everything about your dogs

What household appliances or other scare your dog the most?

My Lab mix is scared to death of the vacumn cleaner. I have heard other people say that, but I do not know why. Other things make noises, like the mixer, etc., what is it about the vacumn cleaner that is so scary to them. Do you have any funny stories about your dogs and their monsters in the house? I love her to death, and my husband has to take her riding in the house when I do the vacumning, when she comes home, she will check to make sure it is out of the house before she will stay and not try to run outside. She has even gotten out the gate and ran around the cul-de-sac to get away, that far away . .??
To correct this problem you need to have your husband hold here in front of the vacuum with it turned off have her get used to it so she isn`t afraid DO NOT HUG HER CUDDLE HER TAKE HER AWAY OR ANYTHING ELSE I KNOW IT SOUNDS MEAN BUT IF YOU DO ANY OF THE THINGS I SAID NOT TO DO SHE WILL ALWAYS BE AFRAID AND YOU WILL BE STOPPING HER FROM GET OVER HER FEAR YOU MIGHT HAVE TO TRY THIS OVER AND OVER BUT IT WILL WORK EVENTUALLY (Make sure you have LOTS of time BEFORE you start) Please try before taking her out of the house before you vacuum because it is not helping her or making life easier on you
Hope I Helped Bye!
vacum cleaner for my male and the phone for my female she howls her little head off
I have 2 dogs and the big one (bassett/beagle mix..80 lbs) runs like crazy when I get out the vacuum cleaner or carpet cleaner. She runs around the house in circles trying to get away from it..it's really funny to watch. My miniature schnauzer used to bark at it and attack it when she was a puppy. She'd literally hang onto where the bag was and ride around on it growling while I vacuumed.
my dog is terrified of the vacuum!! he will try to hide under the bed.only problem is that only his head will fit under the bed!! lol
My black lab hated the vacumn cleaner, we would have to let her out of the house when we used it. Its not only the noise but they emit a high range noise that we can't hear that also has to do with them getting scared.
My dog is scared of plastic bags and anything I can shake at him that makes a loud noise. He gets this weird O___o kind of a look on his face and goes to hide behind my daughter.
It's My Parents Dog But, The Dryer And Vacuum Cleaner Are The Top Two Things, But This Dog Is Scared Of Everything.
my dog goes crazy when my girl friend comes over and starts to cook, he thinks he will have to eat her cooking
The vacuum cleaner scares mine the most - but she doesn't run away and hide, she tries to tell it off - whilst backing away.Very brave!! lol
I was emptying out my turtle tank yesterday and our puppy was petrified every time I tipped the buckets of water out. Little sook.
I don't have a dog, but one of my cats is scared to death of the vacumn cleaner. She runs when she sees it before it's ever plugged in
usaually it's a vaccum cleaner ,carpet machine or broom he'll run an hide unless he feels brave then he'll bark at it and run in circles plastic bags he'll run if i'm by myself if my husband is home he'll run to him and bark like he wants to kill it and he'll also will try to bite him instead of the bag he also barks at thunder and will go looking to see where the sound is coming from
The vacuum for a fact, and the broom and mop. They're starting to figure out that if they're behind me while I vacuum they're fairly safe, but getting there seems to be a problem for them. They sneak around the house at least twice before they can succeed.
Garden hose is also a big scare. Water doesn't even have to be on, just point in their direction and they're gone in less than a heartbeat and hiding behind the shed.
I also have a lab mix, she is afraid of fireworks, cap-guns, pretty much any loud and sudden noises.
I have a Yorkie mix who hates the vacuum. I don't want to say he's afraid of it though, everytime I pull it out he actually jumps on it and tries to attack it. It's actually really cute.

I also have a lab who for some reason is terrified of the lawn mower. He's never outside when we use it, but when he's outside and it's put away, he always runs up to it and barks long enough for him to see it's not going anywhere.
He even ran down to my neighbor one day who was mowing the lawn and scared the crap out of him by barking at the thing.
The male hides when I turn on the faucet in the tub. The female is afraid of almost everything that makes noise.
Hi! I have 2 rotts. It is the vacuum! My male goes into another room and then leaves that room when I go there. My female barks and tries to chase it. That was at the beginning when i first got my babies. Now they just go into the living room and get on the sofa. My cat however runs and hides on one of the dinning room chairs. Then when I go by him he puffs up his fur stand on end and he hisses at it. I love it they are so cute.
