everything about your dogs

Top Fur Parenting Tips: Words of Wisdom for New & Future Dog Owners

With being a pet owner comes many responsibility but pets are great companions. If you are a new dog owner then this post is for you. Here are a few tips to make fur parenting a lot easier for the both you & Fido.

1. Teach your dog manners at a young age. Remember dogs crave boundaries and you desire peace in the household. So take charge and remember you are the pack leader, and your dog will follow the pack leader. Teach your dog that misbehaving, nipping & biting, barking incessantly is not good dog etiquette. You may be thinking but my pups to young, but don't be fooled by that cute face. Even very young puppies can be taught the sit/stay, down, and come commands. You can get a good dog training book, watch the Dog Whisperer or enroll you and your pup in obedience school. If you are a proud parent of an adult dog that will need some retraining don't fret. We will be the first to tell you that its never to late to teach an older dog new tricks & the art of good manners.

2. Find your inner pack leader voice.
Use voice commands to correct your dog; never hit your dog. You don't want your dog to become a scaredy-cat, no pun intended. Striking a dog only makes him fearful and distrustful of humans & scared of you. You don't want your dog to immediately hide in the closet upon your home arrival, a loving & nurtured dog will be at the door waiting with wags & licks. Use a high-pitched voice to praise him when he’s being good, and a low, gruff voice to gently scold (never yell) when your dog is misbehaving.
