everything about your dogs

What exactly is crate training?

Is it a method of training using a crate, or teaching a dog to stay in a crate? Either way, explain how it works and why it is necessary, if you know, please.

Crate training is a way of using the dogs own natural behavior in keeping itself clean by not eliminating where it sleeps or eats. It isn't a "cage", it isn't punishment and it isn't mean. Dogs naturally sleep in dens so this takes that natural feeling and reproduces it. People use it for housebreaking, puppies in the chewing stages and throughout a dogs life. It keeps both the owner and the puppy honest because when the owner can't watch the pup, you can crate it. Then the dog can't chew on something when it isn't being supervised (which would have been the owners fault).

Its a great technique if used properly. It must be introduced over time and associated with positive things (feeding time, treats in the crate, sleeping in the crate).
For me it was a LIFESAVER. I used crate training to potty train. I had a puppy routine. Puppy in crate, then straight outside, say go pee pee, dog pees, in the house for attention and love. Then back in the crate with food and water. Repeat. I did this for a few month and I now have the best potty trained dog ever. Not to mention, he is free to roam now and he travels in and out of his crate. Plus I show him so when we go to a show, it is essential that he remain calm in a crate. It is good mojo to train your dog this especially if he ever has to stay at the vet. I live by it, dont make it a home for your dog though, just a time out or safe spot. They like that.
In my opion crate training is for people who 1. do not have a yard, enough property to support the dog (s) 2. want a dog but not the responsibility of cleaning the yard. 3. too lazy to properly train the dog (s) to go on a mat and would rather see them laying in their own feces. Some owners allow the crates to get so bad its disgusting. plus, some owners want the dog but do not want to supervise it.
Crate Training is easy..it's what you do when you go to bed, the dog is put into the crate at night and let outside in the morning to use the bathroom. During the day when you leave, the dog goes back in. It's basically to give the dog patience amongst other things. Crate Training could also be used as a punishment, but allot of people won't use that method. If you do, whenever the dog or puppy makes a mess or does it's business inside the house, put the dog in the cage for a few, and don't pay any attention to it.this way the next time it does something wrong it will go lay down, out of your way, and won't expect to be petted or cuddled. If you are planning to crate train use it either for a good lesson or a bad lesson, never both because the dog will get confused and each time it is put in the cage at night, or when you leave, it will think it is being punished for whatever reason.
dogs like to have a home, a place of their own. when i get a puppy i have a crate a little bigger than their size. when i leave the house or go to bed i put the dog into the crate. I say crate please every time and give her a small treat. at first there may be some resistance but soon the dog will come to you and go into the crate. the dog will not go to the bathroom in its' crate. as soon as you remove the dog from the crate take it immeadiately outdoors to the spot that you want it to use for the bathroom. wait until it goes praise it and give it a treat. crate training makes it easy to house train your animal, and provides it with its' own space. you can find lots of good books on this method.
A crate can be used as an adjunct to housebreaking puppies. By instinct, most dogs do not want to defecate or urinate in their den -- in this case, the crate.

The puppy is kept in the crate except during feeding time or during supervised play time. When the puppy comes out of the crate, he or she is taken to the "special area" and given encouragement to "go potty" or other predetermined voice command. When the puppy "goes potty" she or he is profusely praised. Until housebroken, the puppy is either in the crate or is closely supervised.

For maximum effectiveness, the crate must be just large enough for the puppy to be able to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably. If there is too much space, the puppy might use the unoccupied end as a bathroom. In addition, timing of the puppy's potty breaks are crucial. Even a confined puppy has a difficult time controlling its urination and defecation. Control gets better as the puppy gets older, but it is the owner's responsibility to ensure that the puppy has ample opportunities to eliminate outside the crate.

Toys and soft material for bedding in the crate make it more comforting for a dog or puppy.

Even an adult dog, when ill or affected by certain medications, can end up soiling the crate, making the dog uncomfortable both physically and mentally, if the owner isn't vigilant and aware of the dog's needs
