everything about your dogs

Tips on How To Get Your Dog to Pose in Christmas Photo with Santa

Nothing say's Christmas then getting a family photo taken with Santa and sending them as gifts to brighten family & friends Holidays. Now your pet can strike an adorable pose with Santa Paws and join in on these picture perfect festivities.

But before you plop your pet on Santa's lap for a festive camera moment preparation is key. Here are some simple tips on getting your furry friend to be on best doggy behavior when posing with Santa.

1. Quench your dog's hunger pains. Feed your dog a few hours before the photo opt. Its hard to get a hungry dog to behave, stay still, listen and concentrate with a growling stomach.

2. Bring treats & toys to photo session. Bribery works well with pets. Bring along your pet’s favorite treats and toy as a reward or to persuade your pet to behave. Your dog will happily sit, stay and smile if they known they are going to be given a delicious treat or playful toy afterward.

3. Give your dog a potty break prior to barking "Cheese". Don't let your dog surprise Santa with a lump of coal on his lap or black boot. Walk your pet after the car ride in route to the North Pole & prior to getting photo taken with Santa. This prevents accidents and helps to calm down an overly excited dog waiting in line to see Santa.

4. Meet & Sniff. Let your pet sniff and get acquainted with Santa. Often times new surroundings & people can cause your pet to become frightened or aggressive. It is important that your dog or cat gets assurance by you that Santa is not a danger.

If you haven't already realized, dogs are a ball of pent up energy. Taking your dog for a long walk or fun game of fetch before the picture will help pull in the reins of a hyper dog making your pet more apt to listen.

5. Standing Behind the Scenes. Ask the photographer where he or she wants your pet to look. Stand in this spot holding a treat or toy within your pet’s view and keep calling your pet’s name to get her to focus. A jingle or squeaky toy works wonders to get your pets attention. Make sure your dog understands the basic obedience commands like "Sit" and “Stay”.

6. Reward your pet. Once the photo session is complete don't forget to reward your pet with a treat for being "a good little boy or girl."

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