everything about your dogs

Take The Time To Train Your Puppy - It's Worth It!

By Gisela Schiefer

Dogs make wonderful pets and the key factor to having a well behaved dog that the whole family will enjoy, is by using proper dog training techniques. Dogs are kind-of like kids, especially puppies; they need to understand the rules of the household and they must respect the authority of their owners. Many new pet owners fall in love with cute puppies or even adult dogs that they purchase or adopt before they bring them home, only to become upset and frustrated when that adorable fur-ball chews up the furniture or makes messes on the carpet. While all puppies will find their share of trouble, a responsible dog owner must be patient and utilize plenty of time to raise that pup into a well behaved dog that is a joy to all. This article will provide some basic but very important dog training tips to help you and your puppy develop a happy relationship. I have learned over 50 years of owning and dogs and these tips are a great start.

Establish The Rules

The first step in dog training is to establish the rules of the household, and do not waste any time here! This means that if you don't want your 100 pound Labrador Retriever jumping up on your bed at night, don't let him do it when he's a puppy at 5 pounds! Never let him do it. I know it's tough because I am guilty, but take it from my lesson leaned. Never; not even once. Good news: it is never too early to teach your pup to stay off the furniture or avoid jumping on you or your guests. Oh, and don't forget, before you bring your puppy home, make sure the whole family understands and is prepared to enforce the rules consistently.

Be Consistent With The Rules

Once your learn and establish rules, it is up to you and the rest of thre family to makes sure you live by them.Every time your puppy breaks a house rule, he should be reprimanded with a quick and firm "No!" and then shown the proper behavior. This applies to all aspects of your puppy's training, such as house breaking and chewing on his toys instead of your shoes (they seem to love to chew up the shoes!). Just like kids, dogs learn the rules quickest when they are enforced consistently. This means that the dog owner(s) must be disciplined in their enforcement of the "rules." With time, the rules become second nature to your dog and enforcement is rarely required.

Reward Your Puppy For Good Behavior!

This is a key tip. When your puppy follows the rules appropriately, reward him for his good behavior. Effective dog training requires positive reinforcement more often than punishment to produce great dog behavior. At the beginning of your dog training, make a big deal about his good behavior and give him a healthy edible treat. Within a short period of time, your puppy will understand what he's supposed to do and you will be able to "wean" him off treats to praise and positive attention. Trust me on this, they are smart and learn quick.

I am not a "pro" at dog training but I have read a lot of books and of course have owned dogs for years. What I have found is that dog training is not particularly difficult, it just takes some reading, some patience, and definitely some consistency to gain success with these wonderful animals. The time you put in to training your puppy is well worth the years of enjoyment you, your family, and your guests will have with this new member of the tribe! - 32167

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