Probably worms - you need to get it taken care of ASAP!
It could mean anything and nothing. What it definitely does mean is a trip to the vets posthaste if you love your pet.
It means you should go to the vet, even on a Sunday, there should be an emergency clinic open.
Good job on noticing it!
it means take him to the vet to be checked out. it may be something serious, but you won't know unless you have a vet check him out
worms for sure
Take him to the vet
Does he chew a lot? He could have chewed something that has torn his intestines a little bit. Chicken bones are bad for them, if he's had those recently. Is the blood bright red or is it mixed in with mucus? Mucus is not good, but bright red usually means it's farther down in the intestines. Probably need to get him checked no matter what.
How old is he? We still need a bit more info, but only a vet can set your mind at ease.