everything about your dogs

What do you think about red rotts?

We just got a red rott pup the other day. I think that they are beautiful. Does anyone own one and any information about them? i don't care about them not being AKC aprroved, I'm not trying to breed her. And I don't want her to be a show dog. I just want info about them besides talking bad about them, just because they have a red coat.
I've seen quite a few "red Rotts", there are also blues that happen from time to time. Most of them that I have seen are actually mixed breeds, but purebreds can also show this fault. (it would not be a disqualifcation if it didn't happen from time to time!!) Anyway, the actual purebred reds and blues I've seen were from BYB's, but were great dogs. A few had health problems, but I don't think they were linked to color, just were not bred with a lot of care. Other than the color, they were pretty typical Rotties. If you are prepared for this rather difficult breed, then there is no reason your puppy won't be a wonderful pet for you. All dogs need a home, and those "non-perfect" pups are usually the most loved!
i had a red dobbie and he was one of the best dogs i ever had, if not the best.
Yeah, I think it's crappy when people put down others pets too. Red rotts are beautifull dogs, don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Have fun with your puppy, you have a life long friend!
Glad you are not going to breed - people get weird ideas that they are 'rare' %26 worth a lot. I have owned white Boxers (also a breed standard no-no, not rare or priceless) %26 had many people ask when I was going to breed them - ugh! You do a good thing by giving a home to a 'throw-away' and people want you to do something stupid. That is why so many breeders just put the 'whoopsies' to sleep - people say they will spay/neuter %26 then breed anyway. So BRAVO on your decision spay, thanks for giving an oddball a home, and enjoy! My 2 oddballs gave me more happy cherished memories than any dog I could have paid millions to buy.
wow no i have never heard of a red rott. but congratulations to you you will have a great friend and protector for the rest of your life if you bring her up the right way. Good lucks and give your rot a big kiss for me that is my fav dog ever but now i have a boxer he is 6 mnths he is also a big gentle hyper baby lol good luck
Please know that I am not trying to disparage your dog with my answer. I totally understand why you are not concerned that the pup does not conform to the AKC standard. Be aware, though, that health problems can be linked to characteristics that are considered disqualifications in the show ring. For instance, white Dobermans notoriously have hearing problems. Your pup may never have any health problems, but it is foolish of us to think that the gene that controls color will not affect anything else.
the red it rottweilers is obviously a default! they are black and tan and im afraid you wont find many reds as they are frowned upon and probably any decent breeders out there would not sell such a dog. im sure she is cute tho ;-))
i never heard of them but read this..


What IGNORANT *jerk* bred such a DISASTER??
And WHY were you foolish enough to take it??


EVERY breed has a written STANDARD %26 EVERY **REPUTABLE** breeder tries to MEET that standard!

The BREED STANDARD for rotts is ONLY black %26 tan! ANYTHING else is a BAD a FAULT as .crappy top-line,cow hocks,PRICK EARS..whatever.
