everything about your dogs

Angry White Chick Thug

Watch out! Hell hath no fury like a white chick whose pups are dissed by Ingrid. This girl is flexin! Better keep her incognito....

Nurse thug with 2 pit mixes
and a mortgage!

Yo, yo grad school gangstas,
I'm a bad rappin' fool.
I adopt and rescue pitties
'cause it makes me look cool!

Educated, white, upper middle-class,
drive a station wagon - don't you give me no sass!
Married, got a job, pay my taxes on time,
Yet I choose these gangsta dogs, 'cuz their love is sublime.

Sweet, smart, athletic, and funny to boot;
watching playful pit bull antics is a real hoot!
Friendly and inquisitive, they always keep me guessin.'
Each moment spent with happy pitties I consider a blessin.'

So back the hell off, you punk-ass PETA prick!
Your idea of 'helping' my kind just makes me sick.
You spew your rhetoric of enlightened humanity,
but all you really wanna do is take my dogs from me!

Right now my pittie girls are nappin', curled up in my bed,
and somehow you want everyone to believe they'd be better off dead?
Well, I got news for you homie - know this to be true:
If you try messin' wit' my girlies, I'm comin' after you.

Windy and the pittie grrrls

