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Cat Breeds and their description


Appearance: Physically, the Abyssinian is a medium-sized cat, tremendously powerful, yet lithe and graceful, and regal in bearing. Its moderately wedgeshaped head is framed with large, alert ears. The eyes are large and almond-shaped, in gold or green color. Striking tabby markings around the eyes accentuate the typical Abyssinian expression - at once sweet and wild.
Abyssinians, or ''Abys,'' enjoy people and are very loyal. The regal-looking Aby has a very distinct appearance that is both elegant and wild looking.

American Bobtail

Overall Appearance: American Bobtails are a medium to large, bobtailed cat. It is a noticeably athletic animal, well muscled, with the appearance of power. Their tails are short, straight, and may be slightly curved or knotted.
Personality: American Bobtails are domesticated and loving, and make pleasant family pets.
Recently, new Bobtail breeds have been discovered around the world, but the American Bobtail was the first of this breed to be recognized.

American Curl

American Curls easily adapt to almost any home situation and adjust to other animals remarkably well.
The ideal American Curl is a medium sized, alert animal with an elegant appearance and a sweet, open expression complimented by their remarkable ears. Both longhair and shorthair Curls have soft, silky coats, but the longhair Curl has the distinction of sporting a beautiful plumed tail.
American Curls are easily distinguished by their ears, which curl back in an arc giving the cats an alert, perky, surprised expression.

American Shorthair

American Shorthairs are medium to large sized cats, with powerful legs and strong paws. Their muzzle is squarish. Their coat is short, with the fur being thick, dense, and stiff to protect them from cold, moisture, and superficial skin injuries. American Shorthairs are very affectionate, long-living, and disinclined to behavioral problems; they get along well with other family members, including dogs. The American Shorthair is also an excellent hunter, but its sunny and gentle disposition make it ideal for families with small children.
American Shorthairs come in over a 100 different varieties of colors (blacks, whites, silvers, creams, reds, browns, greys, and tabby mixes), but their eyes, pad color, and nose will always match their coloring. Their tail tapers to a blunt tip and has no kinks.

American Wirehair

The unique wirehair coat is genetically dominant over a normal coat, unlike the gene that creates rex fur. The fur is springy, dense and coarse, and even their whiskers are often curled. Many find it pleasant to the touch. Apart from the wiry coat, they are strong, muscular cats, built similarly to American Shorthairs. The main differences between the two breeds is a mutated gene that causes the hair to be kinky. They come in a variety of colors.
American Wirehair personality is described as intelligent, and affectionate.

Australian Mist [a.k.a. Spotted Mist]

Australian Mist are short-haired cats of moderate size and build. They have a round head and large, expressive eyes in a range of greens. The nose, chin and whiskerpads are broad, giving the face a generous expression.
Australian Mist cats presently come in six colors: warm brown, blue, chocolate, lilac, gold and peach. Australian Mists are outstandings affectionate and gentle. They are very tolerant of handling and disinclined to scratch, which makes them ideal with even small children. They have inherited the affectionate, people-loving temperament, general size and shape of the Burmese, the intelligence and agility of the Abyssinian, and the health and vitality of the Domestic.


The traditional Balinese cat has a coat approximately two inches long over its entire body and it is a sturdy and robust cat with a semi-rounded muzzle and ears.
The head is wedge-shaped, with large, alert ears which follow and complement the shape of the wedge. The eyes are distinctly Oriental, slanted slightly to fit in with the overall head shape, and sapphire blue, the deeper the colour the better. The nose is straight, with no break or rise between the eyes.
Colour is the difference between the Balinese and the Javanese breeds. Like Siamese, Balinese and Javanese are "pointed" cats, which means that the face, legs, and tail are a darker colour than the body colour. The darker colours are referred to as the points. The body colour tends to darken with age.
Balinese are extremely intelligent cats, although less talkative than their Siamese ancestors.


The name Bengal was derived from the scientific name of the Asian Leopard Cat, and not from the more widely known Bengal Tiger species, which has nothing to do with their ancestry or their looks.
The Bengal, with its wild looking striped or spotted coat, looks much like a small leopard or jaguar. While still rare worldwide, their popularity is growing rapidly.
Bengal cats are very high-energy, intelligent, and curious, and so are particularly interactive with their human housemates, wanting to be in the middle of whatever the human is engaged in, and often following the human around the house as household chores are performed.

