everything about your dogs

Jan 25 - Last Defendant Sentenced

Thank you for your patience and your support all these weeks. These
'Vick' dogs are alive today because you imagined it as fiercely as we did.

See the Dogs

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Video Stories from DogTime.com!

Introducing Jonny Justice, a survivor of Bad Newz Kennels...

We are eternally grateful to Mike Gill and the U.S. Attorney Staff, Eastern District of Virginia, for saying "Yes"... to Special Guardian Master Rebecca Huss for losing sleep over the dogs...to the staff of the USDA Office of Inspector General for working so hard to get the dogs to better situations....to the ASPCA for believing in the rights of individuals....to all the rescue groups who brought them home,

...and to Rose - who taught us how to do it better the next time.

Donna, Tim, Nicole, Steve
& the rest of BAD RAP
