that the water is safe and look out for signs that warn against swimming in this area. Make sure that the pond or lake you & your dog is swimming or wading in is not contaminated. Some ponds and lakes may contain water-borne parasites and infection that are harmful to you and your dog’s health. Please keep in mind that while you are enjoying a day at pond or lake with your dog, that to some animals and insects this is their home. So, make sure to keep your eyes out for predators or insects that may not greet you and Fido with a warm welcome. Some of these insects or predators will attack if threatened or provoked. If you are not 100% certain that the water is safe go with your gut instinct so you and your dog are not at risk.

Once you and your dog have taken a dip don’t forget to dry off or in your dogs case hose down. Rinse your dogs lush locks with clean, fresh water and a hypoallergenic shampoo to rid their fur of excess salt or chlorine. This is very important since dogs have sensitive coats and can develop skin problems very easily. Did you know that moisture left in your dogs ear after swimming and bathing can lead to ear infections. Don’t forget your dog will be wet behind and inside the ears so be sure to apply a ear cleaning solution and make sure ears are completely dry.

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Shop www.pawlux.com for eco-friendly, all natural & organic dog products.