Birman [a.k.a. Sacred Cat of Burma]

Birmans differ from conventional colour-point cats by their white paws called gloves. The coat is medium-length, not as long and thick as a Persian's, and does not mat. Their most striking feature is their clear blue eyes, which remain blue throughout their life. Some have described their eyes as 'Twin Pools Of Serenity'.
Birmans cats are known for their charming temperament. As their popularity and demand increases, they are becoming more difficult to acquire.


The Bombay is a muscular yet agile cat with a black coat. The heads of Bombay cats are rounded and wide with a short tapered muzzle. The eyes, which are of golden or copper color, are rounded and set wide, and their ears are broad, slightly rounded and medium sized and, like the eyes, set wide.
Quiet, sensitive, reserved and intelligent, the Bombay is suited to life in a quiet home, where it is affectionate to the whole family.

British Shorthair

British Shorthairs have very dense, soft coats. The eyes are large, round and copper in colour. The head is round with chubby cheeks. The body is rounded and sturdy. The breed has a broad chest, shoulders and hips with short legs, round paws and a plush tail.
The lifespan of this breed is 10 to 15 years.
British shorthairs are wonderful with children and will usually get along well with other animals in your home.
These cats are stocky, sturdy and intelligent, with few health problems.
The British Shorthair is an easygoing breed. It has a stable character and can easily live in an apartment setting. It is not terribly demanding of attention, although it will make its desire for play known if its owner looks available. It is not normally destructive or hyperactive, although it can be playful.


The Burmese is a foreign shorthair. They have yellow eyes and a very short satiny coat. They are heavier than they look, as they are very muscular. By the standards of pedigreed cats they are long-lived, many reaching 16 to 18 years.
Burmese cats are very friendly and curious even towards complete strangers. They are athletic, brave and humourous, and may show remarkable ingenuity, particularly in finding warm places. Burmese cats tend to follow their owners everywhere, even to the point where they may become a bit disturbing.


The Burmilla is a breed of domestic cat which originated in the United Kingdom in 1981. It is a cross between the Chinchilla Persian and Burmese breeds.
The Burmilla can have a variety of colours: black, blue, champagne, chocolate, cream, lilac, platinum and red. They can also be tortoiseshell, with colours including black, blue, brown, chocolate and lilac.

California Spangled Cat

The California spangled cat is a spotted feline with the look of the wild and the heart of a domestic. The spangled has a small but dedicated following with people who love the breed’s active personality and exotic looks.
California Spangled Cat
have face is expressive with wide, well-contoured, sculpted cheekbones, well-developed whisker pads, and a strong chin and jaw. The muzzle is broad, medium length and well-developed. Medium-sized, rounded ears set high on the head and well back from the face add to the wild look. The almond-shaped eyes are set well apart and slope gently.
Because of the diversity of colors used in the breed’s creation, the spangled cat comes in a wide palette of spotted colors: silver, bronze, gold, red, blue, brown, black and charcoal. The spots themselves are dark, well-defined, and sharply contrasted to the background color.

Chantilly [a.k.a. Tiffany or Foreign Longhair]

The Chantilly/Tiffany is a moderate-sized semi-foreign cat with a semi-longhaired, full coat and plumed tail. Its long ear tufts are one of the most striking features.
It is accepted in a variety of colors, including blue, chocolate, cinnamon, lilac, and fawn, in both solid and tabby patterns, though chocolate is the most well known. The eye color of the feline intensifies with age.
The breed is friendly, loyal, and affectionate, though occasionally reserved with strangers. It is neither placid nor overly active - "moderate" is a word which crops up when discussing the Chantilly/Tiffany personality as well as its conformation.
This breed was originally called Tiffany; however, the longhaired Burmese is often spelled ''Tiffanie'' as well, so this breed is now specified as Chantilly/Tiffany.


Physically, the Chartreux is large and muscular with short fine boned limbs, big paws and very fast reflexes. They are known for their blue (grey) double-thickness fur coats and gold- or copper-colored eyes. Chartreux cats are also known for their "smile"; due to the structure of their heads and long, tapered muzzle, they often appear to be smiling.
Chartreux cats tend to be quiet, rarely making noises such as mewing or crying and some are mute. They are quite observant and intelligent, with some Chartreux learning to operate radio on/off buttons and to open screen door latches. Chartreux cats are playful cats well into their adult years; some can be taught to fetch small objects in the same manner as a dog.
This intelligent cat is fascinated by television and likes to participate in telephone conversations by chewing on the cord.

Colorpoint Shorthair

The Colorpoint Shorthair is a variant of the Siamese cat. It features the same long, tubular body, large ears, and triangular, wedge-shaped head as the modern Siamese. However, the coat comes in a wider variety of "point" colors and patterns than do the traditional Siamese.
Possible coat colors and patterns include red point (also called flame point), cream point, lynx points (points featuring a tabby pattern; can be in a variety of colors), and tortie-points (points featuring a tortoise-shell, or calico, pattern; can be in a variety of colors).

