everything about your dogs

Highs & Lows

As you can imagine, BR's website hits spiked like a SF-style shaker after Friday's show. Thank you, Rachael Ray. Behind those spikes are real people tho' who've prolly never been to a pit bull website before. How exciting and how intriguing. Who are these folks?....And what do they think of all this?

I couldn't find stats for # of daytime telly viewers that tune in each day, but according to her magazine's Media Kit, nearly half of RR's audience are men...Huh! The median age is 44.7 (Damn. I picked a good time to be middle-aged.) Over a quarter are college graduates and working professionals. I'm hoping a good chunk enjoyed what they saw. At least, they were smiling warmly at us when I was wrestling Jonny into a 'relaxed' pose (ha!) on the sofa with a crew of jack-rabbit-fast producers buzzing around.


We're really grateful to the folks who took the time write with their feedback. This is one of my favorite letters. From a guy named Al:

To whom it may concern,,
I just watched on a tv program, how pitbulls are being saved and retrained by your org, and I am inpressed to say the least.
I am 53 years of age and have known people who have raised these dogs for just what they were bred for..and I have never agreed with this behavior..I always believed that the owners who treat animals this way are the ones who are commiting the crime, not the dog. I would also like to say that I never thought that pitbulls could be trained to do anything more than fight. I was wrong..Thank you for what you are doing for these animals, they do need your help..I have never agreed with punishing the animal fot the owner's behavior. They have suffered enough. Keep up the good work. - Al


Head's Up. We can't celebrate for long without remembering the pit bull owners who're looking in from the BSL hell of the Ontario ban. Like Mac's Gang, who comes to this blog almost every day for a tiny dose of sanity. BAD things are happening in Mac's world, and it's not getting better.

Let's let Luisa (Lassie Get Help) do the telling in her blog post Toronto's Gulag for Dogs

Hang in there Mac's World. And Caveat. And pittymomma. Your dogs are our dogs, and their time will come.
