everything about your dogs

what do you do when your dogs eye swells up?

my dog is a male rotty and about an hour ago my boyfriend and i took both of my dogs to a yard so they could play around a little, there is a lot of sharp object is this yard though. and then when we got home i noticed around his left eye a little bit of swelling. not the eyeball but the skin around it. could it be a black eye for dogs or?
Take him to the vet and please, clean up the yard!
He was probably scratched by the other dog or something else.If it dont go down or starts to get worse in the morning take him to the vet.Dogs are really tough and can handle alot of this type thing.He should be fine but taking him to the vet may make you and your dog feel better
I'd take him to the vet to make sure there's nothing serious. He may have a wound that needs treating.
I would first take him to a vet to see if it is a wound, allergies, a bee sting, etc. My dog's eyes started swelling and it was because of allergies and the vet told us we could just give him benedryl. Here's some info on benedryl and dogs from about.com:

Benadryl for Dogs or Cats

Benadryl is a brand name for an anti-histamine (diphenhydramine). Although it is considered fairly safe for use in dogs and cats, please be aware that it does have potential adverse side effects. It may interact with other meds that your pet is taking, so do not use it without first consulting your veterinarian. You should also use extreme caution using Benadryl in dogs that have glaucoma, prostatic disease, cardiovascular disease or hyperthyroidism.

Benadryl is quite effective when used in proper dosages.
Stops itching
Controls vomiting
Good for motion sickness
Can be used as a mild tranquilizer
Good for snake bites
Useful for vaccination reactions
Good for bee stings and insect bites

Be sure to use only the plain Benadryl formula. Giving benadryl with other combination of meds could be fatal, so be sure to read the box.

Liquid Benadryl is too high in alcohol content to be safely used for animals. Please use capsule or pill form.

Dosage every 8 hours
Dogs under 30 lbs and Cats : 10 mg
Dogs 30-50 lbs: 25 mg
Dogs over 50 lbs: 50 mg

hopefully this helps, and also, I would reccommend finding a new yard with less sharp objects to play in for future outings.
Take him to the vet. He could have scratched his cornea as well as his lids. Dogs will paw at their eyes and make it worse. The doc will give your dog some drops to help him heal and probably a collor to keep him from getting at his eye. Keep the collar for future use, dogs will butcher themselves if you leave them to themselves. Only guys think dogs heal themselves.