Cornish Rex

The coat of a Cornish Rex is extremely fine and soft to the touch. However, their light coat means that they are only suitable for indoor living in warm and dry conditions.
The Cornish Rex is an adventurous cat and is very intelligent. It can readily adapt to new situations and will explore wherever it can go, jumping into refrigerators, examining washing machines, etc. The Rex is extremely curious, seeks out the company of people and is friendly towards other companion animals. It is a suitable pet for timid children.
The most distinctive trait of the Cornish Rex is its curly coat, which can be wavy or rippled.

Cymric [a.k.a. Longhaired Manx]

Some cat registries consider the Cymric a long-haired variety of the manx, rather than a separate breed. The name comes from Cymru, the indigenous Celtic name for Wales.

Devon Rex

The Devon Rex is a relatively new breed of cat with a sparse, curly, very soft coat similar to that of the Cornish Rex. The Cornish Rex's coat is unusual because only the down layer of hair is present, the other two layers are absent.
Devons, which are medium sized cats, are often called "pixie cats" or "alien cats" because of their unique appearance. Their uncommonly large ears are set low on the sides of their wide heads, their eyes are large, and their noses are slightly upturned. Their body type is distinctly lightly-built.
The typical Devon is active, mischievous, playful, and very people-oriented. They have been described as a cross between a cat, a dog and a monkey. They are high-jumpers and will try to occupy any space large enough to admit them. They're relatively easy to take care of, but they do shed, and many of those with allergies have found that they are not always hypoallergenic.

Havana Brown

The Havana Brown is a moderately sized, muscular short-haired cat with a body of average length. The coat color must be brown, typically reddish-brown, with no tabby markings. Whiskers should also be brown and the eye color should be green. The head should be slightly longer than wide and the nose should have a distinct stop at the eyes.
The Havana Brown is an intelligent cat that often uses its paws both to examine objects, and to communicate with its owners. The most likely explanation of the breed's name is that its coat color is very similar to that of Havana cigars.

Himalayan [a.k.a. Colourpoint Longhair (UK)]

The Himalayan, also called colourpoint Persian, is a breed of cat with extremely long, fluffy fur, and the blue eyes and the points of a Siamese.
The body of a Himalyan is white, but the points come in many different colours: blue, brown, lilac, chocolate, flame, red and creme. The points can also be tabby or tortie patterned.
These cats are sweet-tempered, intelligent, social and good companions.
Head: Round and massive with great breadth of skull. Round face with round underlying bone structure. Head well set on short, thick neck. Jaws broad and powerful, with cheeks full and prominent.
Eyes: Large, round, and full. Set wide apart, giving sweet expression to the face.
Body: Cobby in type - low on the legs, deep in the chest, equally massive across the shoulders and rump. Medium to large in size.

Japanese Bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail is a breed of cat with an unusual 'bobbed' tail more closely resembling the tail of a rabbit than that of an ordinary feline.
They are active, intelligent, talkative cats with a well-defined sense of family life. Their soft voices are capable of nearly a whole scale of tones; some people say they sing.
Body: Medium in size, males larger than females. Long torso, lean and elegant, showing well developed muscular strength.
Head: The head should form an equilateral triangle. (Not including ears)
Eyes: Large, oval rather than round. They should not bulge out beyond the cheekbone or the forehead.
Ears: Large, upright, set wide apart but at right angles to the head and looking as if alert.
Legs: Long, slender, and high. The hind legs longer than the forelegs.


The Javanese is a recognized breed of cat. Javanese have a long, silky coat, that comes in a variety of colors. These cats are highly intelligent, and resemble the Balinese.
Javanese are very social cats which will become depressed if they are left alone too often. They are generally very playful pets, and are markedly good at jumping.
They are also intelligent animals, and some can be trained or learn by themselves to manipulate simple mechanisms such as lever-handled doors and flush toilets.
It is very difficult to define this cat, other than to say that it is a beautiful longhaired cat very similar in appearance and temperament to the Siamese and Balinese.


In fact they are often known colloquially as the "Good Luck Cat" and are given in pairs to newlyweds or people of high esteem as a wish for good luck.
Korats are an active cat and form strong bonds with people.
Korats are one of a few breeds that have only one colour: a silvery gray that often has lavender undertones - generally called blue in the cat world, although it is notably different in viewing from other 'blue' cats.
Their eyes are a shade of yellow from birth (sometimes described as a "pale amber") but change to an emerald or peridot green at full maturity (2 to 4 years).
Korats only have one coat (they lack a downy undercoat possibly due to their long history in a hot and humid climate) and do not shed much hair.


