everything about your dogs

what is a blow fly?

we have been finding small bumps on our dog.they peel off leaving round bald spots.
The dog's chiropractor said they are probably blow flies and harmless.
Has anyone heard of these?
Read up on blow flies on this site.


I don't think that it could be them, unless your dog is totally dirty and has open sores, as this article states the eggs live on matted hair and decaying flesh..yuck.

You may want to go to another vet for a second opinion, JMHO.
Blow-flies are usually the first insect to come in contact with a dead animal. The bumps are just the eggs that are laid on the dog. Obviously though, your dog is not dead.

Blow flies are insects that lay eggs in dead animals, and occasionally lay them in live animals. In either case, maggots will be seen shortly after the eggs hatch.
