everything about your dogs

10 Tips on How To Teach Your Dog Good Behavior

 How can you teach a dog good behavior?  Here are ten tips:

1. Use positive reinforcement. When a dog isn’t behaving well, don’t yell or say NO! Instead, reinforce a positive action such as “Sit” or “Stay”. Help your dog to understand your command and if he’s done correctly, praise him for his good behavior.

2. Be realistic with your expectations. Not all dogs are the same so don’t expect your dog to be as behaved as your neighbor’s dog is. Some dog breeds are really active while others are not.

Learn to be more tolerant about certain behaviors that are normal or “expected” for dogs like digging the ground or being playful. When a certain dog behavior is not agreeable for you, try to give your dog his own space where he can do what he wants without invading yours.

3. Be consistent with your rules. A dog understands only a YES and a NO. It doesn’t understand the gray line. If you don’t want your dog to jump up on you when you’re wearing your best suit, you shouldn’t allow him to jump up on you at any other time.

4. Be clear with your commands. A dog obeys commands based on what he hears. Don’t use synonyms of the same command, expecting your dog to understand. Instead, choose a specific word to define a specific command. Show your dog how to do it and use the same word every time. Repeat the same command until your dog learns and understand what it means.

5. Watch your body language. A dog is more likely to respond to your gestures rather than your command. This is why it is very important that your body language properly demonstrate what you’re saying. If you’re not happy with what he did, don’t pat your dog or do something that would seem like you’re not upset at all.

6. Reward your pet. If your dog wants something, make him earn it. For instance, you can teach your dog to sit first before giving him a treat. Again, if your dog is doing something good, always reinforce this good behavior by giving him praises or treats.

7. Walk /Run with your dog. Behavioral problem in dogs often starts from boredom. Make sure that your dog is getting enough exercise by taking him for walks or somewhere where he can run and play until he’s tired. Remember that a tired dog eats well and sleeps well.

8. Don’t make a big fuss over a bad behavior. If your dog is doing something you don’t like, discourage him from doing so by not paying attention. Dogs crave for attention and if you yell or reprimand your dog, he may see that bad behavior as a way to get your attention. Instead, ignore your dog when he isn’t behaving well. Pay attention only when he’s obeying.

9. Conduct short, frequent training sessions. Train your dog a few minutes every day to get the best results. Make your training sessions as enjoyable for your dog as it is for you.

10. Be patient. Training a dog is not always easy. Your dog needs time to learn even a simple command. If your dog doesn’t seem to respond well to your training, don’t give up. Ask help from professional dog trainers or do research. You can also enroll your dog in a professional training school for canines.