The LaPerm is a recognized breed of cat. A LaPerm's fur is curly (hence the name "perm"), with the tightest curls being on the belly, throat and base of the ears. La Perms come in many colors and patterns. La Perms generally have a very affectionate personality.
In addition to their exceptional appearance, La Perms are known for their affectionate, loving and gentle personalities. La Perms can be either short or long-haired.

Maine Coon Cat

The Maine Coon is one of the largest breeds of domestic cat, known for its intelligence, playfulness as well as distinctive physical appearance.
Maine Coons are very large (but energetic) cats, sometimes weighing 11.3 kilograms (25 pounds); the average weight is 6 to 9 kilograms (13-20 pounds) for adult males and less (7-11 pounds) for females.
The most common color/pattern in the breed is brown with tabby markings. Maine Coons are recognized in all colors except for chocolate, lavender, ticked tabby, and the point-restricted ("Siamese") pattern. Eye color also varies widely. All patterns may have green, green-gold, or gold. Blue eyes, or one blue eye with one gold eye, are possible in white coat cats.
Maine Coons have medium-long, dense fur, with longer hair, or a ruff, on their chests similar to the mane of a lion (which is why the breed is sometimes humorously called the "Mane Coon"). Their fur consists of two layers - an undercoat and an additional layer of longer guard hairs, which gives the breed their key physical feature. The fur is generally very soft.


The Manx is a breed of cat with a naturally occurring mutation of the spine. This mutation shortens the tail, resulting in a range of tail lengths from normal to tailless. The hind legs are longer than the front legs, creating a continuous arch from shoulders to rump giving the cat a rounded appearance. Manx cats move with more like a hop than a stride when running; in this aspect, they resemble rabbits more than cats. Many Manx have a small 'stub' of a tail, but Manx cats are best known as being entirely tailless: it is the distinguishing characteristic of the breed.
The Manx breed is a highly intelligent cat breed, it is playful, and in its behaviour, bizarre, but very reminiscent of dogs; for example, some Manx cats will fetch small objects that are thrown.
However, Manx cats usually are very quiet.
This calm, affectionate breed is also knows for having the shortest body of all domestic cat breeds.


The Munchkin cat is a relatively new breed created by a random mutation that produced a cat with extremely short legs. Munchkins have short or long coats in a wide variety of colours. Somewhat surprisingly, because of their short stature munchkins are particularly adept at climbing and jumping. They are usually raised as indoor cats, although they are reported to be extremely active, agile and fast runners.
The munchkin cat is shorter than a standard domestic, but in all other respects it is identical, genetically and in size and overall appearance.
Named after the ''Munchkins'' from the classic film The Wizard of Oz, this unusual looking cat has very short legs, much like the Dachshund dog breed.


Nebelung is a elegant looking cat is very similar to the Russian Blue, although with a long, soft coat. They have green eyes, and its silver-tipped hairs give the coat a luminous, misty affect, hence the name ''Nebelung,'' which in German means ''creature of the mist.''

Norwegian Forest Cat

These large fluffy cats are very similar to the Maine Coon. They are prized for their exceptional hunting abilities, and are one of the largest of all domestic cat breeds.
Norwegian Forest Cats have a thick fluffy double-layered coat, tufted ears and a long bushy tail to protect them against the cold. Their coat is essentially waterproof due to its coarse outer layer and dense underlay. They are very large cats with adult males weighing 6 to 10 kg (13 to 22 lb), while females are approximately half that size. Their hind legs are longer than their front legs. They are friendly, loyal, energetic, intelligent, playful cats that enjoy human company. Norwegian Forest Cats like to be boss, and will quickly take over any household.


The ideal Ocicat is a large, active animal with an athletic appearance. It is very solid and well-muscled and has a short, tight coat with a satin sheen that shows off muscles and spots to their best advantage.
The Ocicat is not a demanding, clinging-vine type, but is confident as well as dedicated to its owners.
They are not prone to any particular health problem and their broad genetic background gives them vigor and vitality.
Ocicats come in many colors and at least all those colors associated with the three foundation breeds: tawny, chocolate, cinnamon, blue, lavender, fawn, silver, chocolate silver, cinnamon silver, blue silver, lavender silver, and fawn silver.

