everything about your dogs

Minnesota Happy

Horns blow! Congrats to Vicki Davis and the MN Tri-County Humane Society on your first adoption of an ambassadog. We met the most wonderful 'Brown Sugar' during an all-day conference last month, organized to help local shelters & rescues learn some of BR's best tricks and practices for selecting greats dogs for qualified homes. She tested so beautifully, in front of so many people (!) that Vicki transferred her right into their program.

We hear tell that the Board of Directors is still a little nervous about the whole pit bull thing, but maybe folks here can send them a note of congratulations to help them realize what a good thing they did by allowing this little monkey a chance. *Contact*

And how much do we love that this home has a Viking name? Congrats to Eileen Iverson on your new baby.
