everything about your dogs

What trauma?

We always love hearing from our adopters, especially from those that adopted years ago. This email was an especially nice surprise. When we boast about true-grit pit bull temperament, Pele always comes to mind. Her little body told all sorts of terrible tales when we met her over six years ago: She'd been overbred, fought, she was malnourished, and she had a fresh chemical burn down her back that split her skin wide open. When animal control found her, her chain had been wrapped around her neck so tightly that she was losing consciousness and on her way out of this world.

Pele pulled through and lived on to be a well loved companion to a big hearted guy named Rick. What an optimist...Her story always reminds me to stop complaining when times get tough. From her person:

Pele is still doing very well. She is very willful, athletic and loves sleeping next to her brother of 1 year (a 9YO Scotty rescue). Pele had to have a Cell Mast tumour removed August 2006. As a result her spleen became infected and was removed in November 2006. She has fully recovered and doing very well. Her muzzle is becoming very white, but she is very happy and very loving towards everyone - people, pets, etc.

I just wanted to let you know that she is doing very well and that I am very thankful for the opportunity that your organization afforded me by letting me adopt her. I am been thru some ups and downs in the past 2 years, and Pele truly has been the best part of my life. Again, Thank you.

No, Richard. Thank you.