Oriental Longhair [a.k.a. Angora (UK)]

The Oriental Longhair is a breed of cat that features a tubular, Siamese-style body (known in the cat fancy as oriental type), but with a longer coat than the short-haired Siamese. The coat can also come in a variety of colors and patterns, including tabby, "tortie", and solid.

Oriental Shorthair

Oriental Shorthairs have expressive, almond-shaped eyes, a wedge-shaped head with large ears that fit in the wedge of the head. Their bodies are very elegant yet muscular. When seeing an Oriental Shorthair, one would never guess them to be as solid as they are.
Oriental Shorthairs can be found in solid colors (white, red, cream, ebony, blue, chestnut, lavender, cinnamon, or fawn), smoke (silver undercoat to any of the above except white), shaded (only the hair tips colored), parti-color (red or cream splashes on any of the above), tabby (striped) and bi-colored.
Oriental Shorthairs are intelligent, social animals who bond closely to their people. They are inquisitive, highly friendly, emotional, and sometimes quite vocal
These slender and elegant cats, often called simply ''Orientals,'' are very similar to Siamese, both in appearance and temperament.

Persian [a.k.a. Longhair]

Persians, with their long flowing coats and open pansy-like faces are the number one breed in popularity. Their sweet, gentle, personalities blend into most households once they feel secure in their new environment. Their quiet, melodious voices are pleasant and non-abrasive.
A show-quality Persian has an extremely long thick coat, short legs, a wide head with the ears set far apart, large eyes, and an extremely foreshortened muzzle. Persians have short heavily-boned legs to support their broad, short bodies.
Persian cats can have any colour or markings including pointed, tortoiseshell, blue, and tabby. Persian cats with point are referred to as Colourpoint Persian in Europe and Himalayan (cat) in United States.
Playful but never demanding, they love to pose and will drape themselves in a favorite window or chair, enhancing the decor in much the same way as a treasured painting. Persians are tremendously responsive and become a constant source of joy and delight to their owners.
Persian can live as a family member for easily 15 years, and some surpassing 20 years

Peterbald [a.k.a. Oriental Hairless]

Peterbald cats look much like hairless Oriental Shorthair cats.
The Peterbald is a sturdy, lean cat with a high, long neck with running wrinkles, almond-shaped eyes, and big set-apart ears. The body is long, muscular, cylindrical with deep groin line.
Peterbalds are usually sweet-tempered, peaceful, curious, smart and energetic.Peterbalds live in harmony with other cats and pets and also with children. They are also not vindictive, and all of their characteristics make peterbalds an excellent companion cat.


Pixie-Bobs are approximately 50% larger then most domestic cats (which weigh 5.5–16 lb or 2.5–7 kg). Most Pixie-Bobs have black fur and skin on the bottom of their paws, tipped ears, heavy ear hair, black lips, and white fur around the eyes but with black eye skin. Their chins have white fur, but often have black skin under the white fur.
Eyes are almond shaped and tilted. Eyes are blue when kittens, then change to green, and finally to gold when several months old (some don't change completely to Gold, but have a Gold with a green tint). Tails can be non-existent (rumpy), or 2-4 inches (desired - TICA required), or long tails (Pixie was a long tail). The head is usually-pear shaped. They grow for 3 years instead of 1 year like most domestic cats.
They are highly intelligent, social, active (but not hyper-active), bold, courageous, and enjoy playing with other animals.
Pixie-Bobs are legal in all 50 states without a license, and are legally considered domestic cats, despite the fact that they appear to have a bobcat heritage.


RagaMuffins are large cats with sweet personalities. They thrive on attention, and due to their gentle nature, are perfect for families.
The Ragamuffin is described as a docile and affectionate cat. They are highly intelligent and love to play. Because of their gentle nature, Ragamuffins are generally kept indoors for their own protection.
Ragamuffins have plush, non-matting, soft fur which comes in many color varieties. The cats have very large expressive eyes.
They take longer to mature than most other cats, approximately 4 years to reach adulthood. Ragamuffins typically have long life spans in comparison to other domestic cats. They are a healthy robust feline with no recognized illnesses.
This breed has several of the color formations that are present on Ragdolls, but also has a variety of different colors. Some colors include: all variations of pointed color, including Tortie Point, Red Point, and Lynx Point. It is said that Particolor and Mitted Ragamuffins are virtually identical to Ragdolls.


