everything about your dogs

what do you like about cats or dogs?

because i wont to know what i should get a cat or dog so what do u like about a cat or dog?
the age old competition..cat vs. dog..i have both..and have had both since childhood..it depends on what you want..a cat will have a mind and personality of its own..with very little ability to "train"..it will want loving on its terms, not yours..and they hold a grudge and will pay you back when you least expect it.and will do pretty much what it pleases.they are in my opinion the smartest of the two..not to say dogs are bad.dogs are "trainable" and always very forgiving..they love UNCONDITIONALLY.they want to please you..are mostly always open for loving.cats tend to be neater than dogs..however there will always be shedding and litter boxes to contend with.a dog you can house break, but it takes more work than training a cat to use a litter box.and dogs will always drool/slobber and be just a bit messier..including chewing your stuff..but its okay.because they will forgive you if you fuss at them for it..and will eventually learn not to do those "bad things" anymore.so after all that rambling..i'm not sure which is best for you..i vote for both of them myself.but it depends on what you are looking for in a pet companion! good luck choosing..hope i have been able to help!
Dogs need to be petted a whole lot. They are more physical than cats. Dogs love you no matter what. Cats only like you when they hear the can opener. Go with a dog!
It's a personality thing.

If you want a pet that will love you because it WANTS to love you, get a cat.

If you want a pet that will love you because it is genetically predisposed to do so, get a dog.

P.S. Cats smell good.
cats- they loved to be loved; cozy animals; cuddle wit you; cleaner
dogs-helpful; protect you; funnier; make you laugh; grow on you; loving animals

cats- can be clumsey; dont get along wit another animals really; hard to clean; ruin furniture
dogs- messy; jump a lot; like to wrestle; hard to clean; hard to train
I have two dogs now and they are a FULL time job!! Dogs seem to require a lot more attention than cats, and need more done for them than a cat does. I guess if you have time for a dog (lots of food, attention, grooming, walking, etc) get a dog!! (I LOVE THEM!!) But if you want an animal that takes more care of itself, then a cat is for you!!
WOW victory what are you saying? Cats smell good? They stink like crazy! I've been to so many houses (when I worked construction) and you could always smell which one had cats. And my roommate has a cat and she stinks like crazy too. Plus she is always knocking stuff over and wrecking the place, scratching up the furniture and walls and doors, and then meowing all over to be picked up. Then when you pick her up she claws the crap out of you to be put down! Cats are wretched creatures! I grew up with dogs and they don't smell, (the ones that do are getting bad quality food), they don't jump on the table/dresser/counter and wreck stuff, they are usually easy to train depending on the breed and the trainer, and they love to be cuddled/hugged/played with. After having had the cat, I'm a firm dog lover for life. Dogs are like, well I can't say enough about them. I love them so much and am so thankful to have them in my life.
