everything about your dogs

If I build it, will you come?

I know that holidays are fast approaching and that means hectic days for lots of people, including myself! My daughter is turing one-year-old 2 days after Thanksgiving so I have a birthday party and Thanksgiving to mess with!

Anyway, I also know that several clients have stated that they want to do a class but this time of year is just bad. Noted. Agree. And I have the fix! We are going to offer 1 to 2-hour workshops each weekend. We'll do a different topic and cover different things. It's a one-time-attendance-only deal and you'll be able to get some training under your belt (and Fido's collar) before the holidays!

Workshops are inexpensive and convenient. One-hour workshops are $20 and 2-hour workshops are $35 per person.

Here are some workshops we are holding and topics we'll cover. If you want to join in go to our enrollment page on our website and let us know you'll be there!