The Ragdoll is a breed of medium longhaired cat. It is best known for its docile and placid temperament and affectionate nature. It is perhaps the gentlest and most easy-going of breeds. They are non-aggressive to the point that many cats cannot or should not be let outside for prolonged periods as many will not defend themselves and most do not hunt. The name "Ragdoll" derived from the fact that many of these cats go completely limp and relax when picked up. Ragdolls have a sturdy body, short legs, and a thick coat with Siamese-style points. The Ragdoll is a large, semi-longhaired cat, exhibiting the pointed pattern in three varieties: colorpoint, bicolor, and mitted. Coat colors can be seal, blue, chocolate, and lilac point colors, either with or without markings on the face and feet.
Ragdolls typically take up to 4 years to fully mature physically. An adult male can weigh between 12 and 20 lb, while the females can weigh between 10 and 15 lb.

Russian Blue

The Russian Blue is a breed of cat. It has a lean medium-sized body and a short, plush, blue coat. The colour is a blueish-gray that is the dilute expression of the black gene. The coat is unique to the breed as it is a double coat, with the undercoat being soft and downy, and the longer guard hairs an even blue with silver tips. This "tipping" gives the coat a shimmering appearance. Its eyes are green and ideally should be dark and vivid. These cats are highly intelligent and playful but tend to be shy around strangers. They also develop a close bond with their human companions.
The Russian Blue breed is most well known for its coat, which is a striking silvery blue. The fur is very dense; when touched, indentations are left in the coat.


The Savannah Cat is a hybrid cat, a result of a mating between a Serval Cat and a domestic cat.
The Savannah can have a tan coat with black or brownish spots, or a silver coat with dark spots, a marble pattern, and many other patterns and combinations, although the TICA breed standard limits member cats to Black, Brown Spotted Tabby, Silver Spotted Tabby and Black Smoke types only.
They have distinctive "tear drop" markings around their eyes and large round ears. The Savannah is a very graceful, uniquely built cat, with a lovely long neck, long legs and ears, and a three-quarter length tail. The breed standard states that they may be solid, tabby or silver/shaded in pattern, with the allowable colors in those patterns to be black, brown spotted tabby, silver spotted tabby or black smoke.
Temperamentally, Savannahs have been compared to dogs in their loyalty, and they will follow their owners around the house like a canine. They greet people with head-butts or sometimes pounces out of nowhere (many a guest entering a house with a Savannah have been pounced upon in the entry way!) They have a lot of energy and are social animals that do well with both cats and dogs.
Water isn't a fear of the Savannah cat; they will jump right into the bathtub or shower with people sometimes, and get into pools and streams like their wild ancestors.

Scottish Fold

The Scottish Fold is known for its unique ears that are folded forward to the head, giving it a round profile. The ears and profile give the cat the sweet, innocent appearance that has won many admirers.
Scottish Folds are hardy cats, much like their barnyard ancestors. Their disposition matches their sweet expression. They have tiny voices and are not extremely vocal. They adore human companionship and display this in their own quiet way.
Scottish Folds adapt to almost any home situation and are as comfortable in a room full of noisy children and dogs as they are in a single person’s dwelling. They don’t usually panic at shows or in strange hotel rooms, and they adjust to other animals extremely well.
Scottish Folds come in any and all colors possible with the exception of those showing evidence of hybridization resulting in the colors chocolate, lavender, the Himalayan pattern, or a combination of these and white.

Selkirk Rex

One of the newest breeds in America, the Selkirk Rex has curly fur, a well-proportioned body, and a sweet personality.
Like the other Rex cats, the Cornish Rex and the Devon Rex, this breed has a naturally curly coat. Unlike the other Rex breeds, the Selkirk has a rounded, stocky body type and comes in both longhaired and shorSelkirk Rexred varieties. They are similar in body type to a British ShorSelkirk Rexr. Brits, Persians, and Exotics have gone into the development of this breed. Also unlike the Devon and Cornish Rex, this gene is dominant, not recessive.
The Selkirk Rex cats are healthy and sturdy, is a patient, tolerant, loving cat that enjoys a good cuddle. They have the docile good nature of their three parent breeds.
Unlike the other Rex breeds -- Devon and Cornish -- the Selkirk Rex is not a good potential alternative for someone with cat allergy. They have the shedding undercoats typical of their parent breeds.
They are accepted in a wide variety of colors and patterns, including colorpoint.


The Siamese breed has changed a lot since its beginnings in Thailand centuries ago. In fact, the original Siamese would be disqualified from competition today. Selective breeding, however, has altered them into beautiful, feisty felines that many regard as the most intelligent cats in existence.
All Siamese have a creamy base coat with coloured points on their muzzles, ears, paws and lower legs, tails and (in males) scrota. Siamese have almond-shaped, bright blue eyes and short, flat-lying coats. Siamese cats tend to darken with age, and generally adult Siamese living in warm climates have lighter coats than those in cool climates.
In the United States, the major cat registry, the Cat Fanciers' Association, considers only the four original colorations as Siamese: seal point, blue point, chocolate point, and lilac point.
The Siamese voice, which they use frequently, is unlike that of other breeds, and has been compared to the cries of a human baby.
The Siamese temperament is legendary: like all Oriental cats Siamese are active, playful, extremely vocal and persistent in demanding attention.


