everything about your dogs

What is a good apartment dog that won't get to be over 25 pounds?

I don't like Chihuahuas very much :)
The smaller the better.but I want a breed that doesn't have mad crazy health problems.
I'm thinking a quiet small dog called a basenji. But, that's not all, look up toy dogs or terriers.And if you don't want health problems, look at the local shelter, the staff there should know the dog's demenor.
Corgis are awesome!
cocker spaniel
I did not like Chihuahuas ether but my friend had baby ones and they were so Cute just give them a chance and you will love them!!
Good luck
Dachshunds! I have had them all my life. Great apt. dogs!
doxhond (aka hot dog dogs) they are the worlds best small dog.
i have a Pomeranian. she is my best friend. she is not too loud and if you have children they are great with them. and she has never had any "mad crazy health problems"
Minature Dachshund (Small Hotdog)
How about a cat??
Yorkie, Maltese, Shih-tzu, the long haired chihuahuas are cute, Papillon, Toy Poodle.
Tzchitsus are small calm and light activity dogs.
Shih tzu's are awesome pets, they are very loving and cuddlee.
They also don't require a lot of space. They are also very loyale.
ps. they don't shed!
a Yorkie but the can be expensive. Another suggestion would be a Jack Russell Terrier. Most small breed terriers are good dogs.
all the above are great. i have a beagel and she is not gonna get real big
i know you don't like them very much but, chihuahuas are good dogs. they are protective and love attention. if you have the time for them they are great , but they do want lots of attention. so far from the ones that i have had they did not have a lot of health problems and the life span is around 10 to 15 years. if you are dead set against them though give a toy poodle a try. they are great dogs also:)
I have a pomeranian/ chihuahua and a shih tzu/ daschund both should be under 20 lbs but my shih tzu/ daschund is overweight but both are about a foot -a foot and a half tall and just the right size to cuddle up to on my lap when it's cold :) so these breeds should be good for an apartment :) good luck
Yorkshire Terrier!
I went to Paris last month, and the yorkie population amongst apartment owners/renters was insane! Yorkies are
-sweet, extremely loyal to their owners and friendly to those not their owners (unlike the occasional cocker)
-smart, they learn quickly about potty training and sit, stay, come commands
-small, the average yorkie weighs under seven pounds
-beautiful, they're known for their silky, long, beautiful coats

I happen to have a yorkie myself, and I just love him to death, if you have any more questions just ask me!!
In my opinion it would be a Boston Terrier. They make great companions.
mini doxie
How about a Pug?? They have great temperments and don't shed much at all.
dashound hound. i have a dapple dashound hound named juicy fruit and hes the best little mab..
i have a cairn terrier and she is great-not an outside dog at all-keeps herself amused--still likes to go for a short walk every day.
