everything about your dogs

Modern Day Miracles

It’s being called a miracle. Dog owners all over the globe are reporting a strange phenomena that started this weekend as pets dropped their prize chew toys to stare with rapt attention at the People Magazine’s article on the Vick dogs.

While some suggest that dogs only like to look at the pictures, others theorize that they may actually be reading. Pit bulls especially have been reported breaking into zoomies following each viewing. What does it all mean? More to come as Utah dog psychologists begin to study this compelling behavior.

Above: BR alum Boris and Sister Sheena study the article in their Texas home. Good to see that their human, Patty, is still resisting.

In Other News

We're pleased as punch with FOX anchor Kimberly Guilfoyle's (right) interview about the rescued Vick dogs – namely, her warm acknowledgment of Jonny Justice.

Is it any coincidence that this interview came from the ex-wife of SF Mayor Newsom, the same guy who suggested banning pit bulls back in 2005? One has to wonder. Either way, we’re grateful to Kimberly for helping Fox News viewers meet this little Myth Buster.

See Jonny Justice on FOX News

Finally, during a long & busy week of Pit Ed Camp (photos to come), I was thrilled to fall home and catch a vicarious Cajun buzz from Ken Foster’s video of a pit bull party (!) at the Sound CafĂ© in New Orleans. This hoppin' dawg bash came together to celebrate the launch of his new book. Lookit those happy dogs...I soooo wish we coulda been there. Congrats, Ken!