The Siberian, or ''Siberian Forest'' cat, is a longhaired cat native to Russia. It can grow to be quite large; twenty pounds for a male is not uncommon. Born and bred to withstand Russia’s harsh winters, the Siberian can tolerate cold climates and simply sheds much of its fur in warmer weather.
The Siberian is a large, strong cat, which can take up to five years to mature. The females being smaller than the males as in all breeds. They are noted for being very agile and can leap great distances. Their muscles are outstanding and powerful. The back is long and very slightly curved but appears horizontal in motion. The hind-leg of the Siberian is slightly longer than the front legs, with large and powerful firm rounded paws. The facial expression is alert but sweet. The general impression of the cat is one of circles and roundness rather than angular as in some of the other breeds. The coat is the Siberians crowning glory, this is a moderately to long haired coat with the fur on the lower chest and shoulder blades being slightly shorter. There should be an abundant ruff around the neck setting off the large impressive head.
The Siberian has a very dog like temperament and are very affectionate. They come out to great the visitors in the house and are not shy. They are very intelligent and very quick learners. They also have a triple purr and unlike other breeds have a chirping sound they use when they come to greet you.


These excerpts are from the UK Singapura Cat Club.The Singapura, named for its homeland, Singapore, is one of the rarest cats worldwide. At four to nine pounds, it is most definitely the smallest breed. Called Sepia Agouti, the Singapura’s only coat color is brown on ivory with only the face and inner legs showing markings.
The Singapura is an alert, healthy, medium sized cat of foreign type. The body has good bone structure and is moderately stocky and muscular, yet gives an impression of great elegance.
Singapuras should have some barring on their inner front legs and back knees. The coat is short, fine, silky, and close-lying.
The breed has noticeably large eyes and ears. Eyes are large, set not less than an eye width apart, held wide open, but showing slant when closed or partially closed. A dark outline to the eyes is desirable. Eye colour hazel, green or yellow only. Ears are large, wide open at base, and deep cupped. The outer line of the ears extends upwards to an angle slightly wide of parallel.
They'll beat you to the door, the dining table, and have to sit on the kitchen counter to see just what you're doing up there. (If you want a cat that stays off the kittchen counter, DO NOT get a singapura.) And the warmest place in the house is THEIRS!!
You don't have to wait for your back to be turned, they'll open kitchen cabinets and drawers with apparent ease and very little time to figure out how to do it.


The Snowshoe cat, a hybrid (mix) of the Siamese and American Shorthair, was initially an error in cross breeding. However, it is one of the most eye-catching and beautiful felines currently being bred. Its blue eyes are striking, and its fur is soft and smooth. The classic, or ''mitted,'' Snowshoe is known for its dark extremities and white paws, with a minimal amount of white on the face. The ears are large, with a triangular head that usually has black markings. The eyes are blue. The coat is short-haired and is white and gray. The tail is medium-sized. There are several varieties, such as Blue-point, Fawn-point, Chocolate-point and Seal-point.
Both attractive and affectionate, the Snowshoe is a wonderful pet to have in your home.
This breed is best suited to the experienced cat owner. In a typical household, they will be friendly to everyone but will usually devote themselves almost entirely to one person.
It is affectionate and playful, yet laid back - combining some of the best personality traits of its parent breeds.
The Snowshoe is still a rare breed.


The longhaired version of the Abyssinian cat, the Somali is an athletic feline that needs a lot of freedom to be happy.The Somali is a breathtaking cat to behold. It bears an uncanny resemblance to a little fox, with its large ears, masked face, full ruff and bushy tail. The Somali’s wild, feral look is what immediately draws fascinated attention.
Somalis are intelligent cats, and while active, they have soft voices and are usually quiet. They communicate with human family members through soft mews and possess a charming trill. They are extroverts and very social. Somalis have bursts of energy several times a day, at which time they will take off through the house, jumping into the air.
Their body is medium long and graceful, with a medium-length soft and silky coat that requires little grooming. The coat is usually one to three inches long, with shorter fur across the shoulders. The tail is fluffy and full; their feet have tufts between the toes.They come in four recognized colors: ruddy, red, blue and fawn.


