To quarantine anything means to isolate it from a situation. In a dogs case, lets say it has fleas. the dog will be removed from the presense of other dogs and people while carpets, couches, and even people are sterilized. This isolation and medical shampoo treatment during quarantine kills the fleas. A vet will quarantine a dog in a room away from other animals. I hope this helps!!
Quarantine means to isolate. To answer your question, you would be isolating a dog from other animals and people.
It means that you (or a vet office) must place your dog in an area where the dog is not in contact with any other animals for a specific amount of time. Also depending on what disease your dog is being quarentined for, people might not be allowed to be around your animal due to it being a zoonotic (animal to human) disease. Basically your dog is being quarentined so that he/she will not infect and spread whatever he/she may have.
Basically there's a possiblity the dog has been exposed to something BAD and CONTAGIOUS. SO they Isolate it from other animals and People for a certain amount of time to see if it has any symptoms of disease.
Your dog (or other animal) might have been introduced to something that can be very harmful to other animals and either make them REALLY sick or even kill them. Just like when new animals are brought to a zoo or clinic they have to be kept in a different room and kept under supervision so they can be observed with their habits and so on and so forth and if nothing is found then they are allowed to be releas'd with the other animals of the same species.
Keeping the animal in a controlled enviorment