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Jake Needs Your Help . . . Again.

Well I was against doing this (i.e.,asking for help) for his second surgery as I have some wonderful people in this world that so graciously helped us pay for his first surgery, which removed his tumor. He had that surgery on January 6th of this year. Then on February 25th he had to have a 2nd, unrelated surgery to remove an obstruction. That cost 2 x the amount of the 1st surgery. We still aren't sure how we are going to pay for that.

However to make matters worse he is having complications from the 2nd surgery and he may have to have a 3rd surgery. His colon is being viewed by an ultra sound today. But the likelihood of him having to be re-opened up is quite high. The stress on us financially is more than I can explain. Our options are to get help or find a home that can afford his care. The latter is not an option I care to even somewhat think about. But I can't keep paying for his care, and we pray that if he does have a 3rd surgery it is his last.

I cannot begin to explain the gratitude I have for those who helped us with his 1st surgery and I was too embarrassed to ask once again but now I'm sincerely desperate beyond words. So I'm here asking again for anyone who can graciously donate to help us . . . before I have to do what brings tears rolling fiercely down my cheeks as I type this . . .

Here is a way to help us. Click the "ChipIn!" button below.