Contrary to popular belief, the Sphynx is not a hairless cat. Its skin is covered with suede-like peach fuzz that, to the touch, feels like moss. This unique velvety appearance makes it one of the most unusual cat breeds today. Also known by the descriptive names of the Canadian Hairless Cat and the Moon Cat, the Sphynx is one of the newest cat breeds. Its wrinkled texture and large ears make it easily distinguishable from any other cat. Owners of these felines celebrate not only their uncommon appearance, but also their devoted and friendly personalities.
They have an open-eyed, intelligent face and a friendly expression. The Sphynx are extremely inquisitive and love to be the center of attention. They perform silly antics for your entertainment and are sometimes downright clumsy…on purpose it seems. They have an abundance of energy and mischief and are always with you, on you or showing off for you. "Love Mooch" is the perfect term for these amazing cats.
Sphynxes are also prone to sunburn and sunstroke because they lack the normal protection of fur.


These winsome creatures are born a pale café au lait which darkens with maturity.
The Tiffanie is a medium-sized cat with a fine and a silky coat, longer at the ruff and with a flowing plume-like tail. The general body type should be that of the Burmese but carry some of the Chinchilla facial markings particularly the mascara type eye outline.
The silky medium length coat does not tangle and has none of the potential grooming problems of their parent breed, the Chinchilla. The coat is of an easy care nature with only the very occasional need to groom it.
Tiffanies may be bred in any of the recognised Asian or Burmese colours and patterns. Eyes are clear and luminous mainly found in any shade of green with variations depending on coat colour.
Tiffanies are outgoing, gentle, loving, beautiful cats that make excellent pets. They are extremely devoted to their humans and most are real lapcats. Tiffanies are also extremely playful and intelligent.


Cross-bred from the Burmese and Siamese, this gorgeous breed makes a wonderful housecat. The Tonkinese is one of the most intelligent cats, with an air of condescension and an extremely playful, sociable nature.They are a great choice for a family pet.
The colorful personality of the Tonkinese make them ideal companions. They will take possession of your lap and shoulder, and they will supervise your activities. They are warm and loving, highly intelligent, with an incredible memory and senses that are akin to radar. They are strong willed, and their humans are wise to use persistent persuasion in training them.
The Tonkinese blends the best features of its ancestors into one beautiful, medium-sized cat that is remarkably dense and muscular. Whether appearing in the coat pattern of its Burmese predecessor, with sparkling gold-green eyes, the pointed pattern of its Siamese ancestor, with glittering blue eyes, or the “mink” coat pattern seen in the show ring, with its unique aqua eyes, the Tonkinese is an intelligent, gregarious cat with a sense of humor.

Turkish Angora

The Turkish Angora is a beautiful cat, whose coat comes in many luxurious colors. One of the most rare types of Turkish Angora is the ''odd-eyed white,'' an entirely white feline with eyes of two different colors. In general, the Turkish Angora is a very family-friendly cat breed. They mostly have a white, silky, medium-long length coat, no undercoat and fine bone structure. Although they are known for their shimmery white coat, currently there are more than twenty varieties including black, blue, reddish fur. They come in tabby and tabby and white, along with smoke varieties, and are in every color other than pointed, lavender, and cinnamon (all of which would indicate breeding to an outcross).
Eyes may be blue, green or amber, but it is often a combination of one blue and one amber.Ears are sharp and relatively bigger, head is long and wide. Another characteristic is the tail, which is kept parallel to the back.
Turkish Angora is an intelligent, adorable and very curious breed, very active throughout their life-span.

Turkish Van

The Van is one of the larger cat breeds. The males can reach 20 lb (9 kg) and the females weigh about half of that. They have massive paws and rippling hard muscle structure which allows them to be very strong jumpers. They are slow to mature and this process can take 3-5 years. The coat on a Van is considered semi-longhaired.
What might be the most interesting trait of the breed is its unusual fascination with water (cats, generally, dislike being immersed in water). The unusual trait may be due to the breed's proximity to Lake Van in their native country; it may have acquired this trait due to the very hot summers and have extremely waterproof coats that make bathing them a challenge.
Breed standards allow for one or more body spots as long as there is no more than 20% color and the cat does not give the appearance of a bicolor. Although red tabby and white is the classic van color, the color on a van's head and tail can be one of the following: Red, Cream, Black, Blue, Red Tabby, Cream Tabby, Brown Tabby, Blue Tabby, Tortoiseshell, Dilute Tortoise, Brown Patched Tabby, Blue patched Tabby and any other color not showing evidence of hybridization with the pointed cats (Siamese, Himalayan, etc).
