everything about your dogs

Motley Crew

These two thugs are commiserating on the downfalls of being low-pups-on-the-totem-pole in a house full of top dogs. Being a foster dog in these circles means ya gotta play second fiddle to a pack of veteran canines and work for e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g while waiting for an adopter to make you famous. Actually, as pathetic as they look, Frodo and Tyson are good buddies and they enjoy catching zzz's together in the first morning light while waiting for the sound of breakfast. But we like to chuckle at how forlorn they look. (Hey, you have to find entertainment where you can.)

The top dogs on the property are so unimpressed (read: bored) with foster dogs that they make the perfect role models for impromptu training sessions thru-out the day. What would we do without our patient crew of old timers? They remind us that dumb manners are only temporary ----> ---> ---> COOKIE TIME VIDEO

Looking for tips on DOG-DOG MANAGEMENT? Start HERE.

Saying Goodbye

Tomorrow marks a bittersweet moment for (V-dog) Frodo's sister, Spyder. She's leaving for a new home in a far-away land. We'll get back here and update asap.

Patriotism, indeed!

The threat of more BSL in Florida is raising its ugly head again. Heads Up!: HB101

Countering the insanity of Florida's BSL are our celebrated friends at Hillsborough County Animal Services. They can boast being one of the most proactive shelters in the country for going after animal abusers. Instead of pushing ineffective legislation, they're all about enforcing existing laws. Thank dog somebody in FL is setting a good example. Best quote in the article, Hillsborough on top on animal cruelty cases....

Dennis McCullough, is a former Secret Service agent who points out that he is neither a vegetarian nor a member of PETA. McCullough sees the protection of animals as nothing less than patriotic. "Part of the American way is that we defend the weak and defenseless," he said. "And this is just another example."

It's a funny world when the good guys have to make sure and distance themselves from Peta. What's Peta up to, by the way? ...What else? They're pushing for the breed ban in Florida. With a $30 million dollar annual budget that's obviously being used to hurt innocent animals, friends don't let friends donate to the crazies.
