everything about your dogs

A Place to Lay Their Weary Heads

We received a wonderful note from the good folks at Hillsborough County Animal Care Services today. They've been hammering out the start of a brave new breed ambassador program for pit bulls. Brave, because they intake so many dogs that the shelter is forced to euthanize dozens every day due to space constraints. Despite this daily heartache, they're finding time to get their best dogs to outings where they can be seen by the public and enjoyed for the good dogs that they are.

This is quite a U-turn from just months ago, when adoptable pit bulls didn't stand much of a chance. As some readers may remember, Little Man landed in this shelter after HCAS staff rescued him from a neglectful home. He was on his last day when we spied him, and the rest is history. He's now in Orange County living the life of a spoiled pet and demo dog deluxe. Great dog, and great team effort to get him to this ending.

Now, all attentions are turned towards the Hillsborough County dogs that are still waiting for their lucky break. Their ambassador program is modest and realistic: three hand-selected pit bulls go up for adoption at a time. (The staff was trained in BR's Pit Ed Camp to select the very best candidates) But change takes time, so even three very special dogs have to wait and wait for good adopters to see their worth. In the meantime, shelter staff is carving out spare moments every day to keep them exercised and sane.

Good deeds deserve to be rewarded.

If you know someone in the Tampa area who's looking to adopt, please tell them about this shelter. And if you want to help their pit bulls, consider buying a bed so the dogs can enjoy a good night's sleep off of the cold floor. Well-rested dogs are better able to handle the stress of the shelter and attract that good home with a bright, tail-wagging happy smile.

Kuranda's Donation Program will accept your donation and ship a bed to Hillsborough pronto: Beds for Dogs ... Easy-peazy, and such a good way to show that you support what they're doing to help the dogs.

For more information about HCAS breed ambassadors, or to learn other ways that you can help them reach their goals, please contact the ever-busy-always-hopeful Kelly Bigsby
