everything about your dogs

Saving Table Legs and Shoes Everywhere... the Best Dog Chews Ever!

Chewing is one of the most natural things that a dog does and it can be highly destructive, annoying and expensive. The key to keeping your shoes in one piece and your furniture looking nice is to dog proof your house and offer lots of yummy irresistible chews for your dog. Giving your dog yummy chews also releases all of the natural energy built up in your dog's jaws and can keep them busy for a few hours. Take your dog for an hour long dog jog and then give him a frozen raw bone and he'll sleep the whole day (this does not apply to GSPs or GSDs, if you have one of these dogs, you know what I mean). 
Dog proofing is easy. Just get down on all fours and pretend that you're seeing your dog's environment from his eyes and nose. That stinky running shoe sitting right there in front of you has lots of chewy textures and pieces to rip apart and tastes like salty, smelly feet. Yummy! So take that off the ground along with your socks because those can la
nd you in the animal ER with a $2000 surgery bill. Also, get rid of any books, magazines, wires
, rugs or anything else that look like a potentially life-threatening, but super fun play toy. If you have the ultimate chewing champion dog and really expensive furniture (bad mix), 
you can puppy proof your furniture with table and chair leg rubber covers. You can also mix up a nasty concoction of water, vinegar and cayenne powder and spray it on an especially irresistible baseboard or cabinet door. One lick of this and your dog will be over it. 

And now what you've been waiting for... the best dog chew list ever! Go ahead and print this out and head on over to Noah's Natural Pet Market on Cass St. in Pacific Beach and your dog will love you forever.

  • The numero uno of dog chews is by far the antler! Antlers are naturally shed by deer and elk and they are the "gobstopper" of all dog chews. They last forever and I usually have to buy my dogs a new one just because we've had it for so long that it got lost. Antlers do not splinter or crack because they are ground down gradually. They also don't have any gross residue that can be left behind on your carpet and they're organic and odorless. Also, you don't have to worry about your dog getting an upset stomach. With any chew, it's always best to supervise your dog's chewing habits and make sure that the piece isn't too small to swallow. The picture to the right is of Sadie, the malinois mix who's an ultimate chewer, gnawing on a raw marrow bone and an antler. That exact antler has been chewed on by two goldens and Sadie for the last two months. 
  • Frozen raw marrow bones are the second best dog chew ever. The raw marrow in the beef bone is rich in nutrients and protein.  Dogs love the taste and will work at it for at least two hours if it's frozen. Marrow bones also act like a natural dog toothbrush. Your dog will have whiter teeth, which equals better breath. The only bummer is that it's best to keep these bones outside because of the residue that they can leave behind. They're also raw so you have to practice good handling and wash your hands. 
  • Bully sticks are great for dogs too, but they don't last as long as antlers and marrow bones. Bully sticks are far better for dogs than rawhide because they're digestible. I never recommend or feed rawhide. It's made of condensed starch and it's not digestible so it can clog up your dog's intestines. Make sure that you get a good quality bully stick that has not been processed with any chemicals. Dogs love bully sticks, mostly because they're a little bit stinky. 
  • Kong. The best chew that you can give to your dog unattended is the Kong. The cylindrical rubber toy can be filled with all kinds of goodies for your dog to keep him busy. My favorite is filling a kong with your dog's wet dog food and kibble and then sealing the ends with peanut butter. Then stick it in the freezer. Your dog will work at this for a long time and it's a great way for your dog to work for his meal. You can leave the kong in your dog's crate or in your kitchen when you leave for work and you won't have to worry about your dog choking on anything. Keeping your dog busy, happy and healthy is the goal!
  • Tracheas and flossies are like candy for your dog. They last for maybe fifteen minutes, but they're yummy, crunchy and healthy for your pup!
  • Carrots. My dog Daisy loves eating a whole carrot. It's like a big orange stick that she can chew up into a ton of pieces and it's good for her. It's a great low fat option for chubby dogs and it has vitamin A, which is essential for healthy eyes and beta carotene is an anti-oxidant that fights the free radicals that cause heart disease and cancer. Some dogs don't like the taste and others may get an upset tummy so just try giving your dog a small piece before you give them a whole carrot stick. 
