everything about your dogs

Flower Power: All Natural Herb Home Remedies for Dog Indigestion & Upset Stomach

Like humans, dogs are also vulnerable to illness. When your dog is feeling a bit under the weather or catches a bug the situation can become worrisome for any loving pet owner. When dog's are sick all they want to do is curl up in bed with a favorite toy or Binky (who could blame them). As much as we loving take care of our fur kids, illness is inevitable. Unfortunately dog's can't tell how they feel so it is important for pet owners to be on the watch for signs of illness. Some "tell tail" signs your dog is not feeling his normal happy go lucky self is loss of appetite, irregular eating patterns, excessive thirst, vomiting, bad breath, diarrhea, fatigue and change in your pets attitude (snappy).

One of the most common dog ailments is indigestion or upset stomach. The cause for indigestion and stomachaches is endless and can be due to dietary upset, bacterial infection, viral illness and ingestion of a foreign body or substance. All you want to do is ease the discomfort and show your dog some love. Well, here are some safe all natural herbs and home remedies to ease your worry and help relieve your sickly dog's indigestion & tummy ache. Flower power to the rescue!

1. Chamomile. Helps calm the stomach, alleviate nausea and reduce internal inflammation. Give a dog equal parts of water and steeped chamomile tea. You can even steep the chamomile in a low-salt chicken broth for a soothing cup of tea for your pup. Make sure tea has cooled.

2. Golden seal. If your dog has indigestion that may be due to infection or a bug golden seal is the perfect remedy because it contains antibacterial, anti-parasitic and anti-viral properties. Make a tea using 1/2 tsp. of golden seal and about 2 cups of water. Let the tea cool, strain the golden seal and mix the tea with 1 cup of water. Can be served to your dog up to three times daily.

3. Peppermint and Ginger. Commonly used to help humans with indigestion or upset stomach, peppermint and ginger can give your dog some relief. Make tea using peppermint or ginger by combining 1/2 tsp. of the herb and about 2 cups of water. Strain the herb and then dilute the tea with 1 cup of water before giving it to your dog. Can be served up to three times daily.

As always if symptoms & sickness persist this can be a sign of a serious health issue so seek help from a certified vet immediately.


